.:. ' : .4 .. _ __ _ t _ . . � .
<br /> .' "'
<br /> .
<br /> (. . ' � ' . L1�faM
<br />. � l % �4;J l F� . � . ,S�).���..... � \,Y�S �:3v. ..�:3i.v.• __ �_
<br /> "' ,• '< �.��., � '.. r. • F
<br /> tb` .1., u
<br /> .r �p �e� I60�48 06�18/g996 ��
<br />. � I+DIPICSt a7 RASE4IJSS8N �� �1��9irF'�a� �r=�.,._.�L�_:
<br /> r�s¢�.--.--,��
<br /> of award ar claim a da�a&�s, �ct or rn�t;�a�al.in som�ecdon witb a�y n-.,-:=--- .-
<br /> , !�.Cond�aattcx�.'f�e pioceeds anY ��_,
<br /> .�,,�. condemnation or ot�er tr�ing o4 the Pm�ty, or�rt theYCOf.or far coIIrr�y2nse in t��e of w�nation, a� hereby �r �
<br /> � ta Le�der.sub'ect to shs tetmc af a�ry mnrtgage.c'�ed of tcu5t ar ot��s seauity a�with� ��n;,.,:��,�;-
<br /> �g�I and shall bc p24d 1 �,�_.�_��
<br /> . _ II�U ti1�llCi1 bffi�)I�3ittji Oti2f t�:8 D��!f TRLSi. �`=_--_
<br /> `" 10. Borsaara Nai Reteas�dt F'arF�raace �+ �� N� a d'd�3��r. �c�asian ai 'arc ii� � w��� �^
<br /> b tl�is�l af Tra�gs�u�bY ltnder ta anp suoce�ar in intetest of ".�.::G�_�
<br /> . °'� mud9ft;�tiaA of amortiration ef the s�nnns secuted y ��`-`-
<br /> m telease. in manner.tde ti9bility nf the arigin�l Bor�ax�ea au�Borrowea's soccessots in ,�y��-
<br />' � gosuwer si�ll aot opsr�ee a°Y y��flY ar refi�se to eatend time goi PaYm�� x -"';�`;.
<br /> .. t��l,ender rhall nat be required M wmmence pr[xtediqgs a8ai�.�T b r�aso n o f a ny d e+n a n d�ct�h y tIte original ��-,;;.`-.
<br /> } ' amoni�ri�n of the sums secured by tfiis Deed of nzs2 y _ :
<br /> ot att�en�rtse�fY n os iemedy he�n.der. �;,.. -
<br /> b Lecder in exercising any ri¢u ��:.��:-
<br /> BaYmvrec and�oirawtr's su��s in intecest. Af►Y farlsearance Y
<br /> _— o��tttE;wise sffu�d by�;+plica6le law.sl�all ani be a waiv�r af ur pm(a:de tir�ea�ercise a�f any suc6 right or remed�ip �_:-:
<br /> 11.su�s aaa Ass��eam►�;aaigt ana sever�u u�el3�3�:co-�i�as. The«tiveu�sts as�agr��s t
<br /> • cc99ani�d shall bimd.aad the rights hereander shall inure to.the r�Ye s�.5°rs ar.d assigr�of LBn�r aad Bnreower. ��".�, ,
<br /> , C �'"-''
<br /> • sabjest to t8e pravisions of paiagtaFh 16 heceof. Alt covena�ts a�d ageeeusents of Be�rrower shatl be�oint a�d several. �==�,,
<br /> tbis De�d af�iust onty w Q,r--"`�~'�°��
<br /> ` Any Boraawer who co-sigas dais�..ed af Tc�t.6nt dnes aot eaecuEe the Nai�.la)is co-siguing __:.�
<br />; �nt and Camrey tHat Bormwer's iniec�t i�the P�oPectY tn Tnui.°e ur6er the te�ms of this De�9 of T�ust. (6)es uat
<br /> petsonaliy liable on the tIote os ar.der Y�:s �eed of Ttost.aad(c)agees tt�Lewler aIId�nY ather Barcower he�'�p �;:.;-.-�.:
<br /> p ts o ¢c�¢�e terms of t6'ss Der�l af Tcust ar
<br /> "• may ag�ee to actend.mods�Y• ���'s�'•or maice anY ther acmmsuodatioys��itt��r�' th�s DeeQ of Tce�t as w s�at ��" ��
<br /> ° wit7�a�rt d�at F�t��a�cc�sent and withaut ce4�tba.t 6oann�er nr a�fyix� ��'-';-:<
<br /> • t�AImte. __-,--
<br /> Bnrrower's intecr.sc nu ttrc � •• �le law to be givea in�cn���. (s)�3 natise to -=�-
<br /> `4 nusis� ander a�p �•���:;``..'.
