._ .,. .: .
<br />. ;:c; ,: .o - � .� c`;� - - -=-_`.
<br /> . �.a�R' �._:::.
<br /> `Yi:�r...� r �
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<br /> `':s��� � � _ i��`�� ���
<br /> 9�
<br />;:;:,'�" iication oess. Z,:s�e , —
<br /> _t:,:°, ��� p�FQity. ��m�a�er shall �lso 6e in defas�it if Burrower. dur'.n� the laan app l� - -
<br /> matcrially false or irraexurate information cu stut�ments �q i.ender lor Eailed cu provide Lender a�th any mateciai �_
<br /> ��� infomtati�n) i�► conrt�tion niti� the toan eviQer�d by the Note, including, but nnt limited to, reptesentations __
<br />:. �.". rnnceming Sorroiver's occupzncy af d�e Fropert� �.s a F�� residence. If this Securizy taswment is on a . �
<br />' 1�•.• �easehaId.Bormcver s44:►U com�1Y with the pmvisnons of the tease. If Eorrower acquires fee tide to the Property.the �
<br />_�, le�oid and�ex titie shalt not be inerged unless l.ender agrees to the merger in writin�. _
<br /> -.— �.Ca���r,�,��g�s of any aw�7d or claim for dama�es.dinect or mnsequential,in connaction with u
<br /> ���.i,',d� any candeuu�tion or other taking of any �art of the Froperty, or far conveyance in plate of condemnation. arc �"..
<br /> hereby assigneti and s8ta116e paid m 1-.ender to t1t�extsrt of the full amount of the indebiedna�s that remuins unFa�d
<br /> urtder tiis Note and this Ssturity Ir.str�ment• lratder shall apply such Proceeds to the reduction of the indebtednESs
<br /> uadet the Note and this Secutity instnunent. first to any delinqvent amounts applied. in the order pmvided in
<br /> •':�( �� paragraph 3.and theu co PrepaYment of princi�ui_AnY aPPUcatian of the pmce�s to the pristci�al shnil not extsnd or ___
<br /> "'�1' ' postgone thn due date of�e usflnthly paymeats. �vhich are mferred to in para�h 2.or change the anwunt of such
<br /> ., •��.�, , Paltmer�ts. Amj excess proceeds aver an amnant requira,d to pay a�l outstanding indebtedness uuder the Note and this _
<br /> .s'I:;, ; S�ruriry I�str�nment shati be afd to the encity leg�lly entitled theteto.
<br /> P „ �it;r•rower shsll pay al!
<br /> :;,f�l,: ; z. Ctwrges 4o Borrower and PmtectIon of H.endar's Y8�„P�ts in ttce �[�+°� �.Borro�ver shall pay
<br /> govemmeutal os minticipz!ct�rges.fines anA ia�po�itians thut are aoi included in paragr�;.� --
<br />:; �' t6es�abligation9 on ti�dire�tly to che ecttity which is owed the paymer►t. If failure to pay.aroutd adversely affect _
<br /> Lender's i� in the Prope�ty. e�pnn 1.ca�er's request Borrower shall �mmptly,.��s1i to Lender reoeipts =_
<br /> ' ';'�'�' evideAringth�sep�ymetits.
<br /> ' ' t�tiU�ar the payments�tired bY P��PH Z�tx��s�°pe�form any othet �:
<br /> • .If Borrawer fails to make these gayp? , r X^-:
<br />...��°...,,. � Insnurnent.orthe�%�u�:iti°gal pmceec4ing that�a�r�igmficatnly .-_-
<br /> � : � cavenaats and agee'�►en[s containQd I�this Secu�Fty =_
<br /> ..., < affect:,��e�'s ri�7�#s ia the PropertY(sueit as%�:.��$,in ban'cru��.�.�'�:r oostdemnarion ar a�f t�tt'���ei s r' -
<br /> reguid{�►;:.},.then�encler may do aad pay'�ltute',r�f����y ta�a?�t e�e vaiue of die ProperaS►
<br /> � " � ri�ht��she Ftoperty.lnctuding PaYment af ta�.h�:rr��Et;�r,cr,snce anci�ci�:c items ma►poned in pSraScaph 2,
<br /> ,. �.�`� : Rny amounts disBursed by I.ettdet under tius par�gr+��ssfi�a116ecr,�aa additional debt�Y�ormwer un�'c be .
