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2p1007741 <br />DEED �F TRUST <br />(Continued) Pag� 5 <br />EV�NTS OF D�AUL7. Trustor will be in d�Fault ur►der this paed oF Trust if qny of the foliowtng happen: (A) 1"rustor commits fraud ar <br />makes a materisi misrFrpreseritatian at any iime in connectlon wlth the Credit Agrsemenk 'Thls can inolude, f�r example, a false statement <br />about Trustpr's ineome, a�se�, Ilabilif�as, or any other asp�cts of Trustar`s flnancial carxlition. (8) 1'rustpr daea hnt meet #he repayment <br />terms af the Credik Agr�e�m�nt. (C) Trustor's action ar inactton �dvers�ly aff�cts the vaflateral or Lendar's rights in the cr�f�ter�l. This <br />can include, for example, fallure fo mair�tafn required insuranoe, waste or destructive use af the dwelpng, faAure to pay taxes, death of alI <br />parsa�.s liable an the aacount, transfer of title or sale of the dweEling, creatfan of a senivr Ifen on The dwefl(ng without Lender's permission, <br />foreclosur+e by tMe haldsr af �nothe� lien, or fhe use of funds nr the dwelking for proMibitad purpases. <br />Ft{GFITS AND REAREWE3 bN C7EFAt1L.T. If an �vent af Default npcurs under this Deed pf Tr►,�st, at any time thereafter, Truste� ar Lender <br />may exercise �ny ane or more of fhe fallowing rlqhts and remedies: <br />Acceteratlpn Upon qefault; Additionsl Remadtes. If any �vent of l�ef�utt acours as per thm terms aP the Credit Agreement <br />' securnd here�y, Lender may declare all Indebtadness secured by this �eed of Trust tv be due and payable and the same ahaA <br />thsreupon became due and payable withoiat any presentment, demand, prntesf or riotice vf any ic�nd. ThereaFter, Lender m�y: <br />(a) Elthar in persan qr by agent, with ar withput bring(np any actio� or proceedltig, or by a receiver apppinted by a coutt and <br />witE�nut regard to the adequscy af its security, enter upon and take possession ot` th� Ptoper#y, pr any part thereof, in its <br />own name ar fn the name of Trustee, and do any acts whici� it deerns necessary or desirable to preserve the value, <br />marketabfiity qr rentahiilty cyf the Property, or part af the Property cx irifarest in the Praperry; tncrease thc� income from the <br />Properly or prptect tha security of the Property; and, with ar without taking passessian of the Properry, sus for or othsswise <br />cnllect ihe rents, issues and proflts of the Prvperky, inciuding those past due and unpald, and appty the same, less costs and <br />expenses af aperatlan and cnllectian altorneys' fe�s, to any indebtedness sec�red hy this paed of Trust, al! ih sucts order as <br />Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking pqsses5lon of thh� Praperty, the calkectian of s�ch rents, issues and <br />profrts, and ihe appfication thereof st�all nat cur�e or waiva any defa�lt or notive of detault ur►der this need of Trust nr <br />invalidate any act dane in reeponee to such default or ptarsuant to such nabce of default; and, notwithstanding the <br />continuance In passession af the Property ar the cvllection, receipt and applicatlan of r�r►ts, Issues ar profits, 'Crustee or <br />l.ender shaA be entitled tn exercise every right provided fnr In the Credit Agreement or the Related Documants nr by law <br />upon tt►e occurrence af any �vent of deta�lt, innluding the right ta exercise the pvwer af sale; <br />(b) Commence an action to fnreclose this Deecf of Trust �s a mort�age, appofnt a recelver or speciflcally enforce any of the <br />cvvanants harevf; and <br />(a) Del�ver to Trust�e a written declaration qf de'fault and demand for sale and a writtan rtiatice af default and electivn to <br />causB 7rustor's lnterest In the Property to be sold, which nofics Trustae shall caus� to be duly flled fpr rec;ard in the <br />approprf�a affces of the County In which the taraperty ia lvcated; and <br />(d) With resp�ct to aN or �ny p�rt oi the Parsonal Properry, Lender shall have ali #he righis and remedies vf a securnd party <br />undar tha Nabraske Unifarm Cammernlal Code. <br />Forea{asure by Pawer oi' Safe. Ii tender �l�cts to