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<br /> �:1ar+�,o �ea'�ti,w•;
<br /> - ;�: ,�;.�.}:.,, ,n,�, °� (iii) the arantor hao good and lawtul right to conv�y �.,^� . ____ _
<br /> � the Tru�t Property to the Truotee and the H�neliciary �- ;.��.,�;,�„
<br /> _ N'° � •�. � � " � � without th� coneent o! any Pereon oth�r than thoeo con�enta � ----
<br /> �' ° which have b�en obtaiaedj —
<br /> � (iv) the Lion created by thie Deed o! Truat conetitutee h�.�'�-�°..e �
<br /> - � -- �� a valid, binding and entorceable tirat Lien on tlae Truet i. „ �� �� ��
<br /> `''" .� PL'Ope1'ty� eubject only to the Permitted Property Lienoj aad
<br />�: (v) the Permitted Property Liens do not materially __ _
<br /> ' interfere with or rnaterially adveraely aEfect the uoe or �-�,��_
<br /> „ , . operatioa of the Property. "��,���k�` -
<br /> _ _ ` �
<br /> �^^ (b) The (3rantor ehall (i) cauee the repreaenta�.iur�s and �;�:,,;�,.�;;,�._:
<br /> warrantiee in eubsection (a) of thie Sec�ion to continue� to � � r �
<br /> be true in each and @very respect at aii timee prior to the ___---- �-��--
<br /> ;,,,nc:'` _ --
<br /> •� " terminatioa of thie Deed of Truat; and (ii) preaerve, ----�.�����
<br /> � protect, warrant and defend (A) the estate, right, title and _':Q:��
<br /> �� interr�et of the Grantor in and to its Truat Pro�erty, (B) -_-_
<br /> " the validity, enforceability and priority of the Lien of r L' -
<br /> �,:'.°""�.: �•i .,-.s
<br /> � this Deed of Truet, and (C) the right, title and interest of . . _�-
<br /> - the Truetee, Beneficiary and any purchaeer at any eale of � •='-`=�
<br /> ::.�::-.�,-;= r_
<br /> the Truet Property hereunder or re�.ating hereto, in each � . :�i
<br /> ,� � case against all other Liene and claima whatoosver, eubject � a�_ .�-��--
<br /> �� � oaly to the Pennit ted Property Liene. ''�''�- -
<br /> ��f'J.f�?�i.
<br /> � �.�, � . (c) Upon the recording of thie Deed of Trust in the ���
<br /> .��-��>• � county recording office indicated on 3chedule I hereto and `�r ` � _
<br /> ��`'�`�� the filing of Unifoszn Commercial Code Finaacing 3tatementa � . ��
<br /> ,�lY.'IIL�.f-:G
<br /> •''i'�� ia the Uniform Conansrcial Code filing officee and caunty � ,
<br /> � �-' recording offices indieate� an Schadulc II hereto, the lien -- - ���
<br /> of thie Deed of Trust and the aecurity interest in the Truat r ,�.�. , �
<br /> ' t�,`, , , Property granted hereby ehall be a perfected mortgage lien •���"�
<br /> �.-�� -
<br /> and fixture filing on and security intereet in the Truet f'
<br /> " ; :� Property prior to all liene on and security intereete in the �.F':Y,-
<br /> . Truet Property other than the Pezmitted Property Liene. � '="�'�
<br /> �A:M�� �
<br /> ."!1�"�!�"•:
<br /> �'a1�w:c S'.
<br /> (d) vpon rec�uest by the Beneficiary, the Grantor ahall k � �`•�- . �,t�, _ �
<br /> at its eole coet and expease (i) promptly correct any defect '� .. .
<br /> � � or error which may be diecovered �n the Deed of Truat or any � . . .- •.'�_}.�:;:�
<br /> ;, financiag etatement or other document relating hereto; and .-
<br /> �• � �;��,`: � tii) pramptly execute, acknowledge, deliver, record, and re- � :
<br /> .,�.;;. � �,, .
<br /> � record, regieter aad re•reyieter, and file and re-file this _,__,.
<br /> �'�. Deed of Truat aad any fixture filinga, financing statemente � •:�._..�.,,x
<br /> n � ��� or other documente which the Heneficiary may reasonabiy `" ������a
<br /> �.`' require from time to time (all in form and aubstance � "
<br /> � . reaeonably eatiafactory to the Beneficiary) ia order (A) to
<br /> . effectuate, complete, perfect, continue or preserve the Lien � ;•.��=�. .
<br /> ` of thfa Deed of Truet on the Truet Propezty, whether now � '+`��
<br /> ;,•;;;:�.
<br /> '•`�r•�.,.c� ow�ned or hereafter acquired, aubject only to the Permitted I .
<br /> r �"��'� •� •� Property Liene, or (B) to effectuate, complete, perfect, ,
<br /> � . '
<br /> .;� ; - u�•�1sit9.v� �nw2
<br /> N•sr�r.v��m 15 .
<br /> I
<br /> i
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<br /> I
<br /> . �
<br /> + i
<br /> . . � - —
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