l . ,. . ,.. .�. . . .. . . ' ;:fa� : h > �.'" �tirS :r. = -
<br /> � �<<.�;' . . . . t '�l .:5� J' �. ---I� .,. _
<br /> _" _ � 1' t �I . S . '
<br /> ,��.,:�
<br /> �--~cA_�
<br /> �� . �.. .,4..•.s:�:�:i.��:��i-_,�-t �- �����
<br /> `.;. L;..�. i+r� �. r,.e4;i:•�
<br /> _ � I 4 �:+-f " zs:*:.►.- ,. ° � ' the S�uteal Deb�A gaQd Faith b�tief by i.ender that �_,
<br /> ;,.:, esecute�for th p �it',c ; s�:as�'�,,t��.�ty�n� �Q_r.:.
<br />,�. Y dg� yaanY Fesson or entity obl�gated on the�ecured Debt az thnt t�e peo��a.,� � —
<br /> ;;��� E�d�s at an •
<br />:�:�' vf an}p�p�t ur t�e r-sIs�ai t�s Prcpetty is impaired s�a!!also co�sstitute an event of�3efauIL �>__ =.
<br />;k`�' l.�. 12�1iHID'11E�(iN D�II�AUILT.Ia so��instances.fed:ra!aad sta�ie!aw v,�l require Lencier w proiri�de�3ianmr with � --
<br /> a¢ti9e af th�a4p�►4 8r�auE or ot��r noYices and mayu�r d Debt aFCSI toresdose�this Scxarity Ynsu�mentb'�Jn a m�nner �`�='-'�-�=(.-
<br /> ti�sitations.ff r�ny,l�en�ar rn�y �soetergte the Sec jf �'-------
<br /> �'„__,.�.�.;
<br /> ptov�:d h3+t��if f3aentor i�in c�fa�t. r=�=��-°a°�..
<br />�-� At iL�eption of I�n�r,aEi or Feny�of the agreed fees and charges.uaxued interest aad piincipal shall become •��R,�..=.-:
<br /> immES�atety due aasf paya�l�.�ter g��zng not'sce �f requir2d hy tasv.ugon ti�e axturg'euee a€a default or anytime F�_;.=,.`�::
<br /> � ��, t�:ieafrer.Iu addition,Lea�3:r s1�D be ea'dicled to all ttte temedies pYOVide�by[aw,the te=ms of the Se�red Debt, __� _
<br /> u er to seII thc Pro e _,,.v „,
<br /> � taas��+ty tnstnuueat an�ang Yet�eed dcu��en�.iaduding wath4ut lim.�tati,on.t�e p� P rtY• __
<br /> tnu at the request of tY�e Gea�r,advertise
<br /> i�cheYe is a delfianIl.Tnss2�s?�1,in�si�itin�to s3ny ath�r pemutiQd retn�dY• .,�«�__
<br /> , ar�'1 sell�e�opes��d a w���or in se�te pzrce�s Rt�ub':s ausxio�to the t�ighest bidd,er for c�and convey �_
<br /> Pu Bi�d<4'.
<br /> absa.*ut�t�f�mia�e�.ar oY�ilf rir�►t,tit2e an�d mte�of Gr�mws st su�s�b time�d plar.e as Fnute����sflid
<br /> 'Firustee sB�SI g�'e reat��sr1��ia�S�time,terxa�an�p2�e of saD�aad a d�sc�i�tioa of t�e rapestY _��f�
<br /> re
<br /> `. as requ�sed b;�fhs a��L I�ca in ef�ct at the w�e uf the�rop��d gals. �Irys,'`�,.
<br />"';;%^, ppun saie cs�tAoE�,er�Y 7n�ex s�a11 ma&e an�de��a a d�ed to the Proparty ����;;,�t__
<br /> �ad to!he escteat not proiu'6ited by la�v. �all f�.c�aagas and a�sts.s�alt pay to I.eader all ,,:,"
<br /> d
<br />�::%lY,� �•�..::.��r
<br /> ,��",,y sotd wIricb ooatira}s a'bs�!sc�tit�t�the putchaser.and a�r fcrst{�ayia�, .
<br /> :.,.,} taaaeys advansed fos�s.�es.ins�uauce,liens.��-.^_�is and pnor eas�lsaaas�and interest therean,and the
<br /> s%r';Rt� the ius,if any.w�ra���s�r may purcttase the Property. �
<br /> _-_• ' principal aad'mterest om�S�cu.=ed Deb�,PaY�S �P
<br />,.�,�h� 'Ihe aeata�en any deed of oonveyauee sball be prima facze evideac�e of ehe facts set faa� '�� ovided at law or
<br /> �n---,;•..
<br /> AlI remedies are d i stin c t,r,u�uYative and ap3 exetusive,and the Lender is entitted to aU re�c�PI t on the rt.�; --
<br /> es�vity,whether ar aot exp�essiy set forth'I7�e ac�ptanse by Leuder of any sum in PaYmaz������.�e a ;� ...;`
<br /> � �ess:,sed Debi aftes the b�..�'�snoe�s due or is accelesa7�or aiter.f�redosur e�pr n ooceedings g�y�emed y on Fiasntai s �,�.�`,:
<br /> �c'Ev��s vf Ti,en�er's ri g�ni�m reqarare oomp l e t e c a t e a 6�a t y e x i�U ti n g Y r•'� .�."
