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<br /> �„� .- �,.�... 5� .,,� I! the Lien at thie Deed o! Trust ie aub�ect to a eecurity ..�_•�-
<br /> intereat covering any property deocribed in thie GRJ�NTiNQ CLAU3E �,.��,--_
<br /> � � i�•- --�� � IYI, then all of the right, tit1Q and interest of the (3rantor in �-
<br /> - and to any and all such properCy ie hereby aseigned to the �� -
<br /> u � -` Heneticiary, together with the benetito of all depoeita and �==� -
<br /> , ., payments aow or hereaEter made tbereoa by or oa behalf of the t�:";�;;a;�.,;�_---�-
<br /> GraaCOr. � - _- ---� -
<br /> `- � (�RANTIN(3 CLAUSE IV. °��°�
<br /> R'�': � . =:�.�'=------=-
<br /> , �flurtenant Riahte. All eatate, right, titie and �'.v.s�.T�'�'��:==
<br /> .n.,q:,:.,.�.�o,�,�„�r�
<br /> ' interest of the C3rantor in, to, uader or dexived from all - . _ -•
<br /> � tenemente, hereditamenta and appurtenances now or hereafter �-�•�'��•�j�'�'��'-'� �
<br /> � r� �,c�...
<br /> -.- �=� r�iating to the Property; the streets, roadg, eidewalka and ..�:�. - ..�-
<br /> " , alleys abutt ing the Property; all etrips aad gorea within or t,�;��.x�'����.
<br /> ' ad j oining the Land; all land in the bed of any body of water ���rt:���r,�.
<br /> � � •
<br /> .. adjacent to the Land; all land adjoining the Land crcated by � ,�..;;:'.:.
<br /> ' � �� artigicial meaas or by accretion; all air epace and righte to uee k `�j�'�'""
<br /> air apace above the Landj all development,operating or similar i � ;;};;<i:r,,..-
<br /> righta appurtenant to the Land �iacluding, without limitation, . . !r�;::`;�
<br /> all righta arieing Prom zec9procal acceae agreemeate, joint �,,:. �
<br /> ,, • occupanay, use or development agreemente, and parking , ;''.`�
<br /> �:_
<br /> , agreeme�ate) ; all righte of ingrese and egreae now or hereafter �.{�; '��:�- ��:. �=--
<br /> � • appertaiaing to the Property; a11 eaeements, liceneee and righte „:�,;::;?�'. ;;�-�--
<br /> � of way now or hereafter appertaining to the Property; and all . . �x';;.,,�
<br /> � � royaltiee and other righte appertaiaing to the use and enjoyment �� �
<br /> of the property, including alley, party w�lls, aupport, drainage, ��� ' , : �'���
<br /> crop, timber, agr icu ltura l, ho�t icu l tural, oil, gas and other i��',� � �
<br /> � miaeral, riparian and other water righta (including, without {'t�n:;'�;�,;�1{�; '��-
<br /> limitation, water etock) . 'J' ,���•'f,;�{ t�: ;'
<br /> �:?��:�._��;5��'�t�
<br /> - ---- f} �'yN�qrt�i.`.�r
<br /> �. ax�rrrixa cr�vsE v. � s��' .'.°�`,,
<br /> ��.,. ::,;t�� �
<br /> r.Pne�a� Tntanaib�es. Paysp,ent Riahts n�d A�reemente. f,,�',v„
<br /> " All eatate, right, title and interest of the Grantor in, to, � '�� �
<br /> uader or derived from all contract righte, chattel paper, � , .. �
<br /> instrumeate, general intangibles, accouata (but excluding patient ���. , -."�:�
<br /> -f����
<br /> accounta) , guaranties and warranties, letters of credit, _:,�,:;:�
<br /> documenta, drafta, acceptances and real estate aad peraonal „ ' .,k,,;:�.
<br /> property tax refunde, in each caee relating to the Property or to ��
<br /> the preaent or future operation or occupancy of the Property, and � ,
<br /> • . all e�tate, right, title and intereat of the Grantor ia, to, . , �'���,.�•�•
<br /> under or derived from all aecurity agreem�nts, leases and other �
<br /> contracte eecurfng or otherwiae relating to any such contract . , ,� ,�,.;;',�. �
<br /> righte, chattel paper� inetruments, geaeral intangiblea, � . '': �
<br /> accounte, gtiaraateea, warraatiea, lettere of credit, documents, � ���: ���};:`:`:'�
<br /> ..:�:r;�.�:�. .
<br /> drafta, acceptaacea and tax refuade, and all plana, .�'���.:����, �:;:.�•'�-:>�
<br /> �, apecificatione, mape, eurveys, atudies, booke of account, '`; �'� ' �;!���?:�� �.=�
<br /> recorde, files, inaurance polici.es (including all unearned '
<br /> premiums and dividende thereunder) , title insurance policfea, ;
<br /> guaranteee and warranties relating to the Property, al].
<br /> architectural, eagineeriag, construction and managemeat
<br /> ,, �,;.1'
<br /> . I!.�� ' i tAl-ItS2l9.V1 411�02
<br /> �.,,,' 1 N�Ie�(ISlpl 5
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