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<br /> � UNIfORM COVENANTS.8orrowar and Lendar covenart and aqrse aa toUows: , , , • •r
<br /> �.� i ��,1.�Ill�lt d and MMew1.Sarows►sAatl promirof►PsY whe�due tAe pnncipal.of.and in�on the �<r < " < " _
<br /> � �ytlf�
<br /> tandlabchar�esasixoWadintheftote.andlhepnnc�palotandinterc3ston �. . ;,`j� ..�,
<br /> . < ` ` . any F�iAx��l14r�s�by�fhfa�M TtWt _. � , ,
<br /> _ ._ Z,F+�slaTaiM�ao/Mwra�a.Suby�etlo�kab�shwortoswritlenwatvarbylender.BorrowershallpaytoLender o `. �_
<br /> mfutl.ssum(l�ereirt s �
<br /> ' onflNd�Yew�@�It�llm�bdp�incip�landin srapry�bNunderlhsNob.undlfhst�o�sispaid' , . .
<br /> - _ _ -°Funds'��qc�a1 b ont-twMflh d 1tN y�rly�and ya�sNySan�nts whfct��y at�a�'i1Y o�tR�s Oesd o1 Trust.and A : ; .
<br /> . � ' .. ��y�y ��miu n�I���•P'��w���a�l a1��meiao�na�Dl�y es'mais�d in�i�sTqr aad om dme to h-n�i�e by : � - . -`. ;'.
<br /> .. � I.en�ir on t1+.bdia a.a.wre�n�110'f�0°Eilts.�e►e.sva�a.eshm.k.n�eol:- ; .F. �
<br /> , ,..� �Fu� nda q�b�1�Nd Manin�nNonthsd�P�aaaccournsofwhkharoinw�e0or�uaranteed.bYaFeQera1orstate
<br /> L�fd�if E�r�b wd�arr iMlihAbn}.Unde��tl+rpP�1►ths iunds top y aaW taxes.ssses�ments. ; _
<br /> �nwrano�pnn�iunKand�+�d���^dermsYnoteh��aloraoholdi endapphtingtheFunds.anatyzinpsaidaccount
<br /> - - a��p��pN�saidae�nMnts�ndbNl�unt�ssLe��erPiys�owarinMnstonlbeFu�sandaDOticabtelaw __. . .
<br /> ,� reelnwrlti atfhetimeofexscudti�onof�+isD�sdolTrust
<br /> p�rn�sL�no�ramrc�a�chsc�s�e.eorrowarsndLendermara� � -
<br /> - —�—- � 'it�at inlMa�t on�fufiM�ha(1 W piidto 8�ra�erer.and unlees aud�agreement ts maQs or appcI�calhs Inw roquires sucb _- . _ -----.�.� _
<br /> � . inMrestta0a L�dst�aflnotb�rsquiredtopay8orroweranyintemstorasmia�sonSisF�nd�kendershalt�iveto -: -
<br /> .. g�p�w-�t�hsr�.ans�nnualsccounti�otthsFuRdsshow�rg uoa�aryto tl�iewms�cure�dbytl�iis�De dot , � � �
<br /> � . ` .'� ` wt�ieh�scbd�DitE�1M un4swasmad�ThsFundsarepl�d�sd�saddi - , --
<br /> 'T ���M�y���tdb��endsr,upelherwHhthetuturomonthtyinstaltmentsofFundspaY�tepriortothedue , ;
<br /> - - - - OHes ot�ces.sstM�nlM1b.inwtanCe P�snliums and yround�enfs.sha8 exCeed�e emount roquired to pay said texes, � ` _ . - �
<br /> �" ���ts.�insunncs premiums and round rents ss��ey�►tall due,suCh exicaas shall be,at Borrower's opuon.either ;. . ,
<br /> ��' , � ` � '. . �ahaAtwtb�ssuf�Rcsn bt piyhxes.��srt��ina�xa��e�P.remwr�nsand�r�ren�as�t�tMltd�qee.FBonows�r�il ' . _
<br /> . p�y ya��n ���nsee�:��b make up the deNeiency w�thin 30 days�om the date nodce is maded by t.e�de►to ,
<br /> earrower requ�n��'������urbbytAiSOeedofT�us�Lendershall promRSY retundto BorrowaranyFundsheld Oy
<br /> � � ` Ler�Qar.IfuriOMM�PhlBhereoffhsp�p�y IssotdorthePr �rty iaothe�wiseacquiredbyLender.Lenderst�sllapply. ; . .` ,
<br /> ' � nolatsrthsnimm�dialelYP�iortothessleotfheP�ope�►Yoritsac q�ut-�sittonhyLender.artdFundsfteldbyLenderatthedmeof ; . ,
<br /> spplication as s crodit psinst the aums secured by this Deed of Trost ; � . •
<br /> Untess applicable taw rovides otherwise,all payments recetved by Leader under the Note
<br /> �- - - .. - i -- � and����f�2�����meNa��i�P��Vaiof�eNote andtden ointeresia dpr�ncipaaon .. - , . - ._
<br /> � < ;�
<br /> � � • a�ny FuNre Advances. ".
