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<br /> • � app�ic�bie is�r mry,�pecifj►fa tein�)befoie satG oi tUe�Aoparty pu�t b asr powes a .
<br /> _ _ Sec�rit�Imar�a�ac(b)emY�s 1������Y Luuumm�. 7'�ok ootditjo��s a�e da�Bana�Q: ta)
<br /> _� — � - - ----- _ • -sa�-tlst i�TO�--asiE n+r�=�r�!- --_ s�-- -
<br /> artu�d:(b)cuce.s any def�ui!of any otha coveoatus or agrermetitx(c?WYS��xP��incmr�ed in aefarina t61s Se�rrity
<br /> ta.s�umer�t.iacluding:6ut nd tin�itod to,crasonable attomeys'fas;and(�t�kes,such ac8on as La�da m�y t�oe�bly
<br /> �uin to us�e thst mc uto of this sQcnrlty tns�ent,Lender's tights in a�e Property�nd Homower�s o6li�on co psy 8�e
<br /> . s�uns secuied �y ihis Secutity Inswmait sh�ll.cuatiaue.t�nchange� 'Upan ninsntemeru by Bo�rower.this Sec�ritY
<br /> - Ias6�woeat sn,d tfie oblig�se�utd be�ehY shai�remaaa fitfly effxtir�e as if uo uceleraHnn!ad occurtod. l�lowe�re�dus, s , ---- -.
<br /> ' riE6t w reinstate shaU twt appty in the case of accele�+Oioa�mder pu�p�17. � . ,
<br /> i! Sale d Nole-C�e d Lo�a Se�vice� The Nate a a partial intaest in du Nae fm8�with this Securiry
<br /> lnsonunent)may be sotd ond or nart tanes without prior rwtice to Eiorrawer. A s�le aiay�+esWC in a ch�ngc ut tlx enuty
<br /> � (kmwn as the"l.ou�Setvicer")dwt collects monthlY PaYments due under tLe Nale aAd this Socutiry Insuument. Thett also
<br /> may be aie a mortchanges of the I.o�n Servicer un�elated to s sak of�he Nae. If thecr is a ch�ose of the Lflaa Seivicer.
<br /> _ Banower wHi be givm xrritun naicx bf tlx clange ia acco�dan�r wiW puag[aph 14 above�nd applicable law. The aotice
<br />- w�l stooe the name and address of the'tticw I.oatj Se�v'tcer and ihe address to whicb payateq[s sdouid 6e m�de '!Ue noticx will
<br /> also contain any ather infonnuiao nquirod by appticabte Iaw. -
<br /> � M Bazando�s S�bsb�ces. Barower shall not raase ar pernut tlie p�ecree.ase.disPosal•swraSe,ar[elease of ury
<br />- Nuudons Sobstsac.es on or ia tLc Fm�peRy. Borr�wer shetft not eb.nnr�IMw aayax eise to da.anythiag aff'ect'sng Ehe - �----
<br /> t: Fceperty tl�af is iq vialation of any Favironmtntal Law. T6�Pneedin8 two sentet�ces shall not apply to t6e p�esence.use.ar
<br /> starage on the Pmperty of sm�il qaantities of H�rdous Substanccs that arc generallY recagnized to be apptarpriatc[o namal
<br /> tesidendal uses aud ta maintenance of the Ptopetty.
<br /> � , Bamwer shail promP�tY B►ve l.ender writt�natice of aay imestigatian,claim,demand.lav�rsait or other action by any __
<br /> govemmental or ciegnlatorY eSeacY or private party invoIving the Ftoperty and aay Huardous Substance ar Favira�unenfal
<br /> . Law of vvhich Bom�wer hac act�l Imowledge. If Barsower le,arns.or is notified by any govemmental or regulstory . _-_-__
<br /> . aati�ity,dnt.any�emoval or other cemediatian af any Ha�ardous Substance affecting tNe Property is necessary.B�orrower _----
<br /> S�P�P�Y take all necessary►nemedial actions in accotdance with Envimrtmental L.aw. _ �,_.
<br /> � As used in this puagraph 20."Har�rdous Substances°ar�e those substaACes defuKd as toxic or hazardous sabsta�xxs by �=-;_- ..
<br /> � Fnvirunmrntal Law and the following subst�nces: gasoline.kerosene.other flammable or toxic pemnleum products.toaic ,�,�;�.
