.. ..i?a}; " ., . . . ... ._ . ' , . . F;. .. .s. i . _
<br />.. "t� , �' 4, . n - •4,.. � .., r F-, . .
<br /> f-��t�.. r . � c:' � - . . .'= ��- . . � � �t_.`� `•�•-1, � _..
<br /> ..� ` --
<br /> � '�'a'�`�.
<br /> < * Q!'�1 !p�e� _
<br />�-.S� �� ��NF�fA `
<br /> °� �heire�o. Aay �rea�a, i.uclur"ng Beatefi�i�sy►, m�y g�xct�se safd _
<br /> � propegty at said eale. —
<br /> �F, -
<br /> The pe�sea conducting tYae sale may, for aay c��.�r� �� ar she �-�
<br /> 8eems extaedi�nt, pa�tpone t�e eale fram �ir� eo eiaq� usatil it sha21 :-
<br />� k�e co�gl�Lc-aZ and, �n e'�zy such case, notic� of gostgoac�nn�nat cahall F_
<br /> ` � be g�ven i�y pub�.ic clQClaration �ker�g ��r s��� ��ea� at th� �ic�2 �-
<br /> ��` aud glac� last ap�iated for the ea1e; �srovidc�, ig the sale is =
<br /> ��� pogtg�ner� for l�ger than one (i) d�y beyand thQ c���e desig�ated in.
<br /> the aotice of �ale. notice thereof �hall b� c,y1've8. in the sa�e _
<br /> ffisnner as the �riginal natice of sale.
<br /> �.�,,:
<br /> < 13. A�tnee��e�a ��t BxclLS±v�. �'nxstee asr.1�Hea��ficisry, artt� --.
<br /> �r�` ea�� �f tmem, sha11 be entatleH t� c-.i,.fo�ae paymar�� ancl pe.��oszn�ace
<br /> of any i.adeb'tediaesg or abli.ga�ioa secured her�et�jr as� to exercise 1
<br /> a11 rights and paNers under this need! af °u'9ru��� ar u��r aay loan
<br />� instnuneat or ather agre��nt or a�ay ]t��. a��c or �a�raafter -
<br />� ��' eaEorced, notwithstaading seme ar a3.]. oiE ti� iadeb��cess aad
<br /> oblig�ations secure� hereby w�.ieh may n�w og h�eaftie� Yxs otd�sari.se
<br /> secured� WY1�tIteY by m�z��age, deed o�� tz�ast, P����, lien.
<br />' assignmerst o� o�zwise. � .i�ca�+ther the a��a�.�ca. of td�i� g� of -
<br /> �`xust noz its eaforcemeia.e.,;� �eth�r by c�u�. actav� or pu��.�3a� to
<br /> � tl�:�t�re� of sale os other �-�aers Y�er�in �on*air��,,sh�ll�p���ica
<br /> . �, �:� au� m�mmne� �ffect Truste�'s �r Henef'ic�ar�r'�s �rs�h� tm reali�e
<br />;..Y � ?z�W'}� or e.�fosce �ny other security aow or 1�r�af��g,hr►1d�b�.�T�s�ea . �
<br /> , . oY �enef f�ciaay, it being agree8 that Tru�� �°�er,�;�fici�s�p, aas�
<br /> � each of them, slaali be entitiea to e.nforcd•t�;ia R�e� o£� T1NS►t a� -
<br /> � � �the� secu�i� �.s�-�v or herea�te� hei��b�y,• e"ri.:� �:���ciary a� --
<br />��;�:��'-` �cu�tee in such arrY�:��ad maaner ae t3iey, o�,eit��ci� C�i��a,�,ma�,i�
<br />`������ ttieir absoi�ate di��t#.on dete�i.ue. N� �ansd��..�:�r�i��ccnfrr�rre�
<br />•:,�;�.� � upan or sesesv�c� to Trus�ee o� Senefi�i�:�cy�., i�. iu�e��3.� to k�e -
<br /> . exclusiv� of any other a�me8y iierein aie� k�.- lac�� paau�a� or� _.