<br /> .�:: u, H¢i�2�. Exoege far anY �I�� �,���ified m�i1
<br /> mi
<br /> ::'�,�`'!': g,�uvrEC psfiv��d far in t6is Ueed o�Ti�sst sh�li be Siyeo by detiverin8 i�or bY mu��ag �;.;-;=_-
<br /> . Addtess or at s�uh o�r add�ess ss Bntrower msy des3na���to Ixnder�s s�__- -
<br /> =���'��''•; a�dsts�dto Bcs�vrrEr az the P�opertY
<br /> B
<br /> '. pc�vi�d t�er`i�.u�d tb)�Y�ice to I�ader siriU be�ven by certifi.d ma�l to Lender's adciress�d f:�i�ar m s�c6 �_-_*.Y.L
<br /> oaLe[�[rzss as Ignder snay designate by mtice to Barrowec as pmvided ts�zeia MY mti�Pruvided far ca d�s Aced of
<br /> or l�end�r ar�gn'en in the manper diesi8nued�n- ���
<br /> :,>�,;:,�:,t;ti: Ttvst shatl be dexmed�have been�rm eo B�rcower �
<br /> 13.Gg��i Sevan��g.'�e state and[oc�1 laws a�tisabte w this Baed of Tnut sta�ll 6e the lzws of d�e
<br /> :: ts�ied. The farego6ng s�aeese�ail�ot IimiL che applicabilicy of Fede�]la�v uo d�is --,,.,.;,.
<br /> ;...�.'��,:',
<br /> :,y.`lt::;;' juclsd'setc4a nn�c�e�t.*�aertq is of Trast or the Note caa8icts witb a�licabie iaw. "',�,?;',
<br /> . .` Qeed of Tt�.��. In t�2�+�dc��t any Pmvison ar claose af t3sis Deed vea effsct without the E.�
<br />'`� ` " ons af t63s Deed of Trust o�o'he Nate�uhich c�be gi `��'�3,:,.
<br /> :�::;;�We y.���*;,�But a�9��u ather ptavisi ta 6e sever�ble. As �""'�`�``:�,
<br />,. :,:?` , �.�.
<br />=�",.::��:'•'.� -�n-i�on.�f tr�t3iis ead ttue provisfo�of this Deed of'�rast a�!the Note�e dec ��:,�,,�.
<br /> �;' '� ��,��•, 'e,s�s�ies'atuY a�mrs�neYs��es� i�tude all saa�t4 tl�e extent mc Qto�i6�t��Y �PP��Ie law ar `�',;
<br /> ;;; . - ;' �,;.;:
<br /> :'`; .. tinifled Ber.,�ia. ' ::}� .
<br /> �ort+awer sb211 Ete fa��d a confosmed co�AY of t�Niote at�c��xis��f Ttus!at the � �s4,r
<br /> . !4.BOCrOwer's Ca�; �f;..
<br /> �o'f exerats�n or afr��cx�dov herruf. __ _
<br /> 15. [t�� �'i�xn Ag�mur�t. �retrner shall fujfill a!1 af Bamre°,�er's obli�rs� a�ttetr.�y homc
<br /> � cehabiliutm�,��vease�t,r�ga:3 c�r:'c�t��an agRement w�icls Sottower e�ers inio wi�E�B�r.I�oder.at Le�der's
<br /> ia a fatm accePtahle u►Y,�t�s..nn assi�nY o€an�..
