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<br /> ---��.��vu.��_`,::Si't � . � .. . x , . ' - . . , � -. . _ . _ . . .
<br /> ;� : . . . � _ . . , . . . . ��92= t � 3S�
<br /> —-- -- -- - -= ..,.......,,:......,..:a...,..�a.,�..,a�,y:�c,�die Fm�,e�t�r tor fix�,nv��ar�cs in l;ca�candrnu�atian,ue here6y��ssigned _--- - _ _
<br /> ��ud Io l.e�der' � shal!be a Ged to ihe sums sedured by this Seauity � T
<br /> In the event af a uAal taicing of die Pmp�nY. p�� PP � .
<br /> ` ]o.s�e�t.wfiaha or not then due.witb any txoess paid to Hormwee. In the tvmt of a parti�i t�lung of the PropeKy iu
<br /> . vvD�6 the fairmazket vatue of tije Prapc�tyimmedi�t�ty before tkc(alcing is equal to a gceaterth3n tbe amount of th�sums
<br /> ��by�.��ry In�u�t immediatety before Ux taking.unless Bomnwer and lxrider othe�wise ap�e�in w-riting.
<br /> ���by��ty��nt s�U(x nduced by t6e amonnt of the proceeds muttipiied by the foUowing
<br /> fra�.tioo: (a)�hc tom!a�amt of the sums socus�d immedintely before the taking,divided by(b)tt�e fait matket nralue of the.
<br /> . _ p�y�iaosIy 6eface the t3icing. Ang balance shali�Paid to�a�ruwer. In�tbe event of a paruat tyiring,uf Ytie ,
<br /> Pf�operty in which the.fa'v marlcet value of the Pmpaty immediately before tt�e tak�g is!ess than tde anwunE oi t�sums
<br /> secund inuncdiately 6efae the taicing,uniess Borrower aM Lender otherWrise agree in writing ar�tnless applica
<br /> ntherwise provtdes.the proceeds s6all be appGed ro the sums suured by this Security Instrument whether nr not the swns am '
<br /> � tha�dne. .�
<br /> - If t6e Ptopeity is abandaxd by Borsower,ur's�after notioe bg I.ender w Borrower tl�at the condemnor offers to maice , �
<br /> an awa�d or senle a claim far damag�.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date ti�e notice is given.
<br />- Leader i�authrxi�.ed to.colkct�td apply the prnceeds.at its option,either to restoiazian or repair of the Pnope►ty ot to dx _�'.
<br /> � surt�s secured bY this 5ecuritY Instnunent,whettsecor not then dae. --- - � -
<br /> Unkss I.tnder and Ba�c�nwer othera�se agc�ee in wiitinR,anY aPplicariou of proceeds to principat shall not eztend or .
<br /> -_ — � :gostp�w,�.�.due date of the mo�nhlY gayments neferitd to ia paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change die amonnt of.such paymeats.
<br /> 1�,��i.prrer Nd Rek�ed; Forbearancc By i.�:Not a Waiver. Exteosion of the time far PaSmiert or
<br /> _. � modifiption df�saRi�ation af the sutns secured by this Sec�ty Insaument graated by Lender to any successor ip inteiest
<br />__-. of Basvvrer sha.[��.�opetate to release the liability of the�nal Bomoveer or Borrower's•successors in interest.I.ender , --
<br /> = shall not be�:W*v��corts�proccedin85 aSainsi a�Y�cessar in inte�est ac refi�se to extend time far payment or _
<br /> - othawise modify,�as'o�{�e swns secured 6y this Secruiry tnstrument by reason of any demand made by the ariginal � —
<br /> Barmwer ar Bur�i��er's successots in intenesY. My forbea�ee by Lende{�in ea�ertising aay right or iemedy shal!not be a ,
<br />=- waiver of or p�erH�e the exercise of any right or�emedy. 7'de covenants and agaments of this —= -
<br /> � 1Z. Sadr�oi�aad A.s�ns Bound;Joint,siad Seveni I.iabilityt Co�gaers. �" _
<br /> � Security Insazra�:t shap bind and benefit tt�e successats and assigns of 1..ender and Bortnwei�6��the provisions of _ � -
<br /> par�.1?.Borrower's covenants and agreements s1�a1!be jaint and several.Any Bo�wer who c,o-si8ns this Security
<br /> .����.f lnspieii�bi�does not execute the Nate: f�)��-�+�����ty Instrument oni�r ns usottgag�S�t and convey that • _'��, -
<br /> t� . BorrdRer's int�-rest in the Propecty,under the terms of this 5e�-��rsty Instrumenx (b3 u not pecsopalty obligated[o pay ihe sums �.
<br /> . `` _- s�cured by this 5w�city Insuument;and(c)agre�s that Leader and any other Borrower may agree to extend modify,forbear x.,�,'�'.
<br />`.'�`" odatian.s with regarci ta the tem�.s of this S e c u r ity Instrumen t or the Note withaut that Barrower's �:..�.�-
<br /> ::;;;:- • �
<br /> , or malce any ac ,� , :-!' :
<br />',;;,;(,�,-. consea� �.
