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<br /> LINCOIN has caused sh¢se presents ta be executed by its esident/�rliw-Yi�
<br /> ' ,..•i�rwid�e�+t;and attested by its Secretary/Ar�iota�t�ay,under its cotparate seak this � �S►of-- .. -
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<br /> � � Att . �. gRpL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAT[ON OF 11H.
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<br /> .� � ,,�„;.. � �. On this 22nd day of April -19 9� -before
<br /> S me, the undersigned, a Notan,r Publie in and for said
<br /> .�.•�U�:
<br /> . County pe�sonally came L� F• Roschewski of First Federal Savings
<br /> and Loan Associatton of Lincoln,to me personally known tu be the �'esident _and ldentfical
<br />" person whose name is affixed to the above ielease and acknowledg¢d the execution thereof to be his voluntary act _
<br /> - - and deed as such officer.and the voluntary act and deed of the said First Federal Savings and Loan Assoclation
<br /> -�.�.,� • of Lincoln.
<br /> Witness my hand and Noiari�l Seal at L}�O� . .Ne6raska,in said County the day and year last .:
<br /> �. above wrltten.
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