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201�07741 <br />DEED QF TM�UST <br />�Continued) <br />Pag� 2 <br />Duty to iNafntaln. Tntstor shaq mafr�fain the Praperty in good condiUon and pramptly perFarm all r�pairs, veplacemenfs, snd <br />maintenanoe necess�ry to preserve Its veiue. <br />Cvmpifance With Ertvirnnmental Laws. 7rustor represerrts and warranis tn Lender that: (1) purin� the period of Trustor's pwnership <br />of the f'roperly, the�e has heen no irse, generatlan, manut�cture, storage, treatment, disposal, release or threatened r�skease o# any <br />Mazardous Substance by any person on, under, abaut or from the praperty; (2) Trustvr has no knowiedge of, or r+aason ta beEleve <br />that there has been, exoept es previausly discl�Qd ta and acknowledged by Lender in writEng, (a) any qreach ar v1ol�Uon nf any <br />Environmer►tal, (b) any use, generatian, manufacturQ, sforage, treatment, disposal, release ar Ef�roatened refaase nf eny <br />Hazardous Substance nn, under, aboui or from the Property by any prior owners or vccupants of thQ Properry or (c) any actuaE or <br />threatened litigatian ar daims of eny kind by any per�son relatlng to such matter°s; and (3j �xcept as previously disc6assd ta and <br />�cknowledged by Lender in writing, (a� neither Trustvr r►ar arry tenant, car►tr�ctor, ager�t ar vther aufharized user of fhe Properfy <br />shall use, �nerate, manufactur�, store, traat, dispose of or relaase any Ha�ardous 5ubsta�ce an, under, about or from the ptoperty; <br />ar�d (b} any such activity ahall be conducted in compllance with all applioable federal, stat�, and lacal Eaws, regulatians and <br />ardlnannes, inaluding withdut limkatian a!I Envirpnmental Laws. Trustor autharlaes Lender and its agents fo enter upqn the Property <br />to make such fnspectiorss and kests, at 7rusto�'s axpense, as L�nder may daem appropriate to determine carrtpliance af the Property <br />with this sectlan af the beed nf Trust. A�y inspections or tssts rnade by L.ender shal! be for E.endars purposes onty and shall nvt be <br />aonstrued ta create any responsibiifty or ilapqtty on the parf of Lender to Trustar or to any other perspn, 7he rspresentations snd <br />w�rranties oontained herein are basad on Trustnr's due diilgence In ir�vestigating the Properry for liazardous Spbstances. 7'rustpr <br />hereby (1) releases and w�ives any futura clalms agalnst Lender for indemnity or contributlon In the event 7ruator becomes liable for <br />cleanup or other costs under any such laws; and (2) agreea to fnd�mnify, defend, and hald harmless Lender agafnst any and alf <br />claims, bssas, liabilities, damagas, penalties, and s�yaenses which Lender may directly or [ndireatly sustain or suifer resulting from a <br />breach of this section oF the psed af 7"rust ar as a cansaquencs af any use, generapon, rnanufacture, sEorage, d{spnsal, release pr <br />threatened release occurring prior to Trustor's ownership vr interest in the Property, whether or not the same was or should have <br />tseen knawn tn Tnastor. The provisEons of this spctfon pf the Deed c�f 7'rust, including fhe obllgefton to indemnlfy attd defend, shall <br />survive the paym�rnt of the Inde6tedness �nd the satisfaction and recoriveyar�ce of ths lien af thfs Deed oT 7"rust and shai! nnt be <br />affected by Lender's acqulsition of any interest in the Property, whether by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />Nuisance, Waste. Trustar shaR not cause, canduct ar permit any nuisance nar cprr�mit, permit, or sufter any stripping vf ar waste vn <br />ar to the Property or arry portlan af the Prnperry. Without iimiting the generality of the faregafng. Trusfor will not remave, or grant ta <br />any other party tha right tv remove, any tlmber, minerals (including Ail and gas), coal, clay, scoria, soil, gravel or rack products <br />without Lendels prior written consent. <br />Remova) pf �nprovamerits. Trustor shal� npt demniish or remove any improvements from the Rsal Prqpetty without Lencfer's prinr <br />written consent. As a candition tq the r�maval ot any trnpravements, Lender r�ay requtre