<br />{Continuedy Page �
<br />have fo get Lenders oonsent again if the s(tuation happens again. 7ru�tar further understands that just beaause Lender cnnsents tn
<br />on� or more of �rustor's requests, that doas nat me►an Lender will be required ta aansent to any of Trustors #uture requests. 'frustor
<br />waives presentment, damand far payment, protes#, and nniice crf dishonar.
<br />Se�erafaflity. If s court finds that any proVlsion at thls Deed of 7rust ia not valfd or sl�tau�d not be enforced, that fact by itself will nat
<br />mean that the rest af this Oeed of Trust wii! not be valid ar enfqrt'�d. Tharefare, a caurt wiU eniarce the rest of the pra�isians of this
<br />pead of Trust even if a provision of this peed of Trust may be found ta be invalid or unenFotcsabie.
<br />Sucr:essors and AuFgns. 5ubject to any 1lmitatlans stated ln thls Deed o� Trust an traitsfer of Trustar's intsrest, this pesd of Trust
<br />shall he binding upon and Inure tn !he benefit of the parties, their successvrs and assigns. If ovvnership of the Property becomes
<br />�ested in a person other than Trustor, l,ander, withput natice to Trt��tor, m�y deal wlth �'rusto�'s successors witfi refsrsnce ta this
<br />beed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way of forbesrance or exfensinn withaut rel�asing Tr'ustar from the abligatlans vt this Deed of
<br />Trust ar liability under the indeptedness,
<br />Time f�s nf the �ssence. TGme is of the essence In the perfprmanc� t� thEs t]aed pf Trust. .
<br />Wafv�r of Homestead Examption. Trustor hereby reles�es and walves a!I rlghts and benefits of th� homestead exemptlon iaws of the
<br />State of Nebrask� as to al) Indabtsdness secared by fhis �esd of Trust.
<br />DEFlNITIpPIS. The following words shaEl have the ioilawing meanings when used in this C1eed ai Truat:
<br />8enefEclary. 7he word "Beneficiary" m�ans �ANK OF 7H6 WEST, and Its successors and �ssigns.
<br />Botrower. The word "Borrower" means JAY S FEG'T�R and Includes al! co-s)qners and co-makers signing the Credlt Agreem�nt and
<br />all their suocessors and assiQns.
<br />Crodit Agraement. Th� words "Credit A�reemenY' mean the credi� agreemer�t dated 5eptember 3U, 20'! 0 with credit limit nf
<br />$93,2QQ.QQ from 7rustpr to l.ender, #pgether with all renewals of, extensipn& of, modilrcations �f, reflreancings af, cansolidativns
<br />of, and substltutions for the promissory note or �greemer�f. The maturity date of this pe�d of Trust Is actnber 5, 2D35. NQTIGE TD
<br />17aed of Trust. 7he wprds "Deed of 7rust" mean d�Es aeed af Truat among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and includes without
<br />Ilmltafion all assignment and security interest provisivns re{ating to the PQrsona) propsrly and Rer�ts.
<br />Environmental Laws. The words "En�ironmental �aws" rnean any and all state, federaf and iacal statutes, regulation� and ordinances
<br />relaifng ta the protection of hum�n heelth or the envlronment, including wfthaut Ifmltation the Comprehensive Environmenta)
<br />Response, Cvmpansatfon, and Liability Act vf 198U, as amendad, 42 U.S.C. Sectlon 9Bq1, et sec�. ("C£RCLA'�, the Supertunci
<br />Amandments end Reautharixafian Act of 998B, Pub. !.. Np, 99-499 ("SARA"), #he Hazardou& Maberials l"ransportation Act, 49 U.$.C.
<br />Section 1801, et seq., th� Reeource Conservetian and Reoovery Act, 42 RJ.S.C. Sectfan 69D1, et seq-, or other appliva63e sfate or
<br />federal laws, ruies, or regulatipns adopted pursuant fhereta.
<br />Evant of D�fault_ The words "�vent of Default" mean any af the event& df default set forth in this �eed nf Trust in the events vf
<br />default sectlon of this Daed of TrUSt.
<br />Existing Indsbterinsss. The woMs "Existfng Ind�bt�dness" mean the i�debtedness described In ihe Exlafing Uens provisinn vf tFila
<br />Deed at Trust.
<br />Hazardaus Substances. Tha wprds "Hax,ardous Substances" mean materials that, because of thetr quantity, cx7nr,entratian or
<br />physfcal, cher�nical or fnfectiaua characteristics, may cause or pose a present or potential hazard to human health ar the environment
<br />when improper(y used, treated, stored, dispased pf, generated, manufaCtured, trensporEed nr ntherwise hendled. The words
<br />"H�zardoue Substances" ar� used in their very broadesf sensa and fndude without Iimitation pny and alf hax,ardvus or toxic
<br />substan�es, materials or wasts as deiined by ar liated under the Environmental Laws. The term "liazardnus Substences" also
<br />includes, w�fhout Iimltatlpn,_petroleum and petroleum by-products or any fraction theraof and asbestos,
<br />Itnprovem�nts. 7he-ward "impravements" meana all extstin� and future imprpvemsnts, �ulldings, structures, moblle hames affixed on
<br />fhe Real Property, faci�itfes, additior�, repl�cem�nts and vth�r cnnstruativn on the Real Properiy,
<br />Indebtec#ness. 1"he word "Indebtedness" means all princtpal, interest, ar�d other amounts, cosfs and expensss payabie under the
<br />Crec9it Agreemerrt or Retated Documents, tagether witl� all ren�wals of, extensians of, modlfications af, consolidations af artd
<br />subst3tutlans far tha Cred�t Agreement or Related Documents �nd any amounts expended or advanc�d by Lender ta discharge
<br />Trustar's obli�ations or expensBS Incurred by 7rustee nr Lander to enforce Trusto�'s obligatfons under this Deed af Trust, together
<br />wiifi intereat on such amounts as pravided in thls Deed nf 7n,rst,
<br />L.ender. The wnrd "L�nde�' mear►s BAIVK pF THE 1N�S7, its aucc�essars and ass3gns, The words "succ,�cssors or assigns" mean any
<br />person nr cvmpany that acqulres any interast in the Credit Agreement.
<br />P�rsanal Wrvperty. The words "Perspnal Property" mean all equipYnent, fixturea, and othar artEcies of personal property now or
<br />her�after owned by Ttustor, and now or hereafter attached or a'Fiixed to the Resl Praperty; tvgether with all ac�essians, parts, and
<br />additfan� to, all repEacements af, and all sub�tltUtlons far, any of such praperty; �d tngether witt� all proceeds (including wfthaut
<br />Ifmttation all fnsurahC� prr�ceeds snd reiuncfs of premiums) from any sale or othet dispositfon of the Property.
<br />Pmpsrty. The ward "Property" means coilectively the Real Property �nd the Parsonal Property.
<br />Real Property. The words "Real Propert�' mean the rea! property, interests and rights, as further descrif�ed in thie aeed pf Trust.
<br />li�la#ed Documents. The words "Related qpcuments" mean ali prom(ssory notes, credik aQroements, loan agreements, environmental
<br />agreernents, guaranties, secur3ty agreemeMs, mprtgages, de�ds of trUS't, security deeds, c�lateral mortgages, �nd aEl other
<br />irtstruments, agr�zements ar�d documents, whether noav or hereafter exlsfing, executed Ir� connection wtth the Indebtedness.
<br />Rerrts. The ward "Ftents" r►iear�s a!I preserrt and future renta, revenuas, Incame, issues, rayal6es, profi#s, and other beneflts darivec!
<br />fram the Prpperky.
<br />