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<br /> ;:.T.'ji�..s.�S.,,:,�t�a- - - - .
<br /> ,� �'_
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<br /> ?iti� ' �
<br /> �MO �d�7R��A F�
<br /> �F, R
<br /> .�';__�: . S. �� or 1Pp+opert� I�raets�. Horsawer st�ll keep tl� imgmvesnents r.aw exisfsng os herrafier er�d oa -
<br /> Frc�►eity insuc�d again..�t lass ey�re.h�zards inEiadsb wichin ii�e�'e�ct�i i���°�i�y ''��. ,a; " �_
<br /> �����' ftssods ar 4laod3Rg.fas�vhish Lender e.,quires iasnrauce. This insurans�e shall!�e mai�ed in the sunounts ursl for the periads -
<br /> � �.�'. that F.�ndtn ren�.�.Tla�i inswans�c�zrier providlag th�iasurance,ah�lt 6e c�eas�n by�orrower sutsjecc co LsaQer'�apprava! _-
<br /> <..� which sh�1F nw.L�tc�t�onably withheid: If Borracrvr fails ta�maintain coverage descrt"aed above. Lender may. at Lender's __
<br /> „ optto�r,c�6'�ait►aovera�e to pmtesx lan�es's dghts 3n t��e Fm�eny ia uaoordana with PengraPh 7.
<br /> '1'� Ril insorance gvflcies nnd r�nev�als sh�tl be��able to L.end�a�d shall iac[ude a standud mort�age ctause. Lender ��
<br /> � `� Ehalt have the aipJit to f�id tI��policies uns!mr.aivgis.If�ender requims.Barrauru st�al!prompuy give to F�endps a!}racei�ts oF �-
<br /> =�° prisi��iums m�-r�a!aQiices.I�t tEsg ever+t ef to$s,L�orr4vrer shaU give prom�t notice to t�t�insu�w�prrier aad Lender. �_:
<br />�` p �t 3/ Y
<br /> � Lender rsay maf�praof a�f toss if s�t sr,t�dcs eo ti D �orrower. __
<br /> . �� Einless I.ender u��mrr�n�cE othe,r�vise ogre�in v�ritinQ.ir.snaanse pzooeeds s�all be a.vplied to r�storetion or repair of the
<br /> -;: .r' � FrapertY damaged.if the restoratian or.repai:�is etonntAically feasibte aztd Iender's seciuity is Qoa lessened.If the restoratian or
<br /> "` ' repair is not eoonamir,�lYy feasibte or Leadsr's sttvsity wauld be fesseated.the insuaance pmce�s shall be apglial tfl the sums
<br /> � ��' seaued by this S�sy Insn�ame�.w.hetiter or a�s th�a d�e. �rrit3�acey excess paid to Borrawer. Yf Borrorver a�and9ns the
<br /> � Frop�rty,or dnes mt a�.mer witb;n 30 d�ys a a��ce fram i�nder tbat the insurmcce canier has offend to settie a clsiim, ctsen
<br /> .s"` i.ender�ray wlloct the irsnrance pmceeds. i.eadez tapy u�e �.procze�s to repair or restore the Praperty or to,p�y sw�s� —
<br /> , ;�
<br /> ���r.sltis Security Insttument.wI�ether or aot F�en duc.T�he 3Q-day gerind will begin c+r�en the natice is givem. —.
