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201007863 <br />(d) No later than June 3q, 2011, tl�e 4wner shall have a basis in the Project that is not <br />less than ten percent (lU%) of thc "reasonably expected basis in such project" as vf the Placed <br />In-Service Date for purpases of Section 42(h)(1)(E)(ii) of th� Code. <br />(e) Each building in the Project which is required to contain I,ow-Tncome Units will <br />be placed in service by the Placed In-Service Date. <br />(fl The Project will become a"qualified low-incame housing project" (as defined in <br />Section 42(g)(l) of the Cade) by the end of the year following the yeaz in which the first building <br />in the Project, which is required ta contain Low-Tncome Uni�s, is placed in service. <br />ARTICLE VI <br />RECAPTURE <br />Section 6.1. Recanture Event <br />(a) A Recapture Event shall be deemed to occur if, at any time dtlriing thc <br />Compliance Period, any one or more of thc followin� cvents shall occur: <br />(i) The Owner fails tp incur an amount equal to at least ten percent (lp%) vf <br />the "reasonably expected basis" of the Projcct for pur�aases of Sectian <br />42(h)(1)(E)(ii) of the Code by June 30, ZOl 1; <br />(ii) There has been an Event of Uefault hereunder, and as a consequence <br />th�reof, the Authority has determined that the Project cannot xneet the Placed In- <br />Service Date; <br />(iii) The Tax Credit Allocation is terminatcd or cancelled; <br />(iv) The Project fails to meet the Placed In-Service Date; <br />(v) The Project does not became a"qualified low-income housing project" (as <br />defrned in Sectian 42(g)(1) af the Code) by the cnd af the yeaar fallowing the year <br />in which the first building in the Project, which is required to contain <br />I.ow-Income Units, is placed in service; <br />(vi) The Project fails to meet or maintain the Required Percentage; <br />(vii) After the first year of the Campliance Period, the Project ceases to be a <br />"qualified low-income housing project" (as define� in Section 42(g)(1) of the <br />Code); <br />(viii) The Subaward, or a portion thereof, has been determined by the Authority <br />or the Treasury to havc been expended in violation of the Program Requirements <br />and such amount has not been repaid ta the Authority as set forth in <br />Section 2.1(c). <br />-11- <br />4848-2332-1094.z <br />