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,. � . , , , . , <br />201007833 <br />security is r�t lessened. If the restnration or repair is not ecanomicaliy feasible or Lender's security <br />wouki be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall ba applied �rs! to the reduction of arry <br />ir�clebtedness under a Seoand Note and Second Security Instrument held by the Secretary on the <br />Property and then to the redu�tian af the indebtedness under the Note artd this Security Instrument. <br />Any excess insuranoe �roceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding lndebtedness under <br />the Note and this Secur�ty Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally enti�ed ther+eta. <br />In the event of f�reclosure of this 5ecurity Instrument or pther transfer af titie �o the <br />Property that extinguishes the irxiebtedness, all right, titlo gnd ir�terest of Borrower in and ta <br />insurance policies in force shall p�ss to the purchaser. <br />4. Occup�ncy, Prssarvatfon, Matn�nance and Pro�ectian af the Propsrly; Bcrrowar's Loan <br />Applicatian, Lsaseholds. Bomawer shall occupY, establish, and use the Pmperty as Borrnwer's <br />principal residence after the execution of thls Security Instrument, and Borrower (or at least one <br />Barrower, if initialiy mare than one parsc�n are Borrnwersj shaii oantinue t�o accupy the Pmperty as <br />8arrower's principal residence inr the teRn af the Securlty Instrument. "Principal residence" shall <br />have ths same meaning as in the Loan Agreement. <br />Bomdwer shali not cammit waste ar destroy, damage or substantially change the Property or <br />allow the property to deteriorate, �sonable wear and t�r excepted. Borrower shall also be in <br />default if 8prrnwer, during the ban applicatian process, gave materi�lly false or inaccurate <br />information or s�tements t�o �.ender (or failed to provide Lender with any materiel information in <br />aonnection with the ban evidenaed by the Note, including, but not limited to, rapresentat ns <br />conceming Borr�wer's occupancy of the Property as a principal residenoe. If this Security <br />Instrument is on a le�sehold, Borrower shall comply with the prvvisions af the i�se. If Bomower <br />aoquires fae titls to the Pr+operty, the laasehqld and fee titHa ahall n�t be merged unless Lender <br />agrees to the merger in writing. <br />5. Chars�es ta Borrowar and Protection af Lsnde�'s RlDhts In !he Property. Borrower shatl <br />pay all govemmental ar muNcipaI c�arges, fines and impasitbns that ere not included in Paragraph <br />2. Borrower shall pay these obli�atioris an time directiy to tha er�tity which is awed the peyment. If <br />f�ilur� to pay w�auld adversely aff�t Lender's inter�t in the pmperty, upon Lender's request <br />Borrowor shall prompt� fumish to Lender receipts evidencing theae p�yment�. Borrower shall <br />promptly d(scnarge any I en whk:h h�s piioriiy over this Security <br />Instrumerrt in the manner provided in Paragraph 12(c). <br />If Bomower fails to make these payments ar the properly c�arges required by Paragraph 2, <br />or fails �o perForm any other covenan� �nd egreements cantained in this Security Instrument, or <br />there is a fegal proceading that may significarrtly �ffect �.enders ri�hts in the Property (such as a <br />pro�ing in bankruptcy, for condemnation or to snfarce laws or re�ui�tinns), then Lender may do <br />and pay whatever is nece�sary ta prntect the value of the Property and Lende�'s riphts in the <br />Property, induding payment of taxes, haz�rd insurance and other items meManed m Parayraph 2. <br />To protect Lende�s security in the Property, Lender shall advahca and char�ge to Bvr�vwer <br />aii amounts due to the Seusetary for tha MartQage Insuranoe Premium as defined ln the Laan <br />�reement as well as all sums due ta the ban servicer for servicing activides as deflned in the I..oan <br />Agreement. My amaunts disbursad by Lender under this Paragraph shatl become an additions�l dabt <br />of 8omower as prov�ded far in the Loan Agreement and shall be secured by this Security <br />Instrumerit. <br />6. Inspect(on, Lender or its agent may enter on, inspect or make appraisels of the Property <br />in a reasonable manner and �t r�e�sonable times provkied thet Lender sheA �ive the Bnmower notioe <br />prbr to at'�y inspectan or apprai�a! specifying a purpose ior tha ir�pectbn or appraisal which must <br />be related to Lende�'s irrterest in the Property. if the Property is vacant or abandnned or the ban is <br />in default, Lender may take reasnnable action tn pmtect and preserve such vacant or a�ndoned <br />Pr�nperty withnut notice to the Borrower. <br />7. Condemnation.The prnceeds of any awaa,l or daim for dam� es, direct ar consequenfial, <br />in connection with any candemn�t�on or ather taking of any part of the Pro�y , or �r conveyance <br />in place of oondemnat�on shall be paid to Lender. The proceeds shall be applied - ftrst to the reduction <br />of ar�y indebtedne�s under a Secorxf Note and Second Secxirity Instrument held by the Secretary an <br />the Property, and then to the r�eduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Securily <br />(nstrumeM. Any axcess prviceeds �v� an amount required to pay�II au�tanding lndebtedness <br />under the Note and #his Security Instrument shall be paid � the entity legaqy errtitled thereto. <br />8. Fees. Lender may collect fess and charges authorized by the Secretary. <br />Flrst M�nrican Laen Pia�cUon Servives Nebrr�aka HECM HRM Saaxity Ins�urr�ent <br />O�e Fkat anerican R�al Es�e salubons LLC <br />FALP5 # Y073 : � page 3 <br />NMFL �13NE (�ICNE) <br />
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