����y. --'— \t";�,", i�.rL�� �l'a�W,.�$aih'+sD::t:+«:.�:�:.-�s.r .. . -� . 'F ..-_ .�� ----
<br /> 'i,��•yl },�(�}� h•.�•M• � . _�' —
<br /> _ _ .�t�1e.�� i-.J.
<br /> - .sy� _
<br /> n.��hY��'rTl: ' ��� .. .. . —. - .._ ._._ ��MR..r --�
<br /> ,. . ..
<br /> _."__ _.'__ .
<br /> ' ..... A� ��Y�irilr�Y�.Y.. '.__—.__- _---___—"_ __. ____- . _--'
<br /> . �7� � -�+pe.r�Ye+±1b bk
<br /> s• e� .. � /�
<br /> . . a�,��.;a,. . �-/'_ I/� �3�/
<br /> `��ay,t�!`�r,`�i+�+�.,. �� �(J
<br /> ;r,: .,., •,M,�,Ciyr,� :a'
<br /> � � � (b) in thie Daed ol T�.^u�C�, wa.�.e4� a�herwiee epecitied, �,��y,_—
<br /> �,�`� refQrencea to this Deed o! Tru�C, th� I,�a���, the Permita, and
<br /> . . any ot the Traneaction Docum�nte.m�aa au�h dacumente and all
<br /> . •� • .. � � amendmente, eupplemente, con,vQlida�tion�, replacemente, _.--.— -
<br /> - �'� � restatemente, sxteneiono, xen�wala�azr�l o�hor modificatior��
<br /> � `` """�`�`�"�� thereot, ia whnle or in pax�•.
<br /> . ` .��4' " —
<br /> _ 3. �_-- --- - —_�-_. ..._
<br /> ' . �� '�.+. 3ECTION 1.0�. ,�ntc�,�g���j�. In thie Deed oE Truet, �
<br /> � . � unleas otherwiee epeci.��ed,. (�.)� �ingular worda iaclude the plural =..._-
<br />'�`; �' " and plural worde includ� tthe� �in�lularj (ii) worde which include a =�'°0�"
<br />�:,; � � . number of constituent parts, thinga or elements, including tha �"�- .,... ����-_-
<br /> , � terme Leaoes, ImprovemenC�, Land, 3ecured Obiigatione and Truet " -
<br /> �..,
<br /> ���� �..�.. . Property, sha].l be con�tru.ed ae referring eeparately to each t
<br /> ;' � - � conetituent po�rE, �l��uy or ele�snt thereof, as well ae to ail of �------ -�_
<br /> such conatituent parte, thinga or elemente as a whole; (iii) "—"`'`'�'°�'°��`
<br /> �=r
<br /> � worde importing aay gender inalude tbe other genderj (iv) Q���,
<br /> ' � . , � references to any t?eraon inciude euch P�reon's succeaeore and ���r
<br /> . ' �. '� � aeaigns and ia the caee of an iadividual, the word "succeaeora" �_-'`'`�'"` . '
<br /> � . .. includee euch Berson•a heirA, devieeea, legateee, executore, °�'��'=��•--�.,:,,,,
<br /> � • � � adminietratore and peraonal representatives; (v) refereucea to ����;;` ``���
<br /> � any etatute or other law include all applicable rules, :t•t'..� -
<br /> regulatione and ordere adopted or made thereunder and all ' `a",°N L
<br /> . atatutea or other lawa amending, consolidating or replacing the . �''�'' =���,.
<br /> -� -- �° - • atatute or law referred toj (vi) the worde "conaent", "approve" ' �. �<<�=
<br /> , . and "agree", �and derivatione thereof or words of aimilar import, ; ,= -�
<br /> •� � mean the prior written conaent, approval or agreement ot the �; '
<br /> . . Pereon in estioa• vii) the worde "include" and "includin ", ������'�
<br /> (
<br /> „ � � and worde o eimilar import, ehall be deemed to be followedgby
<br /> � � �� the worde �without limitation"j (viii) the worde "hereto", ,w� ,, .,,
<br /> � "herein", "hereof " and "hereunder", aud words of eimilar import, •`:_�° _��=...�
<br /> . �a£e��� t� thfe Dead of T�ust in i�s entirety; (i:c) refarences ta --- .- "�.
<br /> � • „ � Articles, 3ectione, Schedulee, Exhibits, eubaectione, paragrapha
<br /> � and claueee are to the Articles, 3ectione, 3chedules, Exhibita, '��'�"'
<br /> �� �, • • , subeectiona, paragraph� and clauaee of this Deed of Truat; (x) 1 �°�''"
<br /> ' �� � ' • • � the 3chedulea and Exhibite to thie Deed of Truet are incorporated � '` .
<br /> ��`'�� ' � herein by raference; (xi) the titles and headings of Articlea, ytti�.�._;:;�� �- ic
<br /> ,.,�.,,:;:_.,..
<br /> '� ''``" " Sectiona, Schedulee, Exhibita, subeectiana, paragraphs and �'��
<br /> . ' ' clauaes are inaerted ae a matter of convenience only and ehall .`',�.:`"�`. .'�
<br /> � �---.-
<br /> � not affect the conatruction og thia Deed of Truat; (xii) ali � � -z'��`� -
<br /> obligatfone of the (irantor hereunder ahall be eatiefied by the . �n'.�:'>';�-
<br /> • (3rantor at the Grantor's sole cost and expenees and (xiii) all � �'=
<br /> .. righta and powera granted to the Heneficiary hereuader ahall be � ��-�.�
<br /> -.:. ,:�.,•
<br /> „ deemed to be coupled with aa interest and be irrevocable.
<br /> '�� � SEGTION 1.03. �esoiLt�on of DraEtinq Ambiguities. The . .. �-��-
<br /> ;...�
<br /> � � ' " Grantor acknowledges that it waa repreaented by counsel in �, : - �=-
<br /> _`..,'r-t!^"'
<br /> � + connection with thie Deed of Truat, that it and its counsel , . -_
<br /> �' reviewed aad participated in the preparatioa and negotiatioa of � ._ =��i'T�
<br /> ' this Deed of Trust and that any rule of conetructioa to the ; �' . �. �`�� -
<br /> ° . . effec� that ambiguities are to be reaolved againet the drafting E �M1�.
<br /> •.�t�
<br /> party or Heneficiary ahall not be employed in the interpretation i
<br /> of this Deed og Truet. �
<br /> .. , .�
<br /> ui•usz�s.v� +n��
<br /> ., � ri.w.r.ca�m 13
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> r 1
<br /> .
<br />' ' �-_
<br />