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' � � � <br />* <br />. <br />zoloo�si9 <br />i <br />k <br />E3� IIBIT "A" <br />A tr�d art ia�W e�ing a�rt af flia Soulh Kalf af 1�a Soattldaat Q�s� (911x9�114) of $e�Npa Twent� <br />twa �� Tuwn:lrep 71r�a1�a ('Iz� No�h, Raa9a Qe�ran (y i) Wes! nF �e stl� A.iN[, la Fia� Camt�r, Nobrasic� aad <br />more pa�lIa,rae� de�crt6ca � �asaws: . <br />��nnln� � n�t an tha �aretl� lirsr of said Spptt�n Tvranty�tv�ra (�, s�! pcMt bsing Apu 7huusm�d Twa <br />Hv�drad Sbdy-fhrne (ix63.0� t+�t wtat at II�e South��t ca�nor oi saNd Saa�aa Tvo�'�Wo �: tharts� <br />ru�tnG wasmrty atq�g md uEson tha sauth rine af said soalon'tWa�hr�ro ps}, a�a af Mlr�r Hwydred <br />ThlttY��hree sad �Ywnt�Fic�r Handre� {933� Teot; t[waca dellactlny� rf�t 90� oG' and runnMg norihe�[Y. <br />+� �stance af 7lu.e N�tndrad Sb�taaA a�d Fo�ydow H�+ndradths (318.44y faa� it�ance deflae�lr� r!q[r# �9" �i' <br />5!i' and r�pnln9 ��r1�i s�a af On� Fir�r►+i�eB Mnsl�;+�r►1na and E��etr I{uat�r��s {t�9.S� <br />ine� thenea d�tiacUe� �i1�! �48' �' S6"' and �nrtfng enrthoasiedy� e d(sbm�aa of Six Nundred 3sveMyvtgh! <br />mnd �bClasn ltundradth� {67s.i 6} t� thfnc. datlecRMp teR�` 09' 33' �ad ru�n� s�vr�l�te�(y. a dls#aaw <br />, af oaa Handnd �n and al�iy.etoht lWndradtha (i7T.99� iee� qtisn+:a d��ec��a tett ��i' 14" <br />�d runnGr� nn�#u�ster�y. a msts�rt�a of 9bcty-threa and �ar�two Hundrrdttss (�3h� leet� lhanc� dafta�y <br />rlpht 194• 64' 38" and wnnin� aat��et7h e dlstaace a� savan Hunc�+ed Hghty�sav�n artd Flve t�lundrec{ihs <br />{Tar.t� f�.t to fhvpolntrrFbe�tn�InQ , <br />