Trustar to maka arrangements satisfactory <br />tn Lender #o replaae suoh improv�ments wlth Improvements af at feast equa! value. <br />Lendet"� Right fa Entsr. I»ender and l.anders as�ents and representatives may ehter upon the Reatl Propgrty at alf reasnnable fimes to <br />attend to Lender's interesis and to inspect th� Real Property for purposes of Trustprs compllance with the terms and conditiorts df <br />thls pead af Tcust. <br />Comptiance with Governmental RequlremenW. Trustor shall promptly camply with all la►nr&, ordinances, and regulations, naw ar <br />hereafter in e4Yect, af slt• gavemmental authorWes applicabis to !ha use ar accupancy of the PropQrty. Trustor may aor�test in good <br />faith any such law, ordinanoe, vr ragulatlon and withhald campliance during any proceedir�g, fncludir►� appropriate appeals, so lang as <br />Trustor has notlfled l.ender in writing pr3or ta doing so and �a Inng as, in Lender's sple opinlon, Lender's interests In tMe Pt�pperry are <br />not jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor to posi adequate sepurity ar a surety band, reasnnabty sstisfactvry to Lender, to prptect <br />Lendar'8 Inter�st. <br />Duty tq protect. Trustar agre�a naither tp abandan or Iea�e unattended the Property. 7rustor shall do alE ofher acts, fn addition ta <br />those acta set forih above in this section, which from the charac6er and use of the Property are reasanably necessary to protect and <br />preserve the Praperry. <br />7AXE3 AND LI��ES. 7he following provisior� relating to the taxes and lierts an th� Property are park of tFiis C?esd of Trugt: <br />Paym�nt. Trustor shali pay when due (arxl In aA �vents prior to delinqwency) all texes, specfal taxes, �ssessments, charges (including <br />water and sewer), �lnes and impt�sftions levled agairTSt ar on aocount of the Praparky, and shall pay when due ell clefm� fpr work don� <br />on ar tor servipes rendered or mgterial furnished to the Property. 7rustor shaq maintair� tha Property fi'ee at all Iiens having priority <br />a�er or squal to the Ir�terest af tsnder under this l]eed af 7rust, except for the lien a'� taxes end assessme�ts not due, except far the <br />�xisfing Indeqtedness referred to helow, and except as otl�erwise provlded fn this De�d vi Trust. <br />Rlght to Cont�st. Trustor may withhold payment of any tax, assesamenf, or claim in conneation with a good fatth dtspute over the <br />obEigation to pay, so I�ng as Lenders interast in the Properry is not jeopardfzed. ffi a lien arises or is fi{ad as a result of nonpayment, <br />Trustor shall within flfteen (15) days after Rhe lier► arises or, if a li�n is ffEed, within fiiteen (15) days �after 7rustar has no�ice af the <br />filing, secure the discharge of the lieh, ar if requested by Lender, deposit wfth lsnder cash or a sufficient corparate surety bond or <br />other securlty satisfectary ko i.ender in an amount suffl�ent ta dlscharge the Ilen plue� any coats and attomeys' fees, ar r�tMer charges <br />th�t could accrue as a result of a foredosure or sala under the iien. in any cqr►test, Trustor sha11 defend Itself and Lender and sha11 <br />satisfy any adversa Judgment hefore enfaroemerrt egainst the Property. Trustnr sh�lt name Lender as an additiona! obligee under any <br />surety bond fumished In the nontsst prqCeadings. <br />Evider►ce pf Pnyment. Trustar shall upon demand furnisM to L�nd�r sat�sfactory evkien�e of payment of the taxes or assessrnerita and <br />shall authorize the approprlate �ovemmental ot�dal to dgUver ta I.ender at eny time e written statsment af the taxss and assessmenta <br />a�ainst the Praparly. <br />Notics of Canstn�ctian. Trusbor shail notify Lender �t le�st fi�teen ('15) days before any work Is commenced, any senrlces are <br />fumished, or any materials are supplied ta the Property, if any med�anin's lien, matsrialmen'� Ilen, ar other Ilen cauld ha asserted on <br />acoount of the work, aervipes, nr materials. Trusfior will upnn request of Lende� fumish ta l.ander advancs assuranaes satisfactory ta <br />I.ender that Trusbar can and wilt pay fhe cost af such improvements. <br />