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<br /> ..� � F- �.� _ �_______.�(..,..._w — �..�.._ ��'�+tPaw`
<br /> , � ��r�.`.�:'-
<br /> � ' a, • ` ��� �85��66�� p`,``` �
<br /> �,,.:.,�.;,
<br /> L 'Phis eamreyau�is�ade uQoa aud snbjat to d�sa fua�e$cr chst�t the said Ts�stsr s5a�rsmr.,i8 i�qti!-,8 . `n;�.
<br /> � aad geacsabl�posss�ioa o8 the ahove g�anted aad d�aibed premises aad cafce t�e profits tiuseot to�s owrs msr+uai�l �'��:
<br /> a
<br /> „•«,,,:.
<br /> ` d�fa�adt Ee�ade ia aay gay�eat of aa iastaUmeat dtu oa svd aose�r ia t�perfc�aase et aay aE tha eoveur�is ar -•�:..sr:',
<br /> caQdisions scataiaed tls�n or as this Deed of?sas�aad,alsa to sec�e th�reimb��c�at of ttta B�c�sq og as►y . , . �:
<br /> as�er hoLder of said aoze, t�e Trussx ar aay sts�stitnte Orastee�f aay aa�all co:�aad r�genses iaz+.a�re� �astu�a8 �,:==.-,
<br /> resso�ab�at�taeps fess,oa ass�tmi of any litigatian wbich may arisz ar�$respea to tbis Tc�tst or F,iYh res��co t� � � ;-
<br /> at i�':r;�'�
<br />-- iad:h�ted�ss evideaad bY said ao�e. t6a psetearfla aaa ma�ntwa$ce of�e psagaty itetein�bove d�ai3scd or as ,.:..;�- �<.-
<br /> eaa �;-.
<br /> ebiaiaamg passessaa of sai�pm�sty a&er aa3►s�e whisl�may be made as bcr�r pra�idr.� �'�V'f;,
<br /> �;���.
<br />' 2 Upoa t8e fuR payauat af t�e indebt�tvid:a�d b1/sa�d asita acd t3�e iasetesi the�an.t�Fa3tm�as ':';'''`�='•
<br /> t oF ail m�nlas�or a��:d putanaru to said a�ta cr t�is ,��4•`
<br /> �. r�aII r�sams heieia providcd fo�tlu re�aSt�:� ;��' ��`�
<br />� ��,,aad upoa tha paymmt of aII asher proger cas�c�+��.��'tha aboca de�bed '�'`�f>'
<br />_ ; ,�,���
<br /> _ ��:s�be rstra.sed aad r��d to ttnQ at tt�ca�t af thg Tras�t�� ='--=��_
<br /> .. 3. Ugoa defnnit ia an�af t�e esvannBts os�rond'inans of t�is ia�emmest or cf t�e aate or It►�a agzeemeai t''_�-=�=_�`�
<br /> seaued F�ebq.the Beaeficary as 4fs as�s may withnai notic�and w�er�f regard to sae adequary o�u.�ui�J far t�e �-�'--
<br /> °�---�
<br /> �debo�sewiea, eislaer P�`.�aIIy or bq auam�g ar r�tac a�tcia�g �Y�aa or���a �.�.=2_,.-.,
<br />`�`�� �eiv,�txr L•e aggointsd h�tba m�sat�ugon aad taalce pm�sassioa af sai8 P�F�Y �9 I� _-__--
<br /> acts wi��eaefcci�cy ciee�.s Prapex w proteet ttu�herto�aad�Qr c�rith or wit�out talaag gats�sm aEs�d �---="_
<br /> ��N scllat aad reuive�he rr�.PoYaItaes.i�s►and profits ihaeo��g re�ts�sausd�+nd•wapaul.r�d.a�IY :� ti�:,.
<br /> h th� Dr.ed af Tia� s�ht� �, ,H•
<br /> :�Se��g.Iess casts of optr,uia3 aad co�ectioa.upoa tha ucdeb� �d Gq ah ._._
<br /> aad bezug�►�d t'i;::��,�._.
<br /> ta3;�:�.�a�. F��► co t hcs II c m�B d a a y a s i w r t E a r s:a t r i�f a t t h a �a g m i s u t a k� - --
<br /> . � Fserase of r i�t s IIades tbis para�aph shnll•a�cara or�e aag defaiilt as antica uf c4sfasde� -
<br /> '.. es ia�Z' date aa�rx�cioae pu�smaat ta attch r�3i�i bnt sball�e eum a t a Q t s 3 ta aay r i g�t a a d raffi s�c i��`3 e� l
<br /> . . . and w�ause mcefer3�,�uIt to be r�sosded as hasinaft'e�z,,p�rwided.2�csam�iative w aay othae t�t�ad/9r�y . �v,.�
<br /> bLtG�r gt Q�y7�SPl�8IId ffiy bC C�[GSZd COur�a�}��p��S�'�� �Su;
<br /> [� . �[CQJ1�1P3 ffiC�II�L'�.350�3�711L A�2IICj�S fCG3 3�3u E}S SC�� �=c•:=:--
<br /> �'°2'-`-
<br /> ` .•, � 4�. Ti�e T�r eavaaants a,�d a�ees t�tt i�tie sha�1 fm1 ta pr�r�l ia�bL�s.ar aay��n��► . . �'.