<br /> '.'' , pesticides and he�bicides.valatile`solvents.materials containing asbestos or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials. As , . .:_'����"
<br /> ,.,�.�� -•
<br />, - used'm this patagraph 24,"Enrironmentat Law"means fedtral taws and laws of tde',jarisdidion wfiene the Propnty is la;atec!- . -:;,;�..; -. ,__
<br /> tirae i�zlate to Gealth.safety or envimnmental protection , Y -
<br /> � �- � ° NdN-U1�TIFORM COYENANfS. Borrssw�and Lender iurther covenant and agree as fallows: � ' _ ��
<br /> ,�:"�:` 21. Acaderatioe;Remedks. l.endc�e�give aotice to Borrowec prior to acakration folb�Barrawe�'s . - . =--
<br /> -, ..�� . breacU at anv covenaat or agreeraent ia tbas 5,ecadtY Iastrument(but not prior to accekr�tiou onder para�rapb 17 ..,~:�, . ` ".
<br /> uWas applicabk law providrs atber�vise?.'�'he natice shall specify: ta)tbe default,(b)the actiou rcqaired"to tust the <',�:;;:,:'•. � _
<br /> defaolt;tc)a dat�not fesa tbran 30 days trom the date the notice is ven to Borrawer,by vrhich the def��nust be '"rF'�a".�",.: ,_
<br /> Ri �,;. t. •, --
<br /> �. ., �,,, ,. _�
<br /> cpred;and(dl t6at tailare to cure the defAUlt on or be�ore t h e d ate spec i t i e d in t he no t k e may res6lt in ac�iaration ot �•��,•,.;;; ��
<br /> Cp
<br /> . � t6e soms s�6y this 5avrity Imtitramait and ss�k of the Praperty. 'i6e notice st�0 turt6er inform�ower ot . '��:�:�
<br /> atra _ �:�_. -
<br /> _ •�`'�.. t6e risht to rem.state after acceleration a�the right to brmg a court action to�ssert the non-exntence ot a defantt or , '�• `:�_
<br /> � .�� any ather detense ot Borrower to acaete�ion and sala It thr detault is not cured on or befi3r2<the date spec(fied in _.. , �
<br /> '" ; .���^. _:�' ' t h e n o t i c e,l.e�d e r a t i t s o p t i o n m ac s e q o i�e i m m e dia t e pa yment in tuli of all sums secnred b s t6is Securi t y Instrament '•� �•�" ���;,:
<br /> � � vrlthout tntther demaad and may ►ns•ose the power of sale and any other remedies permitted 6y appiicablc law `` ���`"�``'
<br /> ,~'.�����` `�!; Lender shall be entitled to coltect �il expenses iacurred in punving the remedies provi�ed tn this par.�graPh 21, � �`�;-'�.``' . � . -
<br /> ..�.:�.,�-. . -
<br /> � " '"�" " � t' � inc in d ing.b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o�r e a s o n a b k a ar U r n e y s't e e s a n d c o s t s o t t i t t e e v i d e n c e. • ' -
<br /> _ rr�_ . � �'L' ,;'.,
<br /> - � � It the wer of sale i.g invoked,7lruuee sba0 record a notice of default ln each county m a�ich any part of the ��-
<br /> Po ';,�""
<br /> � �}'� Pro rly is locnted and shall mail co ies of such notice in tUe mannes prescribed 6y applicabte ta�to Borrower aad to • � -
<br />' `��`'�:"� � the o�t6er persons prescri6ed by appika6te law Atter the time reqaieed by applica6le law,7lrustce s1�II give public ' �:__
<br />� '� 1:`_i=� . aotice of ss+le to the persoos and ia the manner prescribed 6y appllcable law 7tastee.withou!demartd on Borrower. :;; ` "':_
<br /> • '"���� shall sell t6e Property At pubilc s�uction to tMe hi�hhest bidder at the tlme and pia�r and unAer the terms designated i� - �;'`i�,: ��f�_
<br /> ':"����,��=r the eotice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 71ru!ittee determines. Trusiee may postpoae sate of all or any ,
<br />� , - '-=_•`�='�:. ��:�; pa�cel ot the Piropesty by public annauncement al ihe time and place at any pre��nusly scheduled s91e. Lender or its ; � �
<br /> ���'�",,;i:, designee may purc hase t he P roperty at any sA l c. " . " •
<br /> - m �, �. :
<br /> � '�"� Upon receipt'of paymeM ot the prlce bid,Trustee shal)deUver to the pa�ed�aser'Il�ustee's deed conveying the Y,:;;°•,'. �
<br /> .�t•,�...:. �g'c • , 5,'.:�ti:.. • �, �
<br /> �-;.* -� Property. The�ecftsds in the Trustee s deed shaU be prima fac9e evidence oi the tsut�at the statements made therein. � :•;�'
<br />� {'"-�` Trustee shall apply the praceeds uf the sale in the following order: lal tu all costs 7a��cpen�oP exercising the power �- -• ' . ', ;�;__
<br /> � ','&+��. � . �-,1.�_
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