<br /> , ,
<br /> �:��,�„�cs�.does uot waive I.ender's rig#�t to later���e event a defauIt df it contiaues or haDgens a,gasn- q�;"����.
<br /> /.6..,�'�
<br /> iG. F.I��i��;�YANCES O�T C O V E I V A N'�S 3 A 7 t�R 1�'f l�'I r E E S;COI.i.E�TION COS3S.Excepi whea � ,�. .,
<br /> _ �iu"bi:r.��!f�v,G r a ntfl�agrees to pa y aU of Lender's expea5es if Grantor breaches any covenant in � �:�;
<br /> E�tnunen�,Cxrantor will a�o�ay an demand any ataouni incurred 6y Lender for�g'inte�r�°�om t�a date of �-
<br /> � and Lender's seruritY interest.'I�ese eaper.��es "�`=-'-
<br /> -..��` atherwise grot..c,�inb ttsa&'�?!.cv�caty �-:.>
<br /> _.,..� the paymeat aatil paid'ua f�ill �t the.6ighest interest ra te in e ff e c t a s p ro v i d e c t i n 4 t t e t e r m s a f t l Q e�e c i u e d Dzfii. ..•:<<
<br /> -�:., teciing Lender's ri ts ;;.`;:;,=
<br /> Crantor agrzcs to pay ali sasts aad e��ses incurred by L.eudea jn ooIlecting,etdbn�n�Vr�. .
<br /> . and reu�.dies sur3er thn Seauity I�c�an�'i�is amouni may iink3�uie,but i�na�,ttfaita �'ttx;:i�ttarneys'fees,oomrt �: '..' �"' '• '
<br /> Tb'ss S.,�uity Instrument s?iaU reanai»:iu et�t��iiif!!i52f�r°�ntor�agrees m paY
<br /> " costs,and ar�us�.�sga1 ea�ee�se�• . : :. :.. ..:..::. -�� �
<br /> �~ costs aft r.h release. ; ,... :;``�,- �
<br /> �<.. ;� €Qrany reoorc,�,�m' r�co. � . . . ,�
<br /> 1�: E�,E?Oh'�A�'�g,�•�i AND HA�A�OUS S�TAN�l�.:i�s�usesl�ira.t�seceion,(1)E� Ad 2�^Ct.A, �
<br /> � caeans,wit�lu�9italion;t�e CampreI�ensive Environ�.�1 Itesp���.`�.�"""'���n�Iia4r�it;� -....__
<br /> 42 U.S.G�f�i'e�s�t.)•and alt aWer federal,state and i�l Eu�v�;,rsgula3ions,ordmar�'a c�uxi csrders,attorae�r _ --
<br /> . genetal o��ualu4 c�inte�pretive letters concerning the publIc heattli,safety,welfare,earcranment ar a hn�ardou� , .. �.�•
<br /> substance:and(2)Haz���us Substance means any taxic,radiaactive or haza�rdat�v atater�a�waste,pollutant or � �,, .:
<br /> .. . oontaminarit�'r�►bas e;hnr�cteristics wfucL render the substance dangerous csc.gaJ.en�al3y dungerous t�tTne public
<br /> ..���� �� �. ,, healtli.saf�.sv�9T.�te at ena�anmen�The term incl�ud�id��usubstattc�'uader�any�miroc..,�l�w.��a�dous � �,-
<br /> mateii�l,"4Gtpx�:�bsiaaces; hnzar�4u�waste o ..
<br /> , • .
<br /> GranWr reyr*��,warrants and a�a�s�ti�a� �� -
<br /> ,,,,: �, ;. A. Except as previnusly�isctoc,er��R'J acimowtedgad in writing to L.ender,no Haz�'�bua�ubstaYtce is or,wiU be E _._
<br /> � located,st�nred or ztieased an or in ttte P�opert3+•This restrictian does aot$gpfy�to smaq qnantities oi . � i
<br /> Hazaidaus��sa,crlPe�a t6at are geaeraitg►��d to bc approprinte fot the aorr�al use and na�lr�p�►ce of =.
<br /> . the:�*.�trty. .: :�;;,,� ?�� r. IY �`_�
<br /> B. ��cxrt�t:a`�p�ev?a�isiy discIosec�and uckna�wledgzd�n wntxceg�c��l,ender,G;anw and eve tena�t 6ave br�ar?,� ; :',,..