<br /> �
<br /> Q�...�_,__�;
<br /> .,,,: . due,ot s}eaII fa�to petferm aaY s�toanr or�sgcemeac of tbi�iasu�=c�a.tFce pzamissa:y na�a�.t��o�
<br />��` �'_ � eataa iadebtedaess�by set�3ed sbaII immed'uttelp b�a � �• sud �3k �t�e op�fi�.�'',F t�e .
<br /> ' "� B=ste6c�9 os a-.-di-+r�c�°g�•aad tba H�u3arY ar a�s��►�n€+aa sud gragr�:,tnd:4as�3r�e
<br /> .,.,.�� �n ,�
<br /> ��``'�`''� ' tha raats�d psofio�the:to£ Ug�n saeh defanit ia payme�ar p�rfa:mae�,�.dhe(o�rits�a8ter su�h mr�y,s�ar'�.�xee. ��;;::
<br /> � '�,}� �" actiag ia the rs�Son ef ehis?rns�a�a c!u aohae of defanit 1�as beea r�rded,s5�11�a eogypf t�de.�au�.�t,�pc� __-
<br /> i' persaa wko is a pa:ty to t8ia�ear.at the addre�set aai ia t�it iast�ear.as cves as La�ux�person w�a lias �::.
<br /> .� .„ requestsd aay ae�of da£zcIi aad mc6�s6 af sata by re�ard'ing said requcst far n8tica with the r�uf deeds ia tlse �++
<br /> W�i1y[a W111C�11�115i IaS�CIIY.IS tECOTdt�8�d�EL i21C j8 .�"0�OmG�LL�' 1S=C�1lCd��'W S�C���+'�+ �'n;`:_
<br /> aad iLS1L�bC thQTlI�iGC'9 drit�t0 SEI1LiidQtdpetlg(!9d im tiSD ��'="=�
<br /> :` the T�stee st�aaII bave the pp�rcx�co�1 said prape��ty, dn 7 =°,-.-
<br /> � �,� of aay drfaalL of aay gIDCCt���ir.to r�seT�at pablie auctioa.eo tha�g�st 6iddkr.�St g�via3 five�reelt�a4ties og tho �,,,�-'
<br /> � dme.cesms.aad Dlace of sash s�1e.69 asiv�mest nac te�tLaa oa�ce dmiag eseh aE said&ve areels ia a ae+rtpaDer �'.,_.:�
<br /> . '�i'. gu6�sjsed a�dista�ut�d ia tba coancy or poli�l su�ivisiaa in ci�ioFt s+i�pc�apertg is sid�at�d.�ad ar�itteaamtica aF s�1e �
<br /> , :; sit�lt'I�r ta�ed to each persan wPxo is a pIIrtg w tbis iastr+�rc Wnt ai tba�aee fonh��,(sad tbe�� �:_:
<br /> � � �r�n on h�halg of the�oe6d�►aa�Y bid aad P�e at saeh saLe�.Sada salo av�lt be 6dd at a saitaS�1��pLa R���
<br /> ::,:: 4: �t h�
<br /> �:`� oa b�e ab�ected bq t�-�icnc�aar�►arit�ia said coaacq os po�Ca!subdivisia�s.'lb.e T:ttstee'ss iureb'a�to�uee
<br /> . • ','��;.. 3�ases az sae6 s�le a snffident conveyanca ois�d ptopersY.wbirh ea�ep�smaII mor�ia ietitala ��.
<br /> �..Y; � aaa.ae�iver to t���r arhieh the aoecuoioa ef the�af s�a btrda�ed�P�aaa me sa�ct i
<br /> ��`. . �s w the bayger3a�44 defanit cpoo
<br /> Tiuswr hercby ca�sdtates a�d appamc°h e'Tiauea as b i s agmt a n d a t t e�t a t u t t o m a l c a s�c h r e e i d a l s a�d t o e m e a�4 a
<br /> � '` aaid coaveyaace aad heceby eavenaats aa�d a�tes tbat tne�ecitals so made s�tie biading�ad�n�vC�a fhe
<br /> , �..�.,' . T�tar.a,ad said ca�svey�eee shaII be effsc�uJ to bar aII eqnity�reg�t of redemDooT+..Itoraes�d.d4�+er.i�,4 oF - --
<br /> .� ;�j;, . •aFDTU.emeat►aad oII atlzer ri�ts ur.��a�s aE the Trustor aIl af�id�se�areby esDress�tg��aived aad coaec7ed ��-_
<br /> � to tba Trustee. 1a the nveat o[a s�le a�}��naba�e prwsde�the'S�uar ar aay�nas in.i��_� ''�_:
<br /> ... 1�; Trastar,st�all thm beeamc au�6e taao�ts b+ot�8 over aad sh�D fortMrith deliver possessioa ta dcrr�at s�ch �,,:,,
<br /> :•�, � sata.os ba summuitY disPas���ia axnr�lanee anth the pcov'.si+oas af�Itw applic.�hle to tcQStss�.D�1 � �cs T!� . ==-=
<br /> �;`��-.�;a� .�. �awar aad agearyhe�eby gr�ated aav caupud aritli an interat aad ara irievocibia by deat6 0:ot��w, .�s.v.�azci� -
<br /> • ;��,�• u c�a►'�+�tive ct��ali,atIur re�dies for caZttsti�a of sai�indabeed�s. 7 Ee Beaefiairy ae A�g�t�.�t�Ita aay _
<br /> • .,''� . ' � ��_
<br /> i7MiYl�.
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