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<br /> -__ T � _ �' �--� —
<br /> ,a co=posatian, ths puty .of th� first p�Yt, �n considention of • au� of ��rev��y•.�n. ,,
<br /> :"rna _"� sav=n nui.dl� •1...n i DOuf�l'S� �.O ZL'�'� pi�d`�7 . �
<br /> �� . �t..t 1�rc. Kores;d� �amr - a Corpor:s�.oa. tiu psit� of tht ` ,
<br /> second put, ssceipt vit�rsof is hsreDT acl�no�r�edged, ,Isas sranted� assisaeQ ��
<br /> � • assign snd Cransfer.unto it� successos� °
<br /> - � -�rans�a�re@-aad.-bT i&eaa �r�seaG►_doe� �,rint' .. .
<br /> aad'assifas, a c�=taia Truat Deed vharsia th� s�id Tha 1)vir].and Astfonal Eaak of Craud -- ' ��
<br /> � � I�1aud is Eeaeficisrys ,�Q�]d L 1tnc�•bas�y � Ta�ara S, Jtosebam. 8usband and Wif�.• ',.
<br /> is Tsustor, and Fational Bank of Co�erce Tsuat aad Saviogs.Assoctatian ie 1'sustee.
<br /> • vh�ch Trnst Deed iras dated �he 22nd da7 of,_. .��31 . 19 92 , and recosded ths �'
<br /> 2?th. dsY of " /lnril . 19 92 . aa Docuasnt No.9�1Q355I_�, � ehe �8 .
<br /> � �teeords of Hall County. llebrasl�a and aIl its right: titlt �d.�nt�rsst to
<br /> � �the prcgeit�t therein dsscribed, se follavs, to-vit: Lot Tiro (2), in Block � ��). "� �
<br />- '_iTesteslioff•.s Secona.Subdivision, being a sesubdivision of the South Half of Blocl�s
<br />- � �hree (3) and�Four (4) aad tbe Porth gslf of Block Five (S) and Sii tb) iTesttsbdff's `
<br />- . -,Ftist Subd3visioa in the City of Grind Island, Hall. County. Nebraska. <
<br /> _ . , �•
<br /> • � , .�;': `. .
<br /> � � ` • ,
<br /> -__ , , � _ ... _ , .. .. . . . . , e��--.,�-:.
<br /> .`^, . ��-
<br /> ' �j�yti , ' . . �V_ _
<br /> Toge2�:�r with tbe promi,ssory note therei.n described, aad the �oney.due or to *���
<br /> � beco�e-due �ereunder, includiag iaterest thereon, sub�ect onlq to 2L�se prov3sions �':��;`�-'-
<br /> �:r af;s�id Trust Deed thereia contaiaed. ��� _
<br /> ° - �_,«.�`-:
<br /> _ IN WITNESS WaEREOF, The Qverland National Bank of Graad Island, a corporation, �:�,�,
<br /> has caused thie Asaignment of Trust Deed to be executed by its President , �f��lJ'::-
<br /> '�..:� �-��.r-��--
<br /> an8 attested by its Vice PresidentlrA�hier . �� its corparate seal ta-be : : .;.;:-�
<br /> 22n� 19 92 ''^:�"';'.'
<br /> � ' hereunta�fixed this day of A�ril • • . �w ,s-sF-,.�
<br /> _r� Vtr'r'`�T��� . ' f I ,''I'. , f.. `: � .,..
<br /> �� ` ' ~ The Overland Nationa� Bank of Graad Island, ;,; '
<br /> , ��`;=^:�«�- - . : . � . .
<br /> � � ' 8 COl'p t�OA • -
<br /> ' - - :.. ' _ � .. � �
<br />.. . i. -r�- . .t fs .. B . ,:'• �;
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<br /> • :�.. . .',J J� :,.. �(i , . , . `�..
<br /> �:�' . . f� •�'..��! `
<br /> �.:S� ,���• . • .. Attest: �'�7'�+�-JV ( .. � .
<br /> ,..,
<br /> ,. 'fr:,;��: �-• � �.. ' ..,.� ;'� ,'��.;•: •
<br /> `:i-:�y:::�� ;i,: • :
<br /> :: � STATE OF NESRASKA ) , •.•:�`._': .
<br /> �;�:.�,...� jSS . �..� . , ;,i�`.
<br /> � ���;�� �,� COUNTY OF flALL ) ' �, �` . _
<br /> :•-:,;��"'':�ii`�..:•; . .,
<br /> • �"%_ • On this 22nd day of Avril , 19 92 , befoxe me a notary public duly �
<br /> . .; �.� . e�sissioaed ated qesaliEied in aad for eaid county and state, personally came the above j �.
<br /> - � ;.:�.?'�:'� �= RobeYt A. Motr.is '
<br /> • .a...,:�t.�.:,�_ f
<br /> ••:�;;; .- " aad IIavid D�Swa_nson_ of The Overland National Bank of i
<br />� � �' ��'- � '� Gsand Is1an8. Who are peYSOnally known to me to be the identical peraone whose names �.
<br />� �• ' !%�•='��=��'�` are affixed to the above Assignment of Trnat Deed as the President i •
<br /> " �4��� �' and v� vraaident/Gashie* of asid corporation and they acknowledge the . � �
<br /> � `'"�c`=.:�:r;"; .' . !' instrument to be their voluntary act aad deed and the voluntasy act and deed of said .
<br /> . +:;. ..,,�.. � .
<br /> . �.11��a.1....:.:�i.,- .
<br /> . ..�:,;,,,�.,. .� .•. corporation. ;
<br /> ;f,
<br /> • ;'�{';;;,;,r'`;; .' ::,�.I. WITNESS my hand aad official aeal at Grand Island, Nebraska , in sai� ;� : �.
<br />_ � ' �'s;��'��,'��� � caunty, the dete aforesaid. ' . •
<br /> . ��:.,,;•;;�; .. , .
<br /> �.t.` .. _ � • °� � � �� �
<br /> ' � . Notary Publie :
<br /> . ;
<br /> , . ,' r!�( COIII�lISSION EXPI�tE5:_^r'C�� �11MV��MI�IE � . . ,
<br />' RETUAN T0: .. ' �MyOMtt#lya.t!!6 � �•
<br /> _�
<br /> • ' G.I. Ahatract .
<br /> ,
<br /> ,• . ,;- . . . . ;
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