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<br /> � _ F L�.� +�' — — _ '-- - ... _ . -_ . ._ " . � ..�---
<br /> � -r . —. - -- - .
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<br /> �- � : -« -- . . _ - . , � .
<br /> , , � M ondin�ace cr�eati�� W�tEr Main D�trict Na M#6 in �the=Cit� of(irand i�snd. , .
<br /> l�itbrutn;��eGning the�rie;_of t�e d'i��iCr pt�a�vIdin�for tt�e�I�ying of s arater m�in�n �
<br /> - - . � -
<br /> � � �r�dui� for� pl�m and �ccifkattons and tauruig bldx prwIdtng fcr the �
<br /> -= ssid dist�ict: p � � --
<br /> �ent of spcciat t�xe�for eonatrucfing such water msin.and praviding tbe effeetivo date �
<br /> `��:� her�eo� --�.�-=- -
<br />— _ _ _,-•_._ •___ _.___ __ ,_f __ _ _ -- _- _'___ `�-.___ . _ — ___--
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<br /> , :=�==----- ---
<br /> . , �. ��;�_=
<br /> �. � ISI.AND.NEBRASKA: . - . .. ` -':�
<br /> ' SE�'£ION l. Watar Main Distrkt No 406.fn the City of Grand tsJand.Nebrasl��.is�
<br />.` herehy crasted fot the laying of a ten incb water�main with its ap�urtenances in Drittwood -_
<br /> �. . . ��� -----
<br /> �*:°��'�' � Drivc fran Sweetwood Drive aest�for 490 fce� �� ;�p=�
<br /> . :,�; �;:r , �'. � - _
<br />._� ��_- - ��:,� SECfION 2. Thc 6oundaries of such water main distrtcf shall be as follows: : ' - :,':- . -
<br /> •,;c�� c'�,;, � . , ��y �;;�..� y.�
<br /> . . .. :: _;'•. _ .. . ..i � `-+�`-^r�
<br />. � �'��:L':��'`.':7��'.'`' � , ' _ . ''L�
<br /> •, ;4 � • � =� . Bepnning at A, point being the Northeast cumer of Lot �ght (8}, ;;.:
<br /> '� Park Su6division• thence westedy atong the narthedy line of �=' ,�.�_'�;.�:_
<br /> . , :- w�„�a .
<br />` =..., .it'.:4i�;.�� " '�"�"'�' ' •
<br /> � :_���� _�J:,:� � aaid Lflt��fit (8�Weatwood Parlc Subdivuion,and thc n+artfierty ifie of -}_ ;sl�}735, �
<br />. . , ''r . � . t i't�_
<br /> Wcstwaod Park Second Subdivision a distance of four haadred nincty ��'
<br /> �� .,�:.., .
<br /> ,��,:,:. ,
<br /> �.� :_ . . .
<br /> „ °-- .:�-�,� ,° �i . (4900j feet to the Northeast comer of Lot'i�venty-nine(29�We�aQd , .�
<br /> . . t . :., i j_. 1.
<br /> S
<br /> . Q = - Yar1c Seeond Subdivtsion;thence southerly along the wcsterly tine ofsaid r, � -��.; .,
<br /> , , . ' ; r- �. • Lot Twenty-nine (29), Wcstwood Park Secand Subdivision. and its �: :' -;s;£,;•.��'
<br /> ' � extension a distance of four bundred(400.0)feet ta the Southwest comer ���'d�:::�� �' �; �
<br /> � � � �. .:::�;, .
<br /> � r`',,� - , • � . •� p of Lot Tfuee(3�.Westwood Park Subd i v i s i o n:t h ence easterly alon g the �� , . �-
<br /> '��������� � , q°e , � -1 southerly line of said Westwood Park Second Subdivision a distanee of � , '' . �._�
<br /> � � three hiundsed siuty-snc(366.0 fut to the Southeast eorrter of Lot One � '::;;,,� -
<br /> � �'` K � l� West��ood Parg. Second Subdivision; thence norlhesIy along the � �• ,Y�� ,___
<br />, ;.;(,;: '� �1�, _,...'.:;: -
<br /> , �- � .' _ _.,_. westerly lirte of Lot�ne(9),Y�'es�.�►aod Park Subdivistc�a distacscc c�f. . ::.�_'�-
<br /> : '`. �. ' � �ane hundred sevcs�tp �f70.0) feet to the Northwest comer of said,�t �. . -
<br /> . '. � . � , � �Tine(9),Westwood Park Subdivision;thence c�sterly along the naettzeriy `� ,
<br /> � ` , - ` fine of�t Nine (9), Wcstwood Park Subdcv�sion, aad its extension a . . , : < � , " '��
<br /> • � distaaec�a�one hundred twcnt -four ]24.0 feet;thence northeriy alons s . ';:;::a: ;���:
<br /> � . � ctte easterty line of Lot Eight(8). Westw� Park Subdivision, and its . ��' '�'",�"'� `�'ST' -
<br /> � •�' � �-�'.��' i�'_�-�
<br /> � � � cxtcnsion a distance of two hundred thirtg (230.U)fcet so thc point of , • • ��;
<br /> . . � � bcginning,all as shown on �hc plat markcd�xhibit "A"attached hercto �• '. �� ' � ��"`�
<br />,, _ and incorporated hetein by rcfcrence. ! `.:;,�,{, ' ,�
<br /> . ._ . .
<br /> -- �-� �---. SECTION 3. Said improvements shati bc made in accordance with plans and ��•. � . ;. �...:
<br /> .. . f� .,. .. .
<br /> � apecifications preparcd by the Engineer for the City who shall estimatc the cost thcreof, and � . ` : �.:�;�, �
<br /> '. , � submit ehc same to the City Councit,and upan appraval of the s�me,bids for thc eonstruction �
<br /> r � �
<br />. ' , � . + . . • . , . ' . ' . • .
<br /> , ... . .�. . . - .
<br /> .._. . ------'---.. __._ _. .. -�-- - - .. . . . � - - - -- - - - - - - -
<br /> ._.----- . . ... . . . . . .. ------ -.�.. -'-'--'.._
<br /> __.._�__.�_ _..__._..J_.___...._.�_ ..---__.�..__._.,�._ _-=--�--'---=�.._'------ --'-_- __-.'- -
<br /> , , . _ .
<br /> . . � _. . - .. i � _ . ' . _ , .. . . . . � . � . ._ ' � � .
<br /> , . . ' - - , ' � . . .� . . • � . 1 .
<br /> i F . .. ' . �r , . . . ,. ' ,_ . �._ ' � . _ _
<br />