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201007863 <br />M�:�:Mi:���7 <br />REQUTSTTION FORM <br />Or�mer Narne and Address: <br />Pursuant to, and in accordance wiCh, the provisions o�' the Section 16Q2 Subaward Agreem�nt, dated <br />, 2010 (the "Agreemen�'), betWeen the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (thc <br />"Authority�'), And Mosaic Residendal Services of Nebraska, LLC (the "Owner"), the �wner hereby <br />rcquests the Authority to disburse to the Owner thc sum of $ <br />IT IS kIEREBY CERTYFYED THAT: <br />1) None of the items for which disbursement is requested has formed the basis for any disbursement <br />heretofore made under the Agreement; <br />2) Th� Owner has no notice af, ar�d is not otherwise aware of, any mechanics', materialrnen's, laborers', <br />suppliers', vendors' or other liens or rights in respect thereof which should, in accordance with the <br />Agreement, be satisfied ar disCharged before this disbursement is made; <br />3) This disburscrnent does nat include any amount which the Qwn,ec is entitled to retain pursuant to any <br />contract or agreement providing for the retention by the Qwner of a portion of the price paid <br />thereunder; <br />4) No Ev�nt of Default is continuing unde�r the Agreement; and <br />S) Attached hereto are each pf the fallowing: <br />a) Attachment 1: An itemization of bills and invoices to be paid with the requested disbursement <br />togethcr with copies of all such bills and invoices; <br />b) Attachment 2: A Contrgetor's Sworn Statement together with supporting xnechanics lien waivers <br />signed by Owner's Contractor (Note: a Contractor's Sworn Stacement and supporting mechanics <br />lien waivcrs shall not be required prior ta the irutial disbursement af 1b02 funds). <br />c) Attaehment 3: An AIA inspection report signed by a licensed architect in suppart of the draw <br />request indicating that a11 work and materials to be paid for with the disbursement have t►een <br />furnished in accordance with the Plans and Specifications; <br />C�L%�I�i� '.7 <br />MOSAIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OF NE$RASKA, LL� <br />Sy MOSAIC, its managing member <br />Date: <br />Name, Title <br />asas-2a3z-ia9a.z <br />