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<br /> A "tsace of:,�ied caa�sris3ag a part of �14e SQUi:�.�se Qus.�rter of tlic�i'.,1t#ar.tt�P��' . f..
<br /> :::.�: 4'+��s' �jSE# '�5E}) of i�tioa Tcenty Tbsa� (23�a 1o`s�inship E3evea. (1L) Nartlt,. • ,
<br /> •�"`� � "L'!�'•::��Yi��"1�TteC O$ C�te G�fi�t `� r..
<br /> � P. �i. aad ar.~� ot• Lo�� Orte ��;;:. � .
<br /> $ � (2). Jeaaette Subdfv�,#'�iis,�•;!:�:�`.'�, ;,_:y'
<br /> #.,� ;, . a11. '.�t�i#�. ia the City of Graad S9lsndp II�].1 Ccuntg. NebrasTra, artd: :�1� , ��:
<br /> _. . '�'� �articu�l4ir1�. disstcsibe� zs follav9: � . ;,si? . . , ___=
<br /> � . . '••,',;r�;�:;:;�':; �:
<br /> r� ',� ���1�3 �.4� �tie�'ttt�mtheast coraer oE e�x�ld Sou�hease Quareer of elic�:..�[o�[�� :��� �:
<br /> Quareer (S�i� lt��r).,_�•rt�eace N �9� 32 12 S3, aZoag aad upon ehe sr�u�t�..'�.,tt'#'!� =�G .
<br /> - • sau�d Sou�heasC �t�ru�rrr��r af the ttort�eao� Quarter (SE� I3L}), a ditit'uuEfi�+�3? �'��•:� :
<br /> � i . �u�� 1��� �_�`sed Seventeeu aar3. ltro Teaths (1317.20) feat ea Ch����ru�hwest �°�
<br /> ,' t ; ' corasr ofc �r�`'`��QUthea�t Quarter of the Kortheast Qusrces 6SE� biE�)�, tiasuce
<br /> {/F +1 �:.
<br /> �=;,• . N 00 02 �.,��, alcng aad �spoa ehe ve�.��l3ae oE sa1�t Saut2ieast Q��r,e� of the `,.,
<br /> -_ = Horr.keast Quarter (SE} NE}). � disxancz of Piae H'wadred �rcraeY .�3g&t (528.(2}
<br /> ..'' feet ta the anutirnest coraer of Goada Sub83ciaioa; f.h�mcw S 89' 34° 44° �,
<br /> ? ' ' aloag assd upon tiia soush liaas of aa4d Gosda Su�div4.sioa, �ad also being aloug. �.,�.
<br /> + � . �pa� � proloagatioa of the a�rth Ix,ae af I.o� �a f 1). Jeaaette �
<br /> r.:�';.' Su��v#sio�, a diataace of Ef�ght Husdr¢d Niaatp 1�o znd S�veaty One Hu�dredtk�s � �
<br /> _ �. $����r'f) 'Eeet to a pa�,ne vbicii 3s gigl�ty Five (85.0) f�et v,qt oE Cits aorthwest '
<br />;'�:�y:•'.. . ��r a�sa�rl L�ot �ae (I), Jeanee�n Subdiviaion; thtaee S Od?' QU° QO" K.
<br />;;tFr'•� ,,, Pi��•�tY ts�,th Che vesC liae of 8�3d ,T.ot tTue f 1�)�� JeanziCe. 5�iw$93oIIr a - -
<br /> i
<br />;��� � ; r�� �. distance c���`:�C�.ae. Huadred S�veaty Paur (114.0) ftao-.�,• thtace. S 83" 3�+" b9" 8,
<br /> . . :,;��:;:� para,l�ei �,tl�i'. aacl F,igty (50.�) feet aorth of �i� south.iiae of aa�d Lot Oae --
<br />`��, �.�:, t13. Jeaaet�it Subdiv#.s�oa aad its proloagation, a di,�tance of Three HunBscd �
<br /> � ��r7 a'auY . 4384.Oj fett to s pofnt on th: east �.ias of e+ald Lo¢ tTne (1),
<br /> �.� . : Jeanate� S ��v3sioa; theace S QO' 00' �i4° W, slac�g aad +uper� tYit e�s�. liae of �`
<br /> �..,
<br /> . safd LoC lliti�':::t��), Je�aette �ut�divie3con.. s d3mtaxcce of ��.fty ($O.0) �eGt tq tlie . ,�
<br /> � . sout�ea�� ''�i�,�xc;�r �af aa.id L�� �7ne (1), Jeaaette �asbdivieioa; thcnce S 89' 34' �� �
<br /> � 4►'9��;�E, a1.Cst�g aad ugffi� the �sbutb� lfgte caf Jeaaetke Subdivisioa, a Qfstaace of.., -�;-�:
<br /> . ..� � . �'.�?�`!t�7'. {4Q•Q�� �feet �c�;;u�e soutlieaet. c¢�fizs af said Jeaaette SabdivisSoa, ��� �
<br /> �
<br /> . a3.s�. ba <tt.�. oiat aC �.
<br /> • . es��: . � the ea�� ltae oP��z;�d Sautheaec Qu:rter af the Iioxc�exa�'�'�. . :�d�;�ss:
<br /> , Q�� � ��;k:'°��: theuce S �1t3�'.(�A 00 iT, along aad upon the east 13ae of saf� •.. • �,��,--��•-- �
<br /> � . SoutheanC Qitaster �f ¢$e Hntc'r,�.t:as� Quazter ISE� N�t), a dY.ataace af T[asg� . __
<br /> ' j. L�u?4�ad Faur and. :I��Lp Stvea Huadxe&:bs (304.67j �eet to the � polEat q;�;.�,�,`��'_ 9 �
<br /> ; %, Y�S, amd coQr�;�g 14.227 acre�, sor� pr lesa. of t�h.f�eb O.Z31 aera����.':�. � —
<br />,4-:Y• � �ci�.•;.�Q� 1QSS, is pre:�Cly occug�ad by puTolic soad r#.ght of way_ � � �
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