<br /> • ' � pezmi�tec3, hut eac�i a�aali be� cu�ul.,��.�ve a��s�e.1Il�b� i�a.�a�.�ia� to
<br /> _ e�Qxy ot�er semedy�.��i.ven he�re�ndes;.�� ncw oL�Jac�xea���c�ex�.sg�;�� �
<br /> law or im equit� or �by staeute. 8v�'.y g��`;a�e� reata�g�,-�1i.vcr��Yr�.a�;
<br /> � of t�ie ].oazs instrumi2nte to Truste� or �r�f�cf�:xy�,� o�� to which�
<br /> ' efthe� �f t�e� may be ot�eswise enta��Il� may,�]�� es�rci.sc�, _
<br /> � �oacsa�reatly as iAs3eP�nden�ly, fraa,time t��.Ft��e, �d��Q�+af��,�asc
<br /> � '? may be d�emed exgc�.r�;�ent by Truetee or Be�xefi�i����:,ar�,f�;eit�g o�
<br /> � them niay pursu� �+cp�nsiatent remedies. Nat2�iur��;�3�:�+e�u� s�;9.1� be
<br /> :"�.} conatsuee���� grohibit�.ng Ben�ficfary frar,�'��,ia�Y�o� a; dr��ici�a�y.�
<br /> . �ue3gaient a�r�inst Trustor to the extent eu�?��t,3,pri.• ,a�g�i���fl��3P.- _
<br /> ; „,. law. � :: , � r.. . .
<br /> �� 14. S t s ;��z NatYce. Trusto=� h+�r�y.rc��s�� a�cd�sy m�`, � :
<br /> .. aay aotice o� a"te��ti�l� and that a�y noL���.%. oE•, ��1��h���.€�.��r be' �
<br /> ,.. �, mailed te 7�'r�tstors at the ad8rees.se� fc��'���1n���i� ffi.ra�� Lataxagrap�.
<br /> � oE th9.6 D�i'�.���,�"set. . . i..
<br /> .�.��
<br />`.''�. ' � . ;�: �5.. �n���`�� �.�,�q��t of Suacesso��'n;r�rr�g. }�e�3E3.��itry�.ta�y; fracrt�.
<br /> ;_ •., � }a
<br /> � � tie�, to �Srtt�"��ro ]b;� a�ritten fi..netslu�ent ex�cw.3���a��ac3�e����d��� by
<br /> . i ; Be�e�ic�i����,.,`m�iled to �rustore an� rece���ii�,ttn� C4c�u�+�y in�w�aich ,-
<br /> � � i� � � • � �Re� pxape.r+�� is located and by o�hex�r3.t��� c�rly-,�ny: w�s.tfl�, t�.e
<br /> .• .. ,. :
<br /> g�°�isione of � applicab2e laoe of tI�,4 SC�.�� ag H�b�a�7c�.
<br /> � ; s���itu�e a s����s�aa� ar succe��oa� to �Etm Ti.������mBd Yn�trEan, m�
<br /> : acL:��9 hexeunde�: =-
<br /> . 16. �sa�e��,��s acl Asafg�s,. Th�.s gi�� oE� Txua�� a�rg.�lfes to -
<br />.�;!�;.:� �` � finur�s to tEie lbesio€ft of ara� biad� ��.� paxt��� I�re�o, tai�ir
<br />"�:' bs�.xs, i�gatees, devisees, persana]. represeaita�tifv��..��n�c��soa�s aa��
<br />, ' ' aSSf�IIB. The tesm °BP•IIefiCiBSy° 9h311 �3�2 �h� O�'��8'� ��d+' �$02dL�T of
<br /> the riote� �►hether or not n3med as Ben�E�r�i�ay hc32��fn�.
<br /> � ; 17. �P_�xefiaiarv•s p�a�rs. Without affect3ug;��e 19aI9il�ty�of
<br /> aay ot.her pesson liable for the payar�ea�t of aay.�•cs��fiyaC3�sn h�rEfa�
<br /> . �ntf.onezl, and e�i.thaut af�ecting th� lie� or c�.aa�g� cs� �is II�cr� o�
<br /> � Truet �upon any poztfon of the progert� a��� tE�r�za�oa� Ch��e�o¢ose
<br /> release8 ae s�c�n�i�gr for ehe fuli pa.ymed!t oP aiA� usag�a�.a
<br /> � ablig�tions, B�aaefscfary may, frvm time to tim� ���a3.thou2 notic�: •
<br /> .�. S �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � �-
<br /> � . . .. .. .. . . , ��..
<br /> � .. . :+�i . . .. . , . . • � „ .. . , . ' .. . • ,. ..��.'. . . •• . � . � :,�.
<br />