' DEED O� TRUST 2 010 U 7 8 9 2
<br />(Continued) Page 6
<br />Bprrower. The word "Borrower" means Daniel P. Springer t�nd Susan M. Springer and include5 all co-signers and co-makers signing
<br />the Note and ell their successors and �ssigns.
<br />Dend of Trust. 7he words "Deed dt Trust" mc�an this Deed of 7rust among Trustor, Lender, t�nd ?rustee, and includ�s without
<br />limitetion �II assignmenl and security interest prnvisinns relating t.o ihe Personal f'roperty and Rents.
<br />Environmental Laws. Thc words "Environmental L�ws" mean flny tind mll state, federal and local statutes, regulations and ordinanct:s
<br />relf�tinq to the protection ot human he�alt'h or the environment, including without limitation the Comprehensive Environmental
<br />Response, Compensation, end I,.iability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq. ("CERCLA"�, th� 5uperfund
<br />Amendm�nts �and Re�uthc�rir.tation Act oi 1 986, Pub. L. No. 99-�55 ("�Af�A"1, the He.izardous Mat�:rit�ls Transportation Aci, 49 U.S.C.
<br />5ectinn 1$01, et seq., the Resource Conservation �and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., or �ther applic�k�le str��e or
<br />federal laws, rules, qr regulatibns adapted pursuant thereto.
<br />Event nf Default. The words "Event of Default" mean any of the ev�nts of default set forth in this Deed ot Trust in the evpnts of
<br />c�p(�iult snr.tion o( this beed of Trust.
<br />Gupranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommodation party to Lender, including
<br />withaut limitatinn a guaranty of pll or part of the Note.
<br />Hezardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials that, bec�ause �f their quantity, coneentration or
<br />physical, chemicpl or infer,tious charecteristics, may ctause or pose a present or potenti�l hazard to human health qr thc environment
<br />when improperly uscd, treated, stnred, disposed af, genereted, manuf�tcturFd, transported or �therwise ht�ndled. The words
<br />"Hnzardous Substances" are used in lhcir very broadest sense and include withbut limittation tany and all hazardous or ipxic
<br />substances, materials or waste �s definGd by or listed under the Envirqnmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" Also
<br />inciudes, with�ut limitalion, �etrolcum and petroleum by-produr,ts nr any irection therenf and asbestos.
<br />Improvements. The wnrd "Improv�;mr.nts" means all existin,y and (ukurc improvements, buildings, structures, mobile homes af(ixed on
<br />the Re�al f'roperty, ftar.ilities, additions, replacements �nd o[her construction on the Rc���l Prnperty.
<br />Indebtadness. 7he wnrd "Indebtedness" means all principal, interest, t�nd other amounts, costs ond expenses payeble under the Note
<br />or Fiel�ated (7bcuments, kogekher with all renewals o(, extensions of, modifications of, cons�lidations of and substit.uYipns for the Note
<br />or iielated Dc�cumenls pnd any amounts expEnded or advanced by Lender to t�ischarge Trustor's obligations or cxpr.nses incurred by
<br />Trustee or L�nder to enforce Trustor's obliyations under this Deed bt Trust, together with interest on such �mounls as provided in this
<br />Deed af 7rust. Specificelly, without limitation, Indebtedness includes the future advances set forkh in the Future Adv�nces provision
<br />of this Deed of 7rust, together with t�ll interest thereon.
<br />Lender. 7he word "Lender" means f I��ttn Valley St�tte Bank & trust Company, its successors and assigns. The wnrds "successbrs or
<br />essigns" mean �ny person qr company that acquires tany interest in the Nbte.
<br />Note. The word "Note" means the promissory note d�ted October 14, 2010, in th� Oriy11181 principal 8r1'IOUr�t Of
<br />$�1 �,000.00 from Trustar to Lender, tbgether with all rpnewals bf, extensions o(, modifications of, refinanr.ings oi, consnlid�ations
<br />ot, and substitutions for thc; promissory note or agreement.
<br />Persbnal Property. Th� words "f'ersonal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other articles of p�rsonal property now qr
<br />here�after owned by trustor, and nnw or hereafter �ttached or ettixed to che R�;al �'roperty; tngether with r�ll nccessinns, p�arts, and
<br />a�dditions to, all replacements of, �nd t�ll substitutions for, �any of such property; and togeYhpr wikh all proceeds (including without
<br />limitation all insurance proceeds �nd rr.funds ot premiums) from any sale or other disposiUon of thE f'roperty.
<br />F'roperty. The word "Properfy" mFt�ns cnllectively the REaI Prop�rty And the F'ersonal Property.
<br />Real prnperty. The words "Rt:�l Prpperty" mean the real property, interests and rights, �as further described in this Pet,d o( Trust.
<br />fielated Documents. The words "Fteleted Documents" mean all prvmissory nntes, credit agroements, loan egreements, environmental
<br />agreements, gu�tranties, security agteements, mortg�ges, doeds of trust, security deeds, collateral mortgtages, and t�ll other
<br />instruments, �greements and documents, whethar now or hereatter existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness.
<br />Rents. The wnrd "Rents" mcans all present �tnd future rents, revenues, income, issues, royalti�s, protits, �tnd nther benetits dr.rived
<br />(rom [he f'roperty.
<br />Trustee. The word "Trustee" means f'latte Valley 5t�te B�nk & Trust Company, whose �ddress is 810 Allen Dr, Gr7nd Island, NE
<br />688q3 and �ny substitute or successnr trustees.
<br />Trustor. ?he word "7rustor" mezns Daniel P. Springer and Susan M. Springer.
<br />175 1"ERMS.
<br />,
<br />STATE OF ��.�l.L� 1
<br />� 1SS
<br />CpIJNTY OF ��� 1
<br />pn this day bc(ore me, the undersigned Not�try Publi<;, personally appeared Daniel P. Springer and Susan M. Springer, as Husband and
<br />Wife, to me knnwn to be fhe individuals described in t�nd whp executed the Deed o} Trust, and tacknowl�adged that they signed the �eed ot
<br />1'rust as their free and voluntary act and decd, for the uses and purposes therein man;ionod.
<br />Given under my hand and nfficial seal this _ �_ day of _ ��c��'�+--C�Li__ , 20 l� .
<br />.�.. � _ _... W _... � -- /� - _... � ._
<br />�Y--- �L�- ._.._ _ __. ..��� 1���_d 6'�-.-�
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<br />�IERAI.f�t1TARr•Stet80fNB� Notary Public in an for the State oi���.___ G�s____�__
<br />KATF�FiYN KLIJSKA ---- �` �- _ - _
<br />M�ICOp1111.61p. L?A14 Residing at ___�.(�"G„�� � L�c�� __.
<br />---
<br />Y My commission expires _ _ � /4^ / / ( �_ ._.... _.
<br />---- � [ __. ---
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