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, , . , , � , � 2oloo�s34 <br />security is nat lessened. If the nBSioration or repeir is not c�oarwmically fe�sible or Lender's security <br />would he lessened, the insuranca pr+aceeds shall be applied fust � the r�luction of a�ry <br />ir,aenteaness under tne seonna Nate ana mis sed,rity �r�bumern. Any exoess insurence prnoeeas <br />aver an amo�mt required to p�y all outstanding i�ndebtedness u�nder ths Saocnd Nata and th� <br />Security InaWmeM shaN b� id �o the errtiiy legally entltled thereto. In the eveM of t�nrecbs� of <br />this ly InstrumeM or other iransfer of title � the Pmperly fhat eocWtgu�he� fhe irxiebtedness, <br />all ripht� t�le and inter+est of Bonower in and �o ins�ar� pvlk� � tor�cs ahall pass to the <br />��r Ocwpancy, Prs�wrnratlon, IM�intanance and ProM�tton oi fhe Pro , Ban+owa's Losn <br />A�pllcation; Lessshoida. Borrnv►rer shall occupy, estabiish, and use the ro�perl as Borr�wer's <br />pnnapal re�idence after the axecuGvn of thls Security Instrumer�t� and Borra�wer ar at least one <br />rrnwer, if Mitial more than one n are �orrowers) �hall o�rrtinue �o oocu Pro � as <br />Bo ly perso py PeKY <br />Bomawers princip�l residence tor the term of the Securily Inst�ument. "Princi� f res�dence shall <br />have the s�me meaning as in the l.oan Apresment. <br />Bonnwer shaN not oommit waste or destroy, da e or substaMlal�i � e ihe Praperty or <br />albw the Prnperty b deteriorate, rensor�able wear arxl�eer exoapted. Bo shsq also be in <br />de�Fault it Bnrrawer, duri the bs�n a�ication pr�ooe�s� gave materi�My t�ks or inaccurate <br />infom�ation or statennenis � Lender (ar failed b pnnvide Lender with �ny material infortneti�n �n <br />cannection with the ban e�vider�oed by the Nate, iricludir�, but nat IMnited to, � ns <br />concernlng Borrower's aax�qancy of the Property as a pr�ndp�i residence. It��Security <br />Instrumer�t is on a leesehokl, Borrower shall comply with the provisbns of the le�se. If Borrower <br />aaquires fee title bo the Property. the le�s�old and fee iide sheil not be merged uM�s Lender <br />a�ress to the mer+�er �n writing. <br />5. Charpss to Borr�r and Pro�ection of Lsnd�r'� Rl�hb in ths Property. Bamower shall <br />p�y all govemmental or m'�" 1 charges, fines and imposidor�s that are not h�cluded in Par�naph <br />2. Borrowpr shall pa these o tians on t�r►e directly to ft� which is owed the psryment. If <br />failure to pay � adversely affect Leriders interaat in ths�roperly, upan Lende�'s request <br />Bomower shall promptly Tumish tio Lender reoeipts evidenc�:in� these Pe�YmaMs- Bnrrower sh�ll <br />promptly�d�r�p� ar�y lien whid� has prbrity over this Secwily Ir�strumer�t In the rnenner provided <br />in Pa 1�g <br />If � iails to rrreke these payrnerris or the properly c�ange� uulr++ed by Peragraph 2, <br />or T�ik to rm any other cover�rrts andag reemeMs ootrteined in this�Secu Instrumer�t, or <br />th�e is a lag�al proc�edin� that may sgniricaMly af�ect Lendei's riphts fi the Properly �such as a <br />proceeding in t�nkruptcy, Tor oondem�tivn or to eMorce �ws or regulati�r�), then Lender may do <br />and pay whatever is neoessary b� proted �e value of the Pmp�ty and Lender's right� in the <br />Properiy indud P�Yment of �xes, hs�zarcl irisurance and other items meMioned in Paragr�ph 2. <br />�'o pmtect Lenders separily tn the Property, Lender shgll advance and cher�e to Hdrrawer <br />all am�ounts due � the Secx+etary for ihe Mort�a�e Insurance Premium as deTined in the Laan <br />A�reement as weq as a� sums due � the ban serv�cer fix servicir� �ctivitles as defiined in the Laan <br />Agre�ernent. � a��d"�hursed� � e �reement ard��shap be aecwned ��is �S�cur� <br />f <br />InstnxneM. <br />6. Inspectlon. Lender or ils agent may enter on� hisped or make appraIsals of the Property <br />in a reeson�ble manner and �t re�soneble t�n� provided that Ler�der shaM �ive the Bo� notice <br />priar��� ���$n a��re� i�sp 'cifying a purpase for the fnspedian or appraisal which must <br />be raperty. If tt� P is vacaM ar ak�arxlaieicl or the ban is <br />in deTault. Lender may take �ble adbn 10 prn ed end preserve sudl ve�car� or sbandoned <br />Property7. Condemnatlnn.The pmceads af any award ar daim ipr damages, d�ect or <br />var►sequanti�l, <br />in cvnnectbn with any cvndemn�tion or otl�er tekinq nf eny part of the Property� or tor c�rweyance <br />in piace of o�ndemr�tion sF�a be p�id to Lender. The pr�yoeeds shaN be appli�d first tn the <br />redudbn of arry indebtednes� under a Seamd Nnte and Ihis Seauity instrwner►t. Arn► excess <br />aver an a�rwtmt required bpay aN ou�tandinp fmde6�edne�s tmder the Seoon� Nate and <br />' Security Instrtmnent shaq be peid to �e entity legally er�ided therereo. <br />8. Fe�s. Leixiermay oripect fees arid charges authorized by the Secreta�ry for 1he Home <br />Equit�r Car�version Mort� Insurar�r.a Prog�am. <br />Fkrt Amedcan Laan PrnducYnn suvross M�ta NEpM Ni�A 8nca�d seaxn�r M�trur�ant <br />Q 2006 Rret M�aricen fieel Ealab SolWlans LLC <br />FALNS � 89YQ : 02108 Pepv 3 <br />NMFL �f9914NE (faLNE) <br />