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<br /> A c��rt�in p�rt ot thv Northwe�! Glu�rt�r !NW 1/4) ot S�a�ion Tw�nty-5ix
<br /> -i�� , .,,,.. f 26), Town�hip E1QV�n t 11) Noarth, R�ng• T�n l 10) We�t nt the. 6th P. M., �nore
<br /> - -
<br /> � -� �;,: p�r�.iaul�rly dwroribed ��� f'roa� o paint Mhvre th� North RiQht-ot-Way 1 ne �--�- _
<br /> "i�''�"'�' �;.,.• ot thw U�ion p�aitio R�ilro�d Co. , int�rw�ate 1.bv E��t lin• o:E thw
<br /> �sr .,. .s�;•.�J��. :
<br /> • ,.t* ..�•;-•�.. NorthM��t Ou�rter lNW �1/A1 ai f3ootion Tronty Sin t26), 7'oMn�h�p Elov�n �11)
<br /> `y-����'�'�?���:. North, R�ng• Tvn (10), W��t o� thv 6th A.M., N�11 County, NQbr�ska . _
<br /> `�-��'""'"'� � running thpnce Southweeterly alonA •nd upan thw North Itight-o�-Woy 1i�nQ of
<br /> :,��±f�•���:�i���. tho Union Pooifio Reilroad Co., tor o dietwnav of yUO.UO �'�et ta the oatuel
<br /> '"'`"'""`�°"=''�'"--:
<br /> L .,tn:ti��r,=��v:�.�.� point ot bRginn�ng� run�inA thQncQ Narth p�rAllel to thQ ERet lin• ot the --
<br />-- --•=-- �—� t�orthM�wt Duert�r �NW 1/4) ot owid S�otian Tw�nty-Six t 26), 725.U Fvet f
<br /> __`�:_ti:.rlubY._ ''��. _ -_
<br />- . ..b,.1..:�..... running tAQnae SouthMVSterly paroilvl �.o tt,e iiorth R1�hL-vt-Nay 23rsc of the _
<br /> �'•.�,�� � linion PMaitia Reilrood Co., tor a diatanov ot 4SO.0 F'avt� running thQnaQ --__
<br /> � South p�rallel to tl�w kaFrt line ot thQ Ndrthreat Wuprtwr �NW 1/4) oi aoid ___
<br /> ,,� ;;,,� . ,,x S�ation Trtnty-Six !26), 225.0 Pvet to a point on thv NorLh Right-ot-way -_.
<br /> •-=x � `� lin�• c,i th • Union A�ai�l.a Raiaroad Co., running th�nae Northeaaterly along �
<br /> °-�`�� , " ond upoo the Horth ItiAht-of-Way line ot the Union Paaifio fiwilroed Co. , tor -
<br /> —�•�`�'"�r����" � '�: o diet�noe ot 980.0 �vet to th� eatual point ot begi�ning, exovptinpl � ��`�
<br /> �'•�.`�� �. aerl�in traot of land mare partioularly dvaaribod i�n Worr�nly Dvvd r�oard�d �;__;•
<br />__.-.-_- , , •„. .''. ■■ Doaumwnt No. 77-U00473. �
<br />-:'� .. . ' AND d�
<br /> - •� • • A trvob ot land aomprieing e part of the NortbMOet Gluerter �NW 1/4> ot
<br /> '"'���� . ° . ., oh Elevwn 111) Horth Ren e Ten 110) MQ�t af ���,
<br />-....,�] ,•;:.° Svatioo Tr�nty-Six t26), ToMn ip . 9
<br /> � ,'���u.�::... tbv 6th P.l1. , in Hall Count , Nebraelca and more pertioularly deeoribad ae ��
<br />-_+�.*�� ��,,�:�.', y --
<br />=y:'� � � •• Sollor�� Fir4t, Lo �eaQrta�n thv point of baginning, etort at e paint on -
<br /> .t�'�'�{-�A� the NorthQrly right-of-May lin�+ aS the Unian Peaitia Reilraed Company, eaid
<br /> :� � . Mr�, o point bving OnQ-Thouoand 7'hrvQ liundred Fif ty t 1, 3SU.O) ieet SouthMeoterly _
<br /> ,.
<br /> _
<br /> n:: .,. .. _ Q-._
<br />- trom the intareeation ai eaid rigl�t-of-rey lino vith the east li.ne ot aeid
<br /> ' NorthMeot ouartvr (NW 1/4>t thvnaQ northerly perallel to thQ east line ot �__
<br /> "` ° � ooid NorthrRet Ouarter !NW 1/9), e distanoQ of Ninety Nine and F'�.�ty-F'ive --
<br /> ;•,'• ' • Hundrtdth■ �99.85) �eet to tha Actual point oi begin�n�� thQnoe oontinuing
<br />' . � ' � . Nartherly alon� thQ lant deaaribed aouree e diater�o� of One-Nundrvd ____
<br /> �'` Twanty-Fivv aod Forty-Five llundredtf�e �12S. 4S) Feat= thQOap 5outl�KOStQrly, �-
<br /> '," �' p�roll�l !o ■eid right-oi-Nay l�ne a distonae ot Sixty-Four ond Eighty-FivQ �r
<br /> � Hundredth� �64.95) F'eet� thenee detleoting lett 90 degreea 00' ond running �.;�.
<br /> ',, ,r South�asterly a distanae of One-Hundred Seven and Thirty Two Ilundredtha _-_.
<br /> ' � !107. 32) F��t to ti�e Aetual f'oint o# Bc}ginninp.
<br /> :,� � � j
<br /> _ , , ' � ' � �
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