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� <br />�� <br />o � <br />� <br />ca � <br />o �.�-� <br />� �� <br />� �...�" <br />� �� <br />�. <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� RCtl1RN i'Q <br />: D�I Title & �scrnw <br />� . . . . �Z72D I S�reet, Suite �Qp <br />Omaha. N� 68131 <br />�m <br />r <br />ffl m <br />n� � <br />� <br />�z � <br />Za0 <br />�� v <br />��m <br />m� o <br />�� � <br />tJ� 4 <br />�m <br />�v <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />N <br />0 <br />0 <br />O <br />� <br />N <br />Cn <br />"[] <br />� <br />N <br />W <br />N <br />�� <br />O� <br />C� <br />z <br />�O <br />� <br />O <br />= m <br />aW <br />r� <br />r� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />m <br />z <br />� <br />m <br />N m <br />pO <br />O � <br />�z <br />w� <br />� C <br />� <br />m <br />z <br />� <br />Z <br />O <br />MODIFICATIQN �7F DEED CfF TRUST <br />THIS MODIFICATIQN �F t?EED QF 7FiUST d�ted September 30, 2Q1Q, is made and executed b�tween DOYLE <br />JAN7Z1 and MICH�LLE L. JANT�I; as Husband artd Wife ('"T'rustar") artd 5tatv Farm Bank, F.S.�i., whase <br />address is �ank Loan Centar, Qne State Farm pl�za, Blvomington, IL 61710 ("Lender"?. <br />17EED qF' TFiUST. Lender and Trustor have entered into e�eed pf 'frust dated Juna 26, 2003 Ithe "Dead of 7rust") which has qeen <br />recorded in HALL County, State nf Nebraska, as fvllowa: <br />RECqI��Ep 1N TH� AMOUNT OF $44,�4UU.pp QN 08-Q6-2003, AS INSTRUMEPtT NUMBER 20031U246, IN TH� FiAl,i. COUN7Y. <br />RECORDS. <br />R�qL PRaPHRTY Q�SCRlATIOkV. The beed af Frust covers the fallawing described raal property Iooeted in HAL� Caurtty, Stste of' <br />Nebrsska: • . <br />THE FqLLbWING pESCR18E0 REAI. E5TATE IAS D�FINED IN NEB. REV. STAT. §76-2011 IN HAlL COUAITY, NEBRASKA: <br />A TFiACT QF LA�JO CC1MpRISING A PART OF TME iVORTH HALF QF 7H� NpRTHEAST QUARTER (N1/2NE1/4}, S�CTION 26, <br />TQWNSHIP 7 7 NORTH, RANG� 7 2, WES7 4F' THE 87H P.M„ HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, SAID 7RAC7 BEING MOR� <br />PARTfCUI.ARI.Y DESCRISED AS FDLLOW5: WITH REF�RENCE Tp TF{� NURTHEA5T CORNER OF SAID N1/2NE1/4; THEtdCE <br />RUNhIfA1Ca pN AN A5SUM�D 6EARING �F N 90° 00' 00" W ON TME iVORTH L1NE Q� SAIQ iU1/2NE114 FOR A �ISTANCE pF <br />1228,QQ F�ET TO TM6 ACT.UAL POICVT OF BEGINlJING, THENC� CONTINUING N 90° p0' 00" W ON THE NaRTH LINE OF SAEA <br />N1/2NEi/�} FOR S72 FEET; THEtJC� 5 q0° OQ' n�" E FOR 470.00 �EE'C; THENCE N 9�° OQ' Aq" E FOR 95.00 FE�7; TMENC� S 00° <br />��' Qp" E FpR 175.�0 ��E7; 7HENCE N 9Q° Op' D�" E F4R 115.OA FEET; THEPIC� 5 On° pp' Op" E FpR 677.89 FEE7 7� A POINT <br />ON 1'HE SOUTH LINE OF SAi� N1/2N�1/a; TH�NCE N 89° S8' 48" E OtU THE 50UTH LIN� OF SAIb N1/2NE114 FOR 601.78 FE�T; ' <br />THENCE N 00° 00' 35" E PARAl.I.EL WITM TME EAS7 LINE OF SAI� N1/2NE114 F�ft A DI57ANC� OF 1322.fi8 FE�T TC7 TH� POIN1' <br />qF B�GiNNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINlNG 21.006 ACRE5 MQRE DR LESS, TME NQRTHERLY 33.00 FEET THEREpF BEING WAI.L <br />COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-QF-WAY. <br />5UBJECT TO R�STRICTI�NS, RESERVA'TIONS, EASEM�NT, COVENAN7S, Olk, GAS OFi MINERAL RIGN7S t7F RECORD, IF ANY. <br />The Reai Prnperty ar its address i& oammonly known as 15339 W STOLLEY PARK Rb, WOOb RIVEFi, NE 68863-97pQ. The Reai <br />Prvperty tax identification numbe� is 4pD196727. <br />MOpiFIGATIUIV. Lender and Truator hereby modify the Deed af Trust as follaws: <br />�XTEN[1lN(i MATURII'Y DA'fE TQ OC708EFt 31, 2Q85. <br />Cp1117lINU111lCi VALibI'1'Y. Except as expressly modifisd alyove, the terma vf the original Deed of 7ruat ahali remain unahanged and in full <br />force and effect. Consent by Lender to this Modification does not wafve Lender's right ta require strict performance of the baad of Trust <br />as changed above nor vbligate Lendar tn make any futura modiYicatEC�s. �fathing in t�is Madificatian sha11 cvn�titute a satisPactivn of the <br />promisaory note or othar credit agreement eecured by the Deed af Trust (the "Idote"}, It is the intendon of Lender ta retain as liabla �II <br />parties to the Dsed ot 1'rust snd all pa�tlea, makers and endorsers ta the Nute, in�luding accammoddtipn parties, unfess a party is expressly <br />released by Lender in writing. Any mak�r or endarser, including accommodation makers, shall not be released by virtue of this . <br />Modification, It any person who signed the original Deed nf Trust does r�ot sign ihis Modification, then elf persvns signing below <br />acknowledge that this Modification i� given conditiona�ly, based pn the representation to Lender that the n4n-signing person cansents Co. <br />tho changes and pro�isians of this Modificatian or otherwise wiil not be released by it. 7his waiver applies not only to arty initial extension <br />or modificakion, but alsq tp ail suCh subsequeht actlons. <br />ADP1710NAL EV�lVT 4F p�FAU4T/ACCEL�RA7IDN. We can tevminate your Credit Line Aneount er►d require you ta pay us the entire <br />outstanding belance in nne paymont, and charge you certain fees, If the prpparty ia not owner ocoupied as your primary residence. <br />TRUS'TqR ACKNOWI.�Of3E8 FiAVIftlG HEAD ALL THE pROVISIClNS C1F TH15 MUF3EFFCATION q� DE�p OF TRWST AN[} 7�iU87pR AGREES <br />TO ITS 7ERMS. THIS MODIF7CATIAN OF DEEt7 pF TRtJST 15 DATEq SEF''1'�MB�R 30, Z010. <br />