<br /> --_- . OpS�6i1.����T�%Cw'QO�S�sis��Li��Cl1YCt L'D�fiTM1Cf. e_.._.._. _
<br /> CS W�10 bll��Y�r�fi-'��:�SCTVf'CCS 113 WII�d� i,
<br /> rig1e�,c!�ar defe��tl�:�s��;�er may have agaiast pacu q_:;--_
<br /> �,,..
<br /> � ' widr i�pcuvemen�a�i:+ia��€ •.. � . I�ere�t in Bcrrawv. Df�ll ar arry p�t�f the PeupcnY or any imenst ■�- --•---
<br /> 16.'��t aff t�a��a Sen�3t1a9 ---_----
<br /> ' c; in it is so:�a�trsmsfc�d(ar if a f:c�ne�icial auerest in Bormvree is sotd or u�sfesed and.�a�ret is mt s natutnl r,.��
<br /> tminod33t�sa+:y��in'fuD af all sums
<br /> ' perst►n)wi�t Lemler's p�i�r cvritte��rsem.Leader may.u its apdoa.ceetoite �� i..:.-::.f,.
<br /> � fecuced by ti�is 17eed of'�'r�t�t.Hawever.this and�on sbatl mt he exercised by lxuder if e�cetcise�is pr�i6ited bY
<br /> .. 'P,� � is�w as of the dzte of ti�ss,}?�!of Trust. �ide a geri°d �
<br /> ! � ����, ' If Lendec exeras�t3�W�don.Lecider si�a[1���Borrowee modce of xcetendon.'f'6e aotice sts�'�T�
<br /> .°�5�i�'� {�m t�2�tbC OOtlC2�5 dC11VCTCd Oi 13i�lIC�WIf111D W�CtI BOQ[OVIl�i NILSI�lp �`�� �!°-���_..`
<br /> .� of nat less tJu�n 3Q days , these�prIur t�tLe exPindon of this Poriad. Leoder mry invalce aa� ._:j.—:
<br /> -" t'�"�V� by tieis Deed of�ua�t. cd&►row�r fa�:.ao jsag • --__-
<br /> `�:`��' on Bormvrer.
<br /> resnedlea pe�tted by t��:t�d G`T'r�a�rithaut fu�er aatice es c��as�d �fol�ow�:
<br /> . - � '� NoN-Uta[F�Rt�k�ut4tE�'���r75. 'c7�mower aced l.euder fu�er mvenu�t aUd s►grK c�a:.
<br /> ad
<br /> � as mvlded tn�agrapb li ftt�. � �'0�'�s�aP atry --1-�..�
<br /> � 19. Aca�n��• �� P b�ttie en�0?�0
<br /> covma�m�r a����ntir��r 1�tG:��'"�d a�T�t.��'��taIIure to pi1y, ���Q �,..�.,
<br /> G'
<br /> ��gg mfTc�r 2�ey sa+e&--�ac�7�s�seaued.b�'tDLa�B e4'➢'rd,9.�es r{�°�� �•..,_-
<br /> r�wtice 40�ta�rawtr ss proddtd i�1�t������� �l)the Y�rdtcbz t��1 Itlla�:sctioa�to cuee _
<br /> tIz fi�:C3x date tY�e aotice b maiied W Borra►���b7�ticb su�b�ch �W�•
<br /> s�OClS�31;(�)A d�tP��IlS9 t'�iS� S� IA t11!�'-4'�Q�'tGSO$�
<br /> m�6Q��aL�(�t1{i1 fY�I�C GJ R1t!4{i�D�1+."��OD OP�QR tbC�!�06$�8 SZW��IRt�!�Gi111
<br /> • �t oT We a�ns s��°�'���Tro�aa�sak of t6e Praparty �.�,...
