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10/25/2010 3:45:31 PM
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10/25/2010 3:45:30 PM
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2oioo�s�2 <br />deliver to the Authority such filaancin� statements and other documents in form satisfactory and <br />as may be required by the Authority and will do all acts and things as the Authority may from <br />time to time reasonably request or as may be necessary ar appropriate ta estabYish and maintain a <br />perfected security interest in sueh collateral as security for the indebtedness secwr�d hereby and <br />the Crrantor will pay the cast o� filing or recording such financin� statements or other documm�nts <br />and this Security Instrument; and ( fl the remedies of the Authority hereunder aze cumulative and <br />the exercise of any one ox more of the rem�edies provided for herein or under i:hhe Uniform <br />Commercial Code shall not b� construed as a waiver of any of the other rights of the Authority <br />including having such collateral deemed pazt of the realty upon any foreclosure thereof. <br />24. Graator has agreed an.d by these presents daes covenant and agree that the whole <br />of said �rincipal sum and the acerued interest thereon shall be�ome due, at the optian of the <br />Autharity, upon failure of any owner of the herein described Premises to comply with any law oF <br />the 5tate of Nebraska or with the requirements of any ordinance, condition, rule, regulation of <br />any department of the city a.z�d caunty in which the Properiy is situated relating ta the mortgaged <br />property ar any part thersof within thirty (30) days after notice of su�h requirement shall have <br />been given to the then owner of said Premises Uy the said holder, unless a longer period of time <br />is needed to correct such matt�r and Gra,ntor diligently prasecutes tl�e completion of such <br />requirement and such governmental bady extends the ame pe�iod to cure such requirement. <br />25. Each of the fallowing sha11 be an event of default under this Recapture Deed of <br />Trust (each, an "Event of Default'�: <br />(a) Grantor's failure to pay (i) any Qbligations when due th�reund�r or (ii) <br />any other sums due under this Recapture Deed of Trust or othervvise secured by this <br />Recapture Deed of Trust; <br />(b) Grantor's failure to perfarm or observe any covenant or agreemcnt <br />contained in this Recapture Deed of Trust, t�ae 1602 A�reement ar the other 1602 <br />Docwnents; <br />(c) if the Praperty is materially destroyed by fire or ather causes and the <br />insurance proceeds and other proceeds avai�able to Gra►ntor available are insufficient t4 <br />repair and complete the rebuilding of the Property; or <br />(d) if Grantor fails to comply with any requirement of ax�y governmental <br />authority having jurisdict�on over the Properiy within thirty (30) days after written notice <br />of such requirement shall have been given ta Grantor; or <br />(e) Cnantor shall: <br />(i) have an order for relief entered with respect to it under aa�y law <br />relating to bankruptcy, irr�alvency, r�arganization or relief of debtors <br />("Ba�,�.cruptcy Law'�; <br />15 <br />Recapture Deed af Trusi and Security Agreement <br />asao-6�ss-9�z.z <br />
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