<br /> � �,���Lf�.BotrowersshaQptty all�ces.assessment'sandott+eFCharges,Tine��ndimpositionsattributabletothe � ,
<br /> ; .� •; • propeRy w6ict►may atWn s prio�fty ove►lhis Qeed ot Trust.and�eaaehold paymenta or ground renta,if any.in the manner
<br /> provlded utbsrpsra�rapb 2 fiereot o�d rtot paid in sucb manrees.by Borrower makingpayment,when due.direcUy to the , '
<br /> payeethereot 6ortpwerahall prompd tumisA to tenderati noricesotamounts due underMis paragraph.and in the eve�t _� , �
<br /> . BonrpweF sha��malce yment dir�,Bonower at�alt p�amptly fumish to Lender�ecsipts erlQencing such payments.
<br /> ' � 8onower shall promp�y discharye any lien which has pnoriry over this Deed of Trus�Provided.that Bonower shaQ not be
<br /> requiredtodischarQea�nys�uchliensolongas8orrowershallagreeinwriungtothepaymentoftheobli9ationsecuredbysuch ,
<br /> lien in a manne►accepmo�e to�ender,or shall in�ood tairi�contest such lien by,or defend enforcement of such tisn in,iegal
<br /> � ptoceeding�which operate to pm+rent the entorcement of the tieo or todeituro ot the Properry or any paA thereoL �
<br /> S,1ysa�d�nwranc�.Qarirower ahall keepthe lmprovements now existing or hereaRar erected on the Piroperry insured
<br /> against toss by fi�e haurds included within the term"extendeacoverage",and auch other dazards as tendes may requ�re .
<br /> and m such amounis and tor sucb periads as Lender may requive:provided.Mat Lender st-a'1 notreq uire that the amount of
<br /> ' ed pag the sums secured by this'Oeed ot Trust
<br /> such coverape exceed that amaunt of cuverase requir to
<br /> i' � � Thisinsurancecanierprovidingtheinauranaeshallbechosenby Bort'owessubjecttoapprovalby Lertda:provided,thaE
<br /> i. � � such apDrovel shall not be unteasonabty withhald.AII premiums en insuranceColiciea shall depa id in tha manner prav�ded
<br /> ' • under paragraph 2 hereof or,it not paid in such manner,by Ber wer making payment,when due,directty to the insu�ance
<br /> � �A insurance poticiea and rene'�a�s thereof shall be in forr•►a:.ceptable to LenQer and shatl iaclude a stanCard mo�ge
<br /> �clauseinfavarofandintormaccep�btetoLeader.LendershaitsavetherighttohotdthepoHciesandrenewatsthereo,and ,
<br /> B p rr o w e r a h a l l p r o m p i t y t umishto Eenderall renewal noticesandall receipis of paid premium�.lntheeventof loss.Borrower
<br /> f � shattyivepranptnoi+cetotheinsurancecarrterar�3kender.tsndermaymakeprooloflossif�otmaAepromptt�rby8orrower. .
<br /> • ; UntessLende►endBanawerOtherwlseagreemw�lting,insurancep�oceedsshallbeappliedto�estorationorrepairotthe _ ,
<br /> PropeRy dame�ed,p[ovtded surfi reatoration or repair is�lcc�namically teasibfe and thesecu�ity ot this Deed of Trust is not
<br /> thereby imp�ired.N such reatorai:an or repalr is not econom+ca:y feasible or it the security ot fhis Oeed o1 Trust woufd be . .
<br /> �{ , impaired.the insurance prxeeQs sha11 be�P�ied to tha sums sEeured by this Deed of T�ust,wltb the axcess.lf any,paid to �
<br /> , Borrower.11 the PropeRy is abandoned by rrowar,or if 8orrawer fails to►espond to Lender withln 30 Oays hom the date
<br /> ; . notice i�maited by Lender to 8orrower lf�at the insurance carrier oifers to setNe a ctaim tor insurance benefits,Lender is
<br /> authorized to coltect and apptY the inaurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration o►repair ot the Property or to
<br /> -� the sums aecured by thls Oeed ot TrWL • � .