<br /> che dase of dis6ursement, at We Nute
<br /> ' secared by this Secvrity Instrament. 'i�ese am�t?nnts.shall bear intecesC ft�n .
<br /> rate;and At the option of Lender.shall be imms�33uteQY d�le�d Pal'able.� , —
<br /> •`; •'' ,�,��'� &irrower shall prompdy discharge any li�as whicY�[�,�.:•{�oriry over this Security Insmiment unless Borro�ver.
<br /> �?s�"' � � ' , t of the obl' oa�s�6y th�iien in a rennner sooeptabfe W Lender; tb) _
<br />,.•rt„�;;.,: : (a}agc�es in vrritins� to the payrnea � .
<br />:=�`��':." �• contests ui gaod faitii�Pte lien by. or.dafendr► against enfarcctaent of che lien in. Iegai pra�eEdings whicfi iQ the
<br /> l(Y�V±F�.�< ' •
<br /> J� y: f . Lender's opiRiaa.�3�°.tace ro.prevent tlu� e�l'i�,��t of the lien: Qr (�.).•srcurr.s from the holdoe of thc.lien an f.
<br />,lYi � .
<br /> .,�1�t�,;. . a$r,�ment satesiact��t ta Lender subordittuUSS�:�Len to�his Sccurity;;�.�^«:ai:.�t.I€Ixndes deta_�rni,isi�thnt any para __
<br /> .�:�t •. . � of�.� Propen7i is su6ject w a lien whic4 �ay attain priatiry ov�r`tirti�:�ecarity inst�n�mem. Li�e��Y B�ve '±;c;:.
<br /> ��,,.�.. , . . • ..�'!,:,
<br /> • : •� ��s3ar�?r a natice ideutifyins tfie lien. Barro�ver shail sarisfy the lien or take one or mare of tde astioas set fortd► .
<br />���'���,'.::..; abov�wuSun 10 d�ys of tt�e giving of notice.
<br /> .::;'''• '.� : . 8.iFees.Lcnder mny coflect fees and chu[�3Qa euthorize�by the Secr��ty.
<br /> . .:�'�` ` � 9.Cro�pnds f�¢At�o�ciera�fon ot lYe6�:
<br /> fo
<br />,�..;:�',;;:":; i � � (a)Det�tut¢.I�endzt may.exoept as lavaited by regntations i�tt�d•by the SeccetarY• in eho cu�of paymenf ' • . `
<br /> ' d e f aults,r e q n i r e lmmediate paymeni en full nf all sun�s secured by tlus�eCV-r►tY Iastniment if: •. _
<br /> t�)Borrnv�er defaults 6y faili6g to�ay in full any monthlp paYment reeluiced 6y this S e c u r ity�n stNm.en e
<br />''`;;.:.:�,�;,� � � '
<br /> ,','.:j prior•�c�or on the due dute of the next monlhty payment,or
<br /> �'; � , . (u)1"wrsower default�by fai6atg.�Car a period of thirty�ays.to perfoim any ather abii�s�tions c�ntainxd
<br /> ..:. � . in this Securiry ins[rument. ` .
<br /> . ,; : � (b)S�k�VithontCredit Approvui.I.ender sha0,if permittad by appii�hl�taw(including 5ection 341�d) . .
<br /> . • 4 of tke Gata-St. (�ermuIn bepository LLSttturions Ret of 1982. 1Z U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))uxl witii tIic prior
<br /> �:.. � aPprovui of the Secresary.rcquire immediate payniedt in fuli of�1!sums s�rad by this u�curi�j Ia,trument •:;:`,
<br />>'�t: : t if: , . � ' '`,;.,,.
<br /> ;�,.': f .':,�,
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