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201007863 <br />been withdrawn ar set aside by the issuing agency or by an order of a court of cvmp�t�nt <br />jurisdiction. <br />(e) The Owner has ar will have a fee interest in the Pmject and has good ax�d <br />marketable title thereto, free and clear af fu�,y liens, charges or encumbrances other than the <br />Mortgages, encumbrances the Qwner is permitted to create under thc tcrms of this Agreement, <br />and mechanics' or other liens that have been bo�nded against (or as to which ather cash <br />equivalent secuxity has b�en provided) in such a manner as to preclude the halder af such lien <br />from having azty recourse to the Project or the Owner for payment of any debt secured thereby. <br />(� No Event of Banlcruptcy h�s occurred as to the Owner. <br />(g) No Event of Default has accurred and is continuing. <br />(h) The sowces of funds available to the Ownex are sufficient to enable the Owner ta <br />complete the construction of the Project in accordance with the Plans and Specificaiions and the <br />Construction/Draw Schedule. <br />(i) The Praject will continue to be owned and operated by the Owner through the <br />Compliance Period or, if latcr, the date (if any) through which the Owne�' is required ta own and <br />operate the Prvject pursuant to the LURA or any other docum�nts gaverninp the use and <br />op�ration of the Praject. <br />(j) The Owner has complied and will comply with all tenms af the Tax Cr�dit <br />Allocation and has made no material changes in the Project withvut the prior written approval of <br />the Autharity. <br />(k) The Project will be ap�rated so that it will meet (and an apprapriate election has <br />been or will be made with respect to) the Minimum Set-Aside Test as of the d.ates established hy <br />Section 42(g)(3) of the Cade asid at all times thereaRer through the end af the Compliance <br />Period. <br />(l) The P�p�eCt will, at all times throughout the ComplianCe Period, meet the <br />Required Percentage. <br />(m) Each of the representatians and disclasur�s made by the Owner ta the Authority <br />in any apptication for the Tax Credits or S�ction 1602 Program Funds is true and correct as of <br />the date hereof except as otherwise disclosed in writing to the Authority and approved in writing <br />by the Authority. Each af the covenants, agr��msnts and condiiians contai.ned in st�ch <br />documents have been duly performed or satisfied by the Owner to the extent that performance or <br />satisfaction is required an or prior to the date af Closing, and the Owner has no reason to believe <br />that the cavenants, agreements, and conditivns required to be perfarmed or satisfied after the date <br />hereof will nat bc performed or satisfied in a timely manner. <br />(n) The LURA will be in effect as of the end of each taacable year in which the <br />buildings in the Project are placed in service. <br />- 14- <br />4$48-2332-1094.2 <br />