foreciase by exarcise af the Power of Sa1e herefn contained, Lender shalf natlfy <br />Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Desd of Trust and the Credit Agreement ar►d such receipts ar►d evidehce vf <br />mxpend�tures made and secured 3ay this Deed of Trust as Trusteg may rbqufre. <br />(a) Upw'o reoeipt of auch notioe irnm Lendar, Trustee shal) cause to be recorded, published and delivered to Trustar such <br />Notice of Default �'+d Notioe ofi Sale a� th�n required by law and by this Desd of TrusC. Trusbee shall, without demand an <br />Trustor, efGer such tircre �s mey then be required by law and after recordation of such Ttotice of Default and after Notice of <br />Sale having been given as requlred by law, aell tha Properly at the time and place of sale �ixed by it in such Not[oe pf 5ale, <br />elther as a whole, or in separate lots or parcels ar items as Trustee shall daem expedient, ancl ln such arder as it may <br />determine, at publ� auction io the highest bidder fvr �ash in lawful money of the United 5tates payable at the time af saie. <br />TrusteB shall deliver tn such purchaser or purohaser� thereof lts good end su�f'icient d�ed ar [feads conveying the property sn <br />sald, but without �ny oovenant or warr�nty, express or implied. The recitals in such deed of any matters or facts shalt be <br />oanclusive prnaf of the tru�fufness thareof. Any person, incfuding without limitatinn 7rustor, Trustee, ar Lender, may <br />purchase at such saEe. � <br />{fa) As may be permitisd by (aw, after deducting ali costs, fiaes and expenses of 7ruatee end af this 7rugk, induding casts of <br />evidence of titf� in connection with sale, Trustee shaN apply the proceeds of sala tp payment ot (3) alt sums e�ended urxler <br />the lerma of this Daed of 7ruat or under the terms of the Credit Agr�ement not then repaid, including but not limited to <br />accrued Intere�t and late charges, (iq all other aums then securred her�hy, and (Iif) the remaEnder, if any, to the parsvn ar <br />persons legally entttled thereto. <br />(cj Tru�tae may In the mariner provided by law postporie sale of all or any pqrtion at the Property. <br />Remedf€es PEot Exaluafve. . Trustee and Lender, and each pf thsm, shal! be entftled to eniorce payment and perFormance af any <br />indebtedness or obiigattons seourad by thfs beed vf Trust and to exercise sll rlghts and pdwers undar this [�ed of Trust, under the <br />Credit Agraement, under sny af the Ralate�i pacumattts, ot under any other agresment or any Iawa nnw or her�after in force; <br />notwithstandins, svme or atl of such indabfedness and aEsltgations s�red by this �eed �'F Trust may now or hereaRer be atMerwise <br />secured, whether kry mortgaga, dead of trust, piedge, 7fen, assiqnmeht or otherwtse. Nelther the socept�nc:� nf this Deed of Trust nor <br />its en�orcement, whether by court aetton or pursuant to the power oF sale or other powers r.ontained in thfs Deed of Trusi, &hail <br />prejudEce or in sny manner aff�ct Trustee's ar Lende�'s righi to realize upon or enforce any pther security now or hereaf�er hald hy <br />Trustse or Lender, it being agreed that Truatee and I.ender, and each of them, shail be entided to enfarc� this Deerf of Trust and any <br />nther security naw ar hereaft6r held by I.vnder or Trustee In such orcier and rrr�nner as they or either of tham may In their absolute <br />dlseretian cfeterm(ne. No remedy conferred upon pr reservdd to Trustee or Lender, is intendad to be exnlusive nf any vther remedy 9n <br />ttiis Aeed of Trust or by law provlded or permitted, bUt each shall be cumulative �nd shall be In additipn to avery pther remedy given in <br />this I�ead of Truat pr naw ar hereafter existing at law or in equity pr by �tatuta. Every power or rqmedy given by the Crsdit <br />Agreement or any of the R�lated pocumanta ta l"rustee or Lender or to whfch elther qf them may be otherwise entftked, mey be <br />exercised, coneurrently or Independentiy, irom fime ioo time and as of�en as m�y be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lende�, and <br />