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� <br />� <br />N � <br />� � <br />� = <br />m � =1NANCING STATEMENTAMENDMENT <br />pp INSTRUCTIONS front and back CAREFULLY <br />`P ?& PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [pptional] <br />~ � �8-$026 <br />i ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) <br />� — <br />�^ bNERSIF�� FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />14010 FNB PKWY, STE 400 <br />1 -- OMAHA NE 68154 <br />� <br />1a. INI7IAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # <br />#0201007474 HALL COUNTY, NE 10/12/2010 <br />�: m <br />c ��x � <br />C7 �,,.y <br />` c^a Cp _-1 C� <br />_.� �, � � � � � <br />.. {; �� , - �"5 � � m <br />f � -- '� 1 C7 l7 <br />r: ; � ", � �-� <br />,�� ^-.��: ['� � -r7 � � <br />.y C1� � . <br />� � .�w � <br />c� ! � �- rr•i Z <br />r' .� L-M �c� � CI] <br />r "� � � � �-- � � <br />�' ( f A ^�] <br />cn �� � C!> � <br />�, � � m <br />rv �-- ^�- � � <br />C1'1 Cn „� z <br />`" D <br />201�0784; <br />THE AE30VE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br />1h. ThisFINqNCINGSTATEMENTAMENC <br />to be filed [for recoM] (or recorded) in thp <br />W 2. �/ TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Flnancing Statement ident�ed e6ove Is tgrminatBd with respecl to secudty interest(s) of the Securad�PaHy authpHZing this Tarminellon Sletement <br />3. u CONTINUATION: ETfecllveness of the Financinq Statement Idenllfled ebpve with raspact to securlty Intarest(s) oT the Sacured Peky euthodzing this Continuation Stelement is <br />continuad Tw the edditional pedod provided by applicabla lew. <br />8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE): check only � box. <br />— DBSCrihe collateral � dalated or ❑ eddad, or giva entire❑restated CollBteral description, or descrl6e collatgral �assigned. <br />DEBTQR(S): D�UGGAS D THOMPSON <br />RECORD OWNER(S): FLORENCE 'I'HOMPSON <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALDA TWT' L'I'S 3& 4 MLD N1/2 NE1/4 S�C 9 T-10 R-10 HALL COUNTY, N$ <br />8. NAM� OF SECUREb' PARN OF RECOR� AU7HORI2ING THIS AMENDMENT (name of assignor, If thls Is an Assignment). It this is an Amendment euthorized by a �e6tor which <br />edda Collatarnl ar adds the 8ulhorizfng: Debtor, or if this is a Termination eulhorized by s De6tar, chack hare n and enter neme of DEBTOR Buthodxing This Amendment. ., <br />IDNERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />OR �8b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAM� FIRST NAME <br />N/�/� <br />10. pPT�p�L FILER REFERENCE �ATA <br />#31696-001 THOMPSON TERM <br />FILING OFFICE COPY— NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FdRM UCC3) (REV. Q7/29/98) <br />4. u ASSIGNMENT ((ull or partial): Oiva name of assignee In Item 7a or 7b and addrass of aselgnee in itam 7c; and als4 give name of assignor in itam 9. <br />5. AMENDM�NT (PARTY INFORMATION) � Amendment aHects Dabtor ac Secured Party of record. Check only ana oi these two boxes. <br />Al90 cheqc ppg of ihe following three 6oxBS gpQ provide appropnate inTortnetlon In Items fi and/or 7. <br />'., � a or Bb; also rvg new � deleted In item Ba or 6b. Item 7c; also complete items 7d-7a� ({ nd elso <br />❑ eFme � nam�e ch � nflel�in tam 7 o 76 endlor nw add ess ( addrasa chenael n Item 7c. � oEL-: E name: Give record name ❑ name: Com lete item 7a or 7h,ll ;��IIcs61e1. <br />B. �URR�NT RECORD INFORMATIONr • <br />