<br /> Untes�Lenderand BoROwer othe�rlseapree in wrlting,any sucbap0�ication o1 proceedsto princ�pal shall notextend ar
<br /> f '�' po stpone the due date of the monihty instatlmenb reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or changa the amoun!of auch
<br /> • � instattmenLS.tt under para�raph 18h9reof the Property�s acquired by Lender,a!1 righ�title and interest of Borrower i�and to •
<br /> �� anyiasurancepo8ciesaadinandtolheproceed�thereo}resulGngtromdama etothePropertypriortothesaleoracusition� �
<br /> � mmediately prior to such safe or acq i
<br /> � ;,�:;�; . � shall pesa to Lende�to the axtent of ine�um�secured by this Deed of Trus��
<br /> d. Pr�aYonsndM�M+t�nane�olP�op�Ay:L�aNholds:CondomNUunu:Plann�dUnitOw Bonawershatl
<br /> � `; keep the PropeRy in good repalr amd afiatl not commit waste or permit impairment ot deteriaration o the Property and shall
<br /> � compty withtheprovisionsofanyteaseilthis0eeaotTrustisonaleasehotd.Ifthis0eedotTruatisonaunitinacondominium
<br /> i or a pfanned unit devetopment,Borrower sha��pe�form all ol8orrower's obli9atlons under the dec►a�ation or covenants
<br /> Crpa ng or governin the condominium or ptanned unil devetopment,the by-laws and regu►a2ions of the candominium or
<br /> 1 plannea unii devebpmenf,and constltuent documents.lt a condomin�um or planned unit development rider is excute4 by
<br /> ;. Botrower and�ecerded together with thi�08ed ot Trust,the covenants and agreements oi such ridei shatl be incorporaRed
<br /> � � ,i into and shall amend and aupptement the cavenants and agreements ot this Deed of Trust as it the qder were a par!hereot.
<br /> �, p��eyonof L�nd�p�S�eu�lty►,t!9o►rower tails to pedorm the covenani9 and agreements contained in this Oeed ot
<br /> '�a i ' Trust vt if any aCtion ar prOCeeOing is commenced with materially aHects LenAers interest in the Properfy►,inCtuding but not
<br /> timi�edto,eminentdomain,insotvency,eadeenforceman�or arrangaments or proceedingsinvalvinga bartkruptor decedenL
<br /> ed
<br /> � then Eender at Lender's optlon,upon noUcato 8orrawer,may make such appear8nces,disburse auch sums and takesucb
<br /> aCtiortasisnecessarytopratecttender'sinteresf,including butnotumitedto,disbursementotreasflnabteattorney'sfee�and
<br /> � enAy uponthePro�ertytomakerepaira.HLenderrequiredmortgageinsuranceasacondrtionofmakingthetoanaecuredby
<br /> the Oeed ot Trus�Borrowar shalt pay the premiums required to maintain svch insr;rartCe in efteCt unti!such time as the
<br /> �equiremenitorsstehinaWanceterminate�inaccordancewlthBorrower'sandLender'swrittenagreementorapplicatbelaw.
<br /> Borrawer ahallpay!he amount o1 aIl mortgAge insurance permlums in the manner provided under parag�aph 2 hereof. .
<br /> A ny a�mouMs di�buroed by Lender putsuent to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shatl 6ecome additionat .
<br /> inda t s f e dnessaf 8orroweraeeur P d by t h is�e e d o f T r u s t.U n l e a s B o r ro w e r a n d L e n d e r a g r e e s o o t h e r t e r m s o f p a y m e n L s u c h
<br /> � amounts ahall bepayable upore r.atieeirom LenQe�to 8orrower requesting payment hereot,and sha��bear interest(rom the .
<br /> �� dateoldiabursementattheratepayabfeframtimetotimeonoutstandingprtnc(palundertheNoteuntesspaymenlofinterest
<br /> '•' at such tate would be conUary to appllcable IAw.in which event suc h amounts shatl bear interest at the highest rate
<br /> ' :� permisslbleunderapplicabtetaw.Hotf�ingcontainedinthisparagraph7shattrequirelendertoincuranyexpenseortakeany
<br /> acdon hereunder.
<br /> �, �mp�cYon.lender may make or c�useto be made reasonabte entries upon and inspections of the PropeAV provlded
<br /> � thall8ndershapgiveBorrowernotice prloHvanysuch inspe�ction specitying reasonabte causeiherelore related fu lender's
<br /> . interest in the Property. ,
<br /> .. ; --. - "�---._::_--.---:.1 . : . --- -
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