<br /> £T�ss Lend�r and Borrower otherwise agree in writi��,amY sgP4eafion of pe�s t�principaD shall noi eatend or --
<br /> . °`, ponpoas th�da¢dat,3 of ehe awnthlY PaY�r�ferrr�to in paragraphs t and 2 ar c�ge 4be amoum of the paymtats. If --
<br /> � s T . �P�S�P����P�}'is acqui�d bp�er, �arrawer's rigtzt to aay lss��u�ance polIcies and proceeds ressuddng fcnm �:
<br /> ';,.,t. ' � damage a�t�e�cgeaty Prior•m t&�aa�isition s�ka11 pass to Le�der ta the e�cant of t�e sums se�ared by this�aiity I�uuume�E . _
<br /> ",, im���.gr.'s�tr.�e�e as�qnisittqu. ' ', ' , , . -
<br /> �� 6:�tTa4ar�,;�u�,Bt9in4ea�n�a�red�t�atoctloa of the R opc�4y;�rravser's i.aas�Ap'�an.T.�u►Irii�.. . _
<br /> � 'zt� Bor�wer stialE ar,�a�r,;�ta61is6.and use�h��s�rty as Bomawes's priccipal residenoe witlpn siaisy days'after the e��dSon�df'�:::,°',�. . ,-
<br /> this Sa:uiity IQSt�unv�ic aad shall continua to a�ccup3r the Pro�setty as E�rmwer's prineipa!residence for ai least mLe year�er .
<br /> che d3t�af occugancy,�ess Lender otfle�vise sgcees cn arii�.wi�ich wnsent sFiall not be un�sonably.tivithhef�`pi•untess '
<br /> . � ° . .e�ctenrt�t6ng circ�ces exist whici� are 6eyond $ozrow4c's control. Bamawer sh�ll not des�oy, dama,gz or �ri�air the ` _
<br /> ."' s'. ' Property,allow tht Pmperty ta deteriorate,ot oom�nit aaste on t�he Pmpa�}r.&�aower sha11 be u►defnuIt if airy forfeiurre 4
<br /> . action or praceeding,whether civIl or criminui�.i�began that in'Lender's good faith judgm�t coald msutt in fa�rfeiwre of ths `
<br /> ''• "; , ��rtyr os atheiwise m�terially impair the liea iax.�ied by tlus Securiry Insuvment o=l.eader's secnrity ici�est.Sorrawer may __
<br /> � su..�snir�u defauit an+d reinstate..as provided im p�.-agaph lfi.by causing tha Ection ar pnooeediag ta be dismissed anth a rating
<br /> ':.��. ;+� r;titcs cr�:��nder's�aa+�faith detiii�s3scation, proctudes€or�eit�e of the Borrawer's ini�si in the Pmp�rty ac W�er mute�ia! �
<br /> ,'. . of thc lien created S���tf;�€s Secur►ty Instranseat,cr Leader's security i�tetes#: 63orrawer shall also 6e in defanit if _-
<br /> • ` amp''���st,�t?fr'•.
<br /> .. . . 8ortnt�ea?�c�utia4 tl�s:kr.,an agplication process,Lr�t�snate�iatiy falss or innccurate informntion or stazeu�r►ts to Le�der(or failed
<br /> • �.. ; to provide Lett�:wi:3s��i�ny matetial i�tfom�atiau}�"h�:wnnection witk the 4�aan qvideaced hy the Note.including,�ut nnt li�cited . �,�-;�`'.• --
<br /> ... 5 f.-. . :
<br /> : . to.representatiosi�:��rniag�onower's occugaricy o�the Pres�trty as a�ec�apal Yesidenae.If this Secu�ty Instn!ment is on tt..:�.,::;r.