<br /> BoeevKer o8 ti�r1Qbt to�a4c mlRetr ctaSea�tlom apc�t�e�s�k.It tLe b�cb��tn�d ou�or be���dite
<br /> a defaoit or Any otlie�'dt[�ce oq t?�wer to aad�
<br /> , speeiticd ta t6e nWi�.�'.at��s��°��'doetare aU at tLe s�sa�a+e��y�b�Aad a�Tn�t to be ,:-._
<br /> immediatdy due uQr11 i6uJ�Sc�v6t4�a�tutt6ee d�t�:d��ay tnvdce tbe pawt�of stk muad aa7 at6er t+�medks ��
<br /> 6t a ��cuerti0 im ,�.
<br /> :e: � �j� �.Q�(�' Y�Ti7. � S� �•'fiSdC�7Cd tm !CL'(DL'� Y9� 1!{iO�C E06�1$1�� —:.;_'_
<br /> . pwsutn�4l6rt¢�t��
<br /> {yt{(�l3t��QfR�ap���+iDCf'lc�u�p,,but�ot I�tltld to��+eaoau�".�e.'a�tCiu�y9'4fi�.
<br /> V tbe pawra aP s.uiz�m ta^m�.'��.s7�m veocr�o a�e oP�1xvSt tn�oaaatpG'�c wE�[ch i6e aop�g 4s �:b+.'
<br /> some part th�eof Ls Imcs�&.�s.�d��Y'�� af s�;sh cQttce Qn t�e m�n�eer pes�`u�d�At#�f�� Iaw tx�
<br /> a IrsIIto law.Alter tl�e Ispe�of socb ti�ne�a taur�+�a��by
<br /> Borrawer and to tttie atU�ee pasoas�+w�%�`!i gP� t e
<br /> . appllcabie faw,Tn�sta a6at1�4vrs Gr�11c aW�ee of s�te t�tDe persuna aad in the ma�'►ncr'pr�e���aRP���
<br /> t�w.T�e�.wfthoaQ d�nd am i�ar�awer.stiall s�]i the Pr�s'tY at PuD�c aadbn t�41n t�l�69cI�ai the tim� !"�'c":'
<br /> . �ptace and�the t�rms d��tn tLe�ttc�af s�le in oa:aa�:are��and in sac6 a*desat t�e time
<br /> •• .�•; ot the�o�r►9 bI Wnllc a�
<br /> � , may E�f¢mNnr.Tr�3es�:s7 F*���sak o4�11 or�ny p�rcd ttie Prope�tl at anJ sa�•
<br /> ' �ed plaoe of�ny previoisly sc�edWtd sate.LRnder or i�mder s dest�ee maY� �{�'T
<br /> et
<br /> � Upon rstdpt of�3rtnmt aP the pske btd.Tnates sht{16eliQ�r to t6e p�cl�ase T�teds deed conv��tL2
<br /> ��-- ,
<br /> . � pru�so1a.Ths r�m tue Tn�ede aesd shau ee vrim�rarle evla�ce ot tt�e aath or ehe sucaneata msde =-__.
<br /> �. t�n.Tt�tes stnll apptl�6e praae�ot ttse s�Ie in lE�e faltac�tn�ar��:(a)to tt�l e�:�e�e costs and a�peuses c�f `-.��
<br /> � t6e saIe,inctudin8�but�t l�mited to•Tntstes's fea+acKuolZY inc�d o�no!more th�m S�of the grosg sate pr�e+
<br /> ��.
<br /> ' •. �� �x attoragps' Qe;��ut�9 c�s a�ttlie evtdeQCe; (D) to W s�sec�md by th[9�eed ot zr�st:and (e)l6e _
<br /> e�ces�.U eny.to tYr�pe�son or pasoffi[�11Y e�ed t��. r_;�:
<br /> . p::_ -
<br /> � Page3of5 '.`�'.
<br /> �_ Hcbrasta Zs��Z sJ9y arigiaal tR�cordadl Co�y(Sraach) Capy(Cuatoaerl •
<br /> . - . . , e .:,,::. .� , .
<br /> , � � . , ' � , ." ; . . .:,.`'. ,. . .
<br /> ' • ' . � . : " , , ., . '
<br /> , � . •� :f. .. • . • . ;t,�. . .., , .
<br />