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<br /> s-���,��.,� ,,::_. ::;- . 92-
<br /> � '"�"f��''``"�'"�'' •Coilateral. Ag�nt� cn�an� Wilminqton Tru�t Cc�mpany, a _
<br /> .,..,..�.,.�,���,,
<br /> � �.�� D�lawar� banlcinq corporatl.on, in it• aapacity a� coll�t�r�
<br /> ��*�� °; ag�at und�r thwt c�rtain Coilat�r�l Ag�nay J►gr��m�nt dat�d
<br /> ^���� ""�� a• o! March �4, i992 b�tw�Yn Aq�nt �nd Nilmin9COn Tru�t
<br /> .;��,�r,�:.�,� �>�.., Cotnpany.
<br /> : .. , ,.
<br /> . . 9... .,•' ` �i i
<br /> - �•" ' = -�.- .. "Cond�mr�ation" meAna any con�lemn�ti4n ar othe�r taking r_ , _ _��_
<br /> ���='�� :". or tempora�ry ar p�r►ne�n�nt r�qui�ition ot th• Prnp�rty, �ny �-___.
<br /> — � � � ir�tereet ther�in or right appurt�n�nt th�r�eo, or any chsnge �_
<br /> ' � ot grade attecting th� Prop�rty, a• th� r�sult o! th� —�--
<br /> ��� �� ' exerci.�e o! any righC o! cond�mnation or �min�nt don�ain. A �—°�` -
<br />- . ,,,, " transtar ia li�u or a�nticipation o! Cond�mnMtion •hall bo E� -+- - �
<br /> - ••s � � deamed to be a Cond�mn�tion. � __��_
<br />,,,.
<br /> � , "Contract• !or Sale" i• d�tin�d in Grantinq Clru�� ]�I. ►��=���`- `—�
<br /> ;..
<br /> , . y!_- .�.. `�.Z.
<br /> . o. , ; "Cr�dik Agreea�ent" i� dalin�d in Re►cital A. �_— ---
<br />°...��' , r "D�ed o! Truet" i■ deliaed in th� t �r•�enbl�
<br /> . "DelaulG" mQano any condition or ov�nt which `
<br /> . `r. � f` . �. .=� ..
<br /> �� conetitut�o an �vent o! Aetault or w•hich with th� giving o! �.
<br /> � � � ��, notice or lapoe ot time or both would, unl��• cur�d or ---
<br /> � �� waiv�d, b�com� aa Event o! D�tault.
<br /> : �—���
<br /> �i "Encwnberod Truot Property" mean� tha Land d��crib�d on � -'-'
<br /> •` Exhibit A the Improvementv thereon �nd all oth�r Tru�e �' -
<br /> .. � �.. -, . �- _
<br /> �� • Property aaoociated therewith.
<br />:�'_��, �� " "Equipmentp io detined in aranti.nq Clau�• III. ��_-�•���- __
<br /> _. .._ . _. . . � . .
<br /> �' .,, � ' : �� "Event ot Default" io delined in 8eation 5.01 h�reol. '_�:..'��.-�_
<br /> • . . M p � . .'
<br /> � • Grantor io defiaed in the Prea�mbl�.
<br /> �• "Quarantcr" ie def ined in RQCital A. �,�=a,R
<br /> � � "Impoeitfona" ie detined in 9ection Z.04. �"`�-�
<br />, . ��._._'y.:._'
<br />, �;,:" "Improvemeato" io de�ined in Granting Clauoa II. f:,:��—
<br /> . ¢�Y����'�°'�
<br /> •� "Ineurance Policiee" meane the ineurance policie■ and E:���`;�_—_
<br /> coveragee required to be maintained by the Cirantor with �•a'���—
<br /> � •, . respect to the Property pursuant to the Credit Agrsement or ����-°=_�-_=��
<br />. �. thia Deed ot Truet. �''�'�'�`_-�
<br /> � Ninaurance Proceedo" meane, at any time, all in�urancn � ��-��--
<br /> ��•.,;:,, � proceeda or paymente to which the Grantor may be or becomo � �
<br /> • entitled by rea�on af any Caeualty under the ineuranca
<br /> . Policiea with reepect to the Property plue (i) th� amount� � �
<br /> ot any deductiblee under such Inaurance Policie�= (ii) if
<br />� � the arantor iaile to a�aintafn any oi euch Inaurance ,
<br /> � , �
<br /> ' . . LAI-ItS7l9.V1 ���,9]
<br /> ' N�wr.tnlsn 1 O
<br /> . . f �
<br /> '. �. i: :;f: �
<br /> \� .
<br /> , �. �" •,� ;.��.• .
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