<br /> :<,:;, . �
<br /> 13 I.onn Cl�eses. If t�z�secured by this Security insm:.��� subject ca�a law whicb sets maximurt►loan-__ �---_�.._
<br />_�-� oharges.and that!aw is finalty i��seted so that the interes�ar rz:�er lioara�',arSes co�i��.:3 or to be callected in connection ��-`_
<br /> with the toan exceed the permitted t's::,iss,then: (u)any suc�,t�a c�ge�;a11 be reduc���the arpount necesssuy to reduce __
<br />. the charge to the�em»tted limit;and!`rof a�y�,�ms aiteady coltecTecE�rum Bom+ower whrs e�cceeded permitted limit�will be ���=
<br /> :�� refunded to Baaac�zr. Lender may choose��cnake this refund by red�cina[6e princiyal owed under tf�e'_Vote ar by making a . ------
<br /> f'°—
<br /> ' . dlrect payment to Bomnwer. if a refund redur.�s principab the reductian wili be treated as a partial F�:�e�myment withaut any �.�__
<br /> -• prepayment charge under the Nate.
<br /> ' ?, -. I4. Notkes. Any notice to Barrower provided for in[his Security Instrument shail be given by delivering it or by •• c %�`'-
<br />, mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law reyuires ase of another method.The notice shall be directed to ihe PropeRy ;=�s{�;oy;�t ;•�
<br /> . x" Address ar any other address Borrower designates by natice ta Lender. Any notice ta L.ender shali be given by first class --: �:�.:.;,;���:-,=
<br /> mail to l.ender's addre�ss stated herein ar any other address Lender designates by notice ta Borrower. Any notice provided far _.� i% _
<br /> � ' .�+� in this Security l�suument shall be deemed ta have been�iven to Burtawer ar I.endcr when given as pravided in this �,. .r•=�;- =�
<br />. ( p��ph . -�•,�,.y'
<br /> ';��"�1�z�
<br /> � 15. Gaverning Law; SeYerability. This Security Instnunent shall be governec�ixy federal law and the Iaw of the • ,,:�•,;
<br /> i. .f.'?.�+.!'Y .,°
<br /> � � • j jurisdiction in which the Proper[�is lacated. ln the event that any provision or clause of�sis Security tnstniment ar[he Note � >>;:•`,,'y
<br /> .. ,,,ati��,;�-
<br /> � " , conflicKs witb applicable law.srci�conflict shall aot affect other provisiont of this Security Instrument or the Note which can -..�.,.�'.�
<br /> ` _p�• � � be glven effect w�itfsout the conflicting pro�i�ion. To this e�d ihe provitiions af this Security Instrucnent and the Note are "� ' .. .
<br /> �,�L( �f � '" . ',�.e.-y•:
<br /> � declared to be se��Sle. ��`
<br /> �„ ',�_'.r• 16. BaeraWe�''s Copy. �.�'�o�*'er chaZ 5e¢iven one confarmed capy of the Note and af this Se.�s"ty Tnstrument. L T',:r.�a:�:
<br /> �.(:1; -<r•Y,.�
<br /> �7. 1�ransfer ot the Pra�peaay or a 8ene�cial tnteres�un Borrower. (f�►11 or any�rs of thc Property or any interest in � ;....
<br /> '�. I it is sold ar transfeaed lor if:�beneficial interest in Barrc•�er is so:d ar transfern�d ar:d�'onower is not a natural person) ;,G�,^-'.,�;�
<br />�• ' ;� without l.ender's�^ic'ior written rnnsent,L.ender may.at i��optian.rec{uire immediate pa}:�tent ia fuU oS all sums seeured by �_��,„'�,;
<br />- �"''-.i this Seeurity t�e�.ent• However.this option�haU na�be exercised by L•.�^�der ii exercis�i�prohibited by federal law as af .:�.�,,,c_;=-
<br /> �" ,-; -�::
<br /> the date af ihis S�a:.rity lnstrument. .-
<br /> �' . lf Lender erereises thi.r•orlion.Lender shall give Borrower notice o5"acceleratinn. The notice�hall provide a peri«1 of . .
<br /> ' ,.�,� ., � , nat less than z(i 6ays from the date the nntice is delivered or mailed within which Barrower mu.r�p;+y all sumx secured by thi� �•- r;;`
<br /> ' �<� ` ' . 5ecurity (nst�u.cr,ent. If Borrower fails ta puy thcse tiums pri�r ta the expiratian of this perioci,Lendcr muy invoke any . _
<br /> ' �''''=�•� •'�"•�' remedies permcw:.�by this Security instrument without further notice or��and on Bcm��wer. � •
<br />� �''#��'�`-;��� 1S. Borec��er's Right to Relnstate. lf garr��wer meets ccrtain cahJitiom, Hcrrower shall have �he right to have .
<br /> yr _ orec
<br /> � enforcement cf::is Security Instrument di�rc�ntinued:�t:u�y time prior ce*s:e e;�rlier of: (a)S days c�r such alher period as ,
<br /> . . ,•�d". "�. . , tiinglc tfi�mily..k�nnk J1ar/Vreddk Nac 1%�ili(1R�11�tiTRl:VIk tiT••Cnifnmi C��vcnanlr 9i90 Ipu.t��nf�1�e�'�;
<br /> .a,.�:V:_a._ � .
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