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<br /> . t �_} i i` ,� ;�°�
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<br /> ' b ,� , � - �r�.;: :, ._....---�=}-r"__""__ ^"�—..�. �c '- .
<br /> �`�' „ 't. v'
<br /> `.1 . � �y -_
<br /> , - • ��� ��,Y� :S�CyKh.
<br /> ,� ���upon aad�ub�ea te t�e Aaa��t8ass t�t t�a sai�Tresta:st�Ll rem�s�+a 9� .
<br /> � ��'n� remises$nd ta3�e the pro�s s�ot eo hts o�+a mfs u�ail ,.` .
<br /> ' aed�cae,eable passeuioa of the ab�e�ed�ad das�ed P fa�o.ss of aay o¢the �ovea�os
<br /> � defaaait i�made�a aap paymeat of aa ia;tallmeue due oa said�s�se�re'�imbu�emeens c�t2ie�ec��c�y ac�aY - -
<br /> : �, w�o�s���or ia tbis Daed of Tras�arsd� �aa7 aad aIl��d�es i�axed.ia�cludi�8 '` -. ::�:�
<br /> -,.�.;. _..::
<br /> — other�3�og said act�, tb.e T��or �Y��'�h may asist a�ith�4eEe eo t}i�T�t or�r�to tha 4_ , -,
<br />_ , �cnabte a�saey's fees,oa ac�anat of aaY� �� So��nahove desrn'bed ar m
<br /> ,'� b y�d r.etc, the groteeti+oa aad maiacoaaace F �'. -- `
<br /> °� , isdebtedaess evideaeed Y ���whieh may be made aR h�=PiO��' -. ._
<br /> abtaisia8 F4st�aa ci sai8 pralt� ':=:
<br /> c�,ereaa,�B� �-:��;
<br /> ` a s�t ctf t�e iadeheedaess evideaad tt��id a�u aad chs iats�t �s�:�aote or tl�is 5 A
<br /> �•,£u:._:..
<br /> Z Upea the fuU p Ym a�vaused or��sLd pursaant �:.-Y�,`�-"
<br /> - .- of aII othez sua�s hereia p�ovided bgi.the rePaYme�c of all ffioniss ����ca drsa�.d �___-
<br /> �men�.aad upan @ts paymeat of atl ether gTC�er c���dffii - -
<br /> � st�all be re�astd�ad a�ao�Y�to aa.d as th�co�s of ihs Y:asccr- .�'...--:` :
<br /> i•1�.aF�tir•[
<br /> p�� Oi Of ZS10 IICiG Ct L:3�� .;
<br /> of tbis ins� ';, f4
<br /> . �• 3. iJFoa defanIt i�a�I►af the caveaants or cen�oas� ��d w the adeqaa�9°�s��fns� -.�;���"
<br /> � •
<br /> •'t ���t L�LC BCIIC,FiC�tY OL���Y W�Ut II�CG � �8Ch03 G! �OP�'� �°:� I.��.�`."%t:_
<br /> . iudebtedaess sesmie�.eit�� Fes�Y or by attorndg or ���������aa�d d,a�'1 '�
<br /> `'• �` ' receivtr to be aggoiaud bY�a0���a aad ta�e p�
<br /> d �`:;.�.
<br /> deeass pmP�to gsotac che sertuiry 8erro�������d��aarul� � �.-_�-"
<br /> __ �vihieh Seae�dae�► t�£iasta�S '�
<br /> �II�'�� �by thas Dexd of Tras�, said rents, r
<br /> ercy,colle�aad r�ive�he r�u.r�I►�•� � �`"_._:.;
<br /> h
<br /> t��e same.Ie�s¢osts of ogeratien a�d colZecQan,d to t�e�eazf�Y as ftt�her sesu�t�'fot the p�Ym��� rµ:.: �,
<br /> era
<br /> � ',�'� hereloy a�� � �� ofdefantt
<br /> nm aa��. ��.
<br /> ' �d�' F,aer��to sec�m�bm shall be�t°aaY r�t�d �10�:emedt�t .. �-' -.
<br /> �i��lidate aaY ac� p �ded as herei8a�er ptovided.sad eummlative W az►Y���bY g� � -.
<br /> aodc�of defamEe to be Y ��" .� P
<br /> � . . �tt�t��cat�se � be r�zdsed eoaa�ce�Y ar md�p��� '�,.
<br /> • ,�b� �'���ToI���fi�sbari l�seean�d� �.: , ,n_...
<br /> tk�:eo��-�� ff�r. w
<br /> ��Y'�� satd iadcbudarss.a��Y� ���.�
<br /> �'•�;��,:�'� 'i�3rast�r�=a�r.��+�thai igh.sl�fa�tiv&�y af c amitsozYaQtesoearetLYn�'ceb�G1�,�,. ��;�., .
<br /> � a �ac or aa}eemeat oE this ms�ra�ar tb P= �� �a oY dze . :
<br /> dne,ar sball fa�t�������y�� du�.�Y��s � ���,�y aad a�Bece ' • r���.