<br /> :: aa��;f�t'tt�:ieaeai���i s B a�mp l i a nce w i t l b a n 9.?r P�li r a b l e T'r.r n t r�nen4a}Law. �;
<br /> , ..�. . ,;..� �rarr:at s3uU"c�ttra�`uiR,t�ety notify�l.eR►der i�3;st�aS��se or thre:ileaed.retease nf a Hazardous Substanc��'t3�n�, �,__'
<br /> "`.. .,`:, � unckroi atwus ut:��iv��pectY ar there{s n�v��31t�Gic�of any Bnvironme�tc�._1'u0w concenn�ng the Praperty. �:
<br /> �.'�,;. . � aa event,Crancc���u�take�:RisaessazY YC��£ti�l actioa in axordad�jvl[�'�i�sy F,n�►u'onmentat l.a•N. � _
<br />:�.,;';:;,i�:;:: D. Grautor shali immediaiety���(��Yl��.ender in�writin�as soon as GQant�ir`�us a„o,:a.�n to beli��ve there is any �_„
<br /> . pending or t6rea��t.ned inve�tfj,�;tsoiz�n,claim.cn proceedr�g nelat�g to the�rekase�r.n��reatened release of any �,,
<br /> ' Hazarcious S�Ca�te ar tDe vio�`�tion of any Eavironmental law.
<br /> • 18. CONDEMNaT��a�.�Giciti��.'ot will give Lender pt�rapt nutice of any pesd:�^;$ur threatenecl actio€�,by private os � �,_
<br /> public enii�ies t�purc"na�.;os take a�ny or all of the praperiy tiuovSb eoadc�sf��eanon,eminent dQmaia,or any other __
<br /> means.Gr�r,�sae authorizes I.endec Ca intervene in Gra�tor's na�ce in any oi•Pt�e a?wve desc�bed ac4ians cr c1a'sms. , -- _.
<br /> a
<br /> Granter ttrs';i�'>ta Lendec ttae prace�'�is��£any award or clai�tt for damages cdnaected witA a condemnatian os ot3�er. ' _--
<br /> Iai g' r
<br /> tu(cin df`iti9Usrr.i�ny para¢t�t��'ropeety;'S'pash proceeds sha]i 6e cansidered�ia�.enC;and wilt be ap�ti,e4 a3 pr�v4ded i:� :,� t�
<br /> ;;� i� :+i ar,�cr.x3s is sub eet to the t�r�.4�assy prior mortga�.deed o4 tn�G p�r,
<br /> this�ec�ir;i. I.�tr�r,-.��h�.'�fie�as.�gn�ea: of� 3s j !�j,�1;r;r
<br /> '`�� ..• securitya��"batntentaff�tlu:sli�.�i�►?�tu��.�:: � ' ' �,..
<br /> ' ;.ti.� ... : �:'t�teft.actcS.c�ther l:atdc�s unnd risks
<br /> ,'.;���qx" ),q, L*isUtt�.1��.9�r�"i7ant�c�ei.v�lfi�L+;��:;}��'�erty insured a;ainst loss 6y fire. _--
<br /> ;�c;y�ry�;' reasasiablX��s�e•s�ated wit�i+u's¢�'rc",i�t-due to ies type aad location.T6is�craace sbat��ite�fuu�ii�Eai�ed in the amou�.�,. -
<br /> �t`i�Y "
<br /> and far tI»{�eriods th�.t.6.ea�e t::�usss.The insurance carsier providing the insurancc�ts,i9�be cinosea by Gramt�,. .
<br /> subject to Y.ead�r's ap�mval,whic�shall not be unreasonably wilhhetd.�f Grantor fait�4�maiatain the coverage �
<br /> described a.bove.i.e►td:,�'raa3�.at Leader's opt'son,obtain caverage to protect L.Qnde�s rights in the Property acoordin$ �..
<br /> to the terazs of this Secaciry Insu'wnent. --
<br /> All utsur.�ce policies and renewal,shall be aeceptable to ixnder and shalf include a standnrd"tnortgage elause"and, �„,.:
<br /> where a�p�icaule,"lass payee ctause."Grantor sha9i immediately notify Lendes of cancsilation or ter�unation of the �,
<br /> � insupance,y,ender sl�a:l I�ave the right to hold the poliaes and renswtxLs.If l.ender requires.Grantor shall immedia4�e�► _
<br /> w s
<br /> ' gve to Le�der aI1 raceepts of pai�premiums and cenewal notices.Upon loss,Graator shall gi�ve immediate uatice to w
<br /> , tlie ir,snrauce carrier aad Leader.Lender may cnatce pra�f of lass if not made 6mmediatety by Grantor. �
<br /> --�!I. `� j•� •(p�'Y�s��'!j �.
<br /> ,• . �1fl9�Bster�S!"-�me.SY.pa.�d.'LN It-8�1D39�•2N11 Fmn.�c�OTd.c 6^o/'}f �--,•�
<br /> - �_ �, ._-�.
<br /> .. . .,
<br /> ...., . . . .. ... � .
<br /> _ ... ., ,. .�� , ,.:� � ,. ... .. , , . � . . � �� � -
<br /> .. . ,. ., •. � . . -... � • � '
<br /> � , . .. ' *a } ' , . • .�.I' `� + � , '' , f .�'� ., ,.•
<br /> .. � . . �. .
<br /> . . _.. ,.s . .. t... .. . .
<br />