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<br /> ;r-.._ _: .. _ - �. DE�D 4F R�CA��YA►��� �. : : , ,
<br /> ,r ` . YLA« . , . . i . , . � - �N¢ 9�0� .
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<br /> � YIi0�11 ALL:I[SN BY THS9S PRBSSt�TSi • � , • '
<br /> '1'HAT WH4�RB�AS. +i14 of tbe�►debtadoe�ae�cand-by► t1ie.Trast Deed precuted hy..............�___.__._......................-.
<br /> ,.� :.,,,l•[IC�E L. PF.SF.[ AND PFl�GY L.�PESEP.,_BUSEARD AIZD iiiFE .....,,�.........�__... ....._..... , ........... �
<br /> __�
<br /> �-- �-'JOSEPH H�.BAD�II_,- ..........w....._..._..... , _._..... ..._.:......_........ �, a Tras,tne for tbie beaefit of
<br /> �FIRST,�FEDERAL SAYItiGS,�liD_LOAIi ASSOCIATION OF LIHCOLti.......... the BeneSci�tY named tha�in.
<br /> ....:..........•- ;- "'' .
<br /> ; �.��_MAi,I9.1987:_:.........�...._imd recorded in tbe o�iea oi tl�e R�ist�of Deed�of..�........ _ . . .-.--
<br /> ..�-
<br /> ------- --�y;Neycadca,itt Bt���isi�Nmnber87-1.829031 vu ll�iCm51m Rol!_N�mdes»�_ ---- -
<br /> . p� , ye�s p�id,at�d a�id Bmebriu�►l�t�s ml�stsd in writini ti�at ti�ie Deed ot Reoonvey�noe be
<br />== ec�cnted and�elt�ed as oonLrmed bY its�t bebw; . .. __
<br />- NOW TAEREFOAB,ia c�o�deratioa o�sacb paymeat aad'm ac�eord�nce�vith the rectuest oi tbe BeneS�aary�na�aed -_ _--
<br />- tl�nie, d�e� as'15nrt�+e d a e s b y t h a e g�a e u t s, �n t.r e m i r�.r e t a e e a a d�n v e 3►�t o.t h e p e r�o n o r —
<br /> = pnsoo�mtit�d tJ�eeeto all tbe intei�est and eehte deiived to wid Z�mtee bY or tbraiib aaid Tnut DeeB ia the
<br />_- . ���p�qy�es lut eoty as to sucb pseanieer. Tfre Nortb�493 feet of Lot� 23 and the Horth 493
<br />--- feet of tb.e Sast Ha1f of Lot 24, Sass Subdivision;:7�:c�ated � 9a��� of the 6th p.H,��`randr of
<br />-��:� t h e H o rt h e a s�.Q u a r t e r o f S e ction 14. Tovnahip 11 Na'rth, RaaE . __--
<br />��'r•'' Island, Ha��Eaunty►, Nebraslra . • � s-_`=_
<br /> � =
<br /> . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . - � ��"Ai 9
<br /> .� DATED: .._ ..:.�l..l�.�...i 192............... TAII3TEE: ...�-��2��..................................... - K:7°__:
<br /> �_.�r:�.�
<br /> STATE OFNEBRA$KA � , ' �.___
<br /> ..r���-
<br /> CQUNTY OF .......�►�1S'-195?'�3...............}se. � � = . -- =-
<br /> On this._..17�h_..day of.w___#�P�:�...................19_.��.,before�he tmck�sgned,a Notary k�tblic duty commias�ir�d ��-
<br /> hi . ��_--
<br />' � . : -__
<br />' �'� and qualified tor etid Cotmty, ...Jas�.....H..Badami ........................................>..__. __-___--
<br /> persoaally came..�............................ � .�"
<br /> .; aJ �;:�;�.�
<br />; ��:. as Tru�te� #q me knwvn to l�e t3ae s•d�entical person whoae name is subecn'bed to the foiegoing i�atnuaea� and ' .�f::��___
<br /> ,,. � ' eseoi t'o lse his voluntary act and deed as such T=ustee. � �3"�;
<br /> ,:. ' ��IMI��f�AI� ._�� , .;�� .
<br /> � �ITH A.KLINKW W � ''' ;� '
<br /> i' .� `�T ".1�
<br /> wilfe�t�.EttD.Apit 1.1lN n .1.l1.. � -
<br /> �•' y eomm�e�cp�rea.........,Apxil..l.._..........., 19�6.... _����•�GL�N, .... . ............. .. Nof� k�blic. . '
<br /> ��' . ,
<br />� � `' Thie is to dertify tlt�t tbe above tiaa4ed Tiustee has been nq�ested ia writing to-exeeute tbe�f,oregoins`�d:of . .
<br /> Reoonveyanoe and hie action ln doing eo is ratiSed and mn�rmed in all:espects. - � . - .: �„� � ' _
<br />� ' Bys ���__�...���. . , .. __� � ....... - ..._
<br /> , , , . . . - ;,,,:--�_
<br />, . . . I� . ,_ .�`,:,-
<br /> �. : .' _.. '" -
<br />; ' ; , STATE OF NEHRASI{A On this...27th...da of. _AAi�l:....:..._.:,;I9.9�-. �before " _
<br />_.. , . ,. �, ... . .
<br /> ;:r.;-.�
<br /> . . • 'r �.
<br /> � COUNTY OF .......LA1Di�AS�ER............... . me, the urideisi�e� a Notary Public in and �or eaid , • _
<br /> �' .Iart7t..L, Pf���.............................................................. oi Firat FederAl Ssvinas �
<br />�� � � Cannty pers�snallY came................ .. . ..... .:..
<br /> r 3J.:
<br />[ ir
<br /> = ' " ��=: � atsd Loan Aseacietion of Lincoln, to me persanalt�r knawn to be the..�tix�.v�..V��..�5�����X1�... and ider.tical "
<br /> �'� � agetson Mhoee name ia a�zed to the above foreso�ng inetsnment eu�d ackno�tedged the execution thereof ta be his ::�
<br />_ � "`��.' v�luntar�r acE and deed ae such o�cer,and the voluntary act and deed of the eaid Firet Fedenl Savings and Loan
<br /> - . y:�'�:= �� AeeocLt�on of I3ncoln. /� � •
<br /> . _ ,x�` :.����' , My commiseion espiree ........�..Aprf�...�............. 19.�i.... . �5.... . ..... . ..._ .. ....,Notary Public �
<br /> ,. ;�;;.- ;,� _ .... ............. E.
<br /> .::a
<br /> '�Y-� �uarn .
<br /> . When recorded to be retnrned to: !
<br /> . z--�i, Ml0�e.6�h�i11.I496 F
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<br /> �x,:�'":���:,a.:. , � . , .
<br /> � , �s� �ui� � .Regiater o/Deeda ladex _ . . a '
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