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201007863 <br />amount equal to $1 QO per day for each day after the du� date until such Quarterly Finar�cial <br />Status Reports are delivered. Failure to deliver the Quarterly Financial Status R�ports when due <br />hereunder, unless all amotxnts due pursuant to the prior sentence have been pai�d, may alsa result <br />in the suspension of any further disbursements af the Subaward hereunder. <br />(c) A,n annual pro farma operating budgct shall be prepared by the Owner and <br />furnished to the Asset Manager within thirty (30) days prior to the beginning af each Fiscal Year. <br />(d) The Owner shall submit to the Asset Manager any other financial reports that the <br />Authority deems necessary to comply with Section 1602 af the Recovery Act and the Program <br />Requirements, as the saxne may be amended from time to time. <br />(e) In ih� event that the Owner fails to submit to the Authority in a timely and <br />satisfactory manner any report required by this Agreemcnt, the Authority may, in its sole <br />discrction, withhold any or all disbursements oth�cwise due or requested by the Q�wner hereunder <br />until such time as the Owner fully cures or performs any and all delinquent reportin� obligatians. <br />Section 8.2. Com liance Monitorin Re orts <br />(a) Na l�t�r than six (6) months before initial occupancy of the dwelling units is <br />scheduled to begin, the Owner shall supply the Authority with a timetable of pre-opening <br />marketing activities as well as �xpected lease-up acceptable to th� Anthority, which acceptancc <br />may not be unreasonably witlaheld. <br />(b) The Authority reserves the right to carryaut regular and periadic field inspections <br />to ensure campliance with the r�quirements of this Ageement and the Program Requirements. <br />Section 8,3. Pra'ect Performance Re orts <br />No later than five (5) calendar days following the end of each Fiscal Quazter, <br />cQmmcncing with first full Fiscal Quarter ending after tlae date hereaf through the Cnnstruction <br />Completion Date, the Owner shall complete a"Project Peiformance Report" providing <br />information required by Treasury and deliverr such report to the Autharity in the form attached <br />hereto as �xhibit E . <br />ARTI LE IX <br />ASSET MANAGEMENT <br />Sectian 9.1. Asset Mana�er <br />(a) The Authority shall be the Asset Manager of the Project, unless a third-party <br />Assct Manager shall have been designated by the Authority upon the executian of this <br />Agreement. <br />(b) The Authority may appaint a third-party Asset Manag�r at any tirne to perform its <br />Aaset Management duties hereunder and shall provide the Owner with written notice of any such <br />notice. <br />-1C- <br />4848-233Z-1094.2 <br />