<br /> . le�seho,2,d. BoTrawer shaU campS� a+itti a11 the pmvisions�:.dr.e lease. If Bcrrawcr acqoims fee�title W the Ptv�ty�L:R ,•"�: �. ' .•-
<br /> • " � tcasehu��nd the fee ritte shall nnt mcrge unl�s L.ender agrc„�ts�.�he merges in writang. • `�`` '�" —
<br /> :," , : . _
<br /> ,. �.�i,;::..;.- � 7.P�tet.�tius�aF:�.ende�'s l�3ghts tn the Property.I�t�rc�uwer fails to peYf�rrm the oavens�t�nad figKements conta3nsd in �:,;:;.�:, ,-
<br /> r ,: , �,�.���, � - -
<br /> :-;;x•;`':. Uais Stcuriry I�or there is a legal prnr.�in� tbat may significantiy a�acY Lender's r�gkts in tLe ProgcrEy (such as a _..: „ -
<br /> • ''i'��`: pmceeding in banYruptcy.Probate,for coadp�a�a mr frr��itµre or w enferce lavrs or rgula�ioas),t�en Lender nroy dc9 and ���' :
<br /> ' _ •; . Pay:fq��x��v�ever is necessaiy tG p�t�ct tho value af t�c 1�'r.ta�c�ty aad�.ender:s ri�hts iaa�Pro�erty. I.et►det's s�ctions may _
<br /> ..: �' incf'i:t11,���payie�S any sums s�ecured�Ury a lien which has'�ef�s�6;j over t&9s SS�ccurity �qrri�?�at, uppe.uimg ia conrt, F�7►�8 . _
<br /> � ;:�% rea5onable attoraeys'fee�and entertng on @ie Fc�perty w .�'br�.�t.�" '.',�x^�i irs.Alcltau��.end�sl�:.lm�st.take artioa uader tt�pamgraph . . _-
<br /> �`') 7.Lsnder does ca�litiv�t to do so. :-, :. .'; �� .`:.�.t:` , ; . •,.
<br /> �jd . .,'r�• . . .. .. 2..� _ � .-. . . - ��:i,?:, ..
<br /> •�.. `Arry amaunts'i.��to�used�y l.ender under this paragr�jt�•'7 sF,a1F�ts(:R{i�.°.artdittc�3 G..°�t Q��3i�i:i��rszver srcur�zd isy, tlus.;, .
<br /> ' ; Scxu�f�3nstrumest. UNess Sor•sawct and Lender�grc�to e�lttt,�r xerms of pa'pment.tZu,,;-�a�t�as�ts s�ia��is�unazr,�z�:�om t�e.;.:�" .
<br /> .�:•:: data�'�e�:-,d4sburseineni at the Nore rate and sl�ail be payabl��;�cr�h interest.�pon saotica�;L�� �er to Bonowe�;s��x�estui8'.
<br /> `•�:, '�.;',� paymdnt. •. :. ••
<br /> '� '�"„ �6.Mo►tg�ge Lcsuranee.If Lend�r rtqui�tad un�rtgage insuranee as a oondition of making thc Wa��sec�d by ihis SecvasYy�.,;�;:c .
<br /> ��, �•'.,
<br /> „�,,,:
<br /> .,.,, �nstn�mment. Soaower shall pay the premiumn rcquimd m maintain the owztgage insuiar�ce in effect. If, for any reason;it�;,�;`:,:
<br /> �� ' matig�e insnranc�coverage reqa4�6y t.ender iapses or ceases w be in effeG.Borrower s'hall pay the g�emiu�ts;ti�quired ca�`.;� -
<br /> : " ,;'.; � elyutiti ca=rerage substantiaily equiv¢tent to the mortgnge insurance pieviousiy in effect.c►t a oost substantially�quimtj�:nt t�n th��
<br /> cost ta Barrowee of,tqe mortgage iinsurance previ,dusly in effect, from aq xtttma.e mort$agc insurer approved by I.endet.�If
<br /> ..',y� sutr���ntialty equlv�tdrsaf mortgage ins�rrnace co•ierarge is aot available,Baaru;yer Fhall pay to lrndcr each raar�th a sum equal i.o,;:.,:. .
<br /> � �•; one.twetfth af ttil�c•.yi�r�rly m�tgage iasu�r►oe prcmival beiag p9id by Sn�+aS�er when the insw�nce ooverage lapsed ar ceased U��-' '
<br /> � ��;��i 6e in���tsct.d�a��i'ai1l accept,.vu�and retain these payments as a loss resesve in licu of mortgage insurance. E�ass� res�n�.:
<br /> � , � . Fqtm fJYS+t�3 9I$A
<br /> ::,. .
<br /> "t;.� ��• ':�� . ':1..
<br /> �_
<br />� . :i:;: �,. . � �ao�a � ,. .
<br /> ... :_t'7' �f.• '. .
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