<br /> _ entire iadeu;� �Y., oxc r��s�q � ,� ar c�-;_
<br /> Beaefiaary o"r s�s►��a�ma�.aad the Beaef�a�! �befa:e or a�er s�eh e�mr9,� .
<br /> ' saeh dr.f�an�t ia pa�eaiQ!�°C' af thz defa��IYtoe�sh ���'
<br /> . tl:e rests and profit�c�eseoS uP�a�ei rhe andce of default has ii�r�cded sha�l�1 a�Y _.
<br /> �. .. a�ia t�e eucarioa of this'1�ra� as weil as w aay�son wh°� �,:
<br /> '.. ��to is a pacty to this�����ont ia tbis�•
<br /> ��d natice af sale hy�3��f°r a���°���� ���=";'�,
<br /> rlta aot'sr�
<br /> .:..�,`. ������ aada8erthalapsz4��a�tis b9�.�ta��i�cs�. : ,.
<br /> eni is re�ded. lap � p�,�e Tia.uez's d�►w�i+a�dprolxs�f�
<br /> :.��, the Ttosiee�'�vt the power 3nseQaa3d psOpe�tS►+�its$.13.` �a����,�wetYs'ewt��`.'� .,rr':..;
<br /> . of aay a y�ur�r,m���a aot less t��d� �'�ffi�� .� .
<br /> default_i�Y eaehaf s�id ,:
<br /> • ��•����'������sioa ma�sichsaid pc�sga�is sisyaud.aada�t�`� °
<br /> utad'r'��e aa�at7 p� � �� .
<br /> • pn�:ishe�cs� �v��,.ddc�s sex far�h 6r•reia.(�ad t&e�� .__.
<br /> shaII be�i�ad:a9 eads Pason�r�o is a p�tty w tb�isutm�' Sueh ss1�a�l be held at a�1��P�� :-�,�
<br /> . h . g��uy ma bid aad purda�e����' aathac�z�d to e�
<br /> �'r,�}��3alf of tha y 'T6e?eustee is W�rel�y i�
<br /> „ rm�e sete�ak�iY tha Se�a�Y�����°r gali�neri�°b :e6�a1s �---'
<br /> ���s�ch sale a st$rieaY�aaQ�yan�of saitl groperty.a►�ieh wav�Y��
<br /> st�U:e�
<br /> � ,�de1:�x`Ih��e P � of saio heaeia�d��'°�'d t6a ssid ,�
<br /> �r,�.�fl��afiich tEa e�of the pc�er m�st w m�s�sLt�I����� '���'.:
<br /> � �} . ��i th2�ii�is�3� �heTrastee ashisagentaa�l�O�►� � •�"`-
<br /> �._ ;;�����r�" Trastorlu�i�Y;�� ..�Y eoveoaL�aa��a tbat thc rr�ttts sa�s��p��dawer,��;: � �
<br /> . `.`�`j'�jjf` aaid aoav��a���be effem�l to bu an«N�t3� °��are herebY�st1►"ra'ved a�+d��'�d'�' .. , _
<br /> Tnsstat.audi �afu�Se TtustoP a11 d �_ � -
<br /> app�ise�aen��d a13�ri3��a�mP� �d,tba Ti�ttor or aa3i Pe�Oa ia poas�`^�'�a�"�r�a . , ' " ' �;
<br /> . • to the Trast�. 1a the ev�at of a s�e as t�ecd�sslsss�Pca�'i f����to ttza��� .; ,:;, �,;�,�..
<br /> � Trastor.i1u�31 tltEa tiecomz�d b e t r a�a t s l i o t d m�,m e s�� a4 taw a p p l i e a b l a to c a a o a t s�8�,� __.._
<br /> u�3 m aaocda�ct azt8a tha� �9 ara� -
<br /> �� ule o:ba��Y�P�u�� auri ara ior�►amble by dauSi ns ct�e� i''°r-�
<br /> poa+er aad a�eaCY hereby�sntadue aouplrA aitts aa int,�tdt �BeaefidaN os���`��°��
<br /> as enmulative to all ottiac remsdks fas�1lecdna ak tss�d iadebled��- r.t-_=
<br />. �� �,
<br /> �'�'r:.
<br /> .� .
<br /> . . . .. . . : ' � � � � ��. • � .• • .
<br /> .. . .. .. .' . . . . . , . : „ .. . . •
<br /> . : . .. � . . . .. .. • • t . � ' . .
<br /> . . � . ' . . , . . • . � � ... . ' . ' i: . . I . . _ _ . . . . . ' :\::'V.
<br /> . . . . ,_ . . ' . ' . � . ' . _ . .. • „ �,''s . .. • - ` . ' ..�-4 1
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<br /> , • .. • . • • ' . . ' • . � , _ � ' , ' �` . t . . . `j�'. ' .
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