. ;.:.%', . � .. : _5�.;ft ` .� '_ '- . . ':.,4 - < �' . . �O- ' � . . ( y . t S �.c.
<br /> .. . r� - .., `i `. . ' . Y � .. . • L S �Y .._ �..
<br /> �`�����j ,,�.�.,•�`.�_`7�,,�,� �� f '�G c��ti_ _i
<br />- idE11Y'�I�N��FlV4�tlR�iaryiM�Thil5�16@iblW7fii�.�m ���� ' —^- —- --. _.._.. .
<br /> f
<br /> .�r:, .�� g�� ��D��! -
<br />_,,,.,.
<br /> ., . 'i�Qti�i'�f��iEi�V1Tlf n1t th�l�r�ve�r:nis r.ati�a�r ho�ait�erestssl an t�v pra�crty.und afi e:i�err�nss.appizrt�r�.^r:s,atv3 �'.
<br /> _ fiatcRrca rr.r.y�.��e h�r�ftep o part of the propc�ty. Al) reglt�sements � odditions sh�U a110 b: cove�c0 by•ttiis. x:v;tatity
<br /> ittstau.mst��P.101�t ths Carc�U9ng is referced so in this Secut(ry tnstrusncnt as thc"E�apc�ty.°
<br /> --.2 '�sf'rau's�"��t'OV��iAt+i'CS t�iat Bor��ves is tawfi►ily sei�ed of tn��tete ltereby c����yet!��taa�lg[�?�t�$��
<br />� co�r-w3 tb�:Pr�°sty an�ttt2�the Proyerty is uuencum6ered.exoe�t for eacfsm�smac�5 oF record. Barrowes cvarma:s as�d�v:ll �
<br /> , defe��rcflr:cr���2lie title tn ths Property egainst sU claims ae�demands.subJ�c to any ent�mbrano��s of record.
<br /> 'L�I�TlR S?��It�iTY INS�'�IEJMElei7'oombiaes uniform covenuau for na4inna!use und non•unifora�covenan�.s,wSth litaitec4 __
<br /> ".s,:�, vaciatia��)'�1'irdictian ta onns6tat.a uniform security instruatent ooveting real pmgxrty.
<br /> • `. �� UI+F���II�:CpV�tp�N'1'S.goarorr�r aicd I.ender cavenant and agre,e as follows:
<br /> �� '' P P YV� -_
<br /> ��, : E. P�{}�cl►st9$of Fr�.�pnl s�d H�Seres� �eepa�Qat aad Late CPwtgs�s. Bosower shall rom t1 �* v��a�du:thz
<br /> :,. ��� pris�i�oS afr�:interest on the debt e�id.nsod by the Note and anY P�P�ymeni and late chsrges due un�!w thr Iv�w.
<br /> ';;�_��� �.Ftm��:iPor Tass and Insu.�^.�s¢.Subjact to applicable taw or to a wriucn waives by L.en�w, B�arro���sb�p2y to '-
<br /> �. L�2s am.dlro���y mnnth1Y Ray�aents are due uader the PIote,unn1 t�e Noce is paid'm full.a sum(°F�")for..(a)Yes:-ty tax� �-
<br /> r,=;"..`�: . a�r3�ss��tfa'�'t�.wtaich m�y a2tain pziarity aver Yi�is Sec�riry In.�as a lie�on che Fmgerty;(b)Ye3siy l�al�t���a'.s
<br /> .•;•..r.ti :
<br /> � or g.*crxac3�t�5iion th�Ptvperty,if�y:f�)Y�Y hazard ar pm��ty:��n��premiums;(dD Yearly floa�!in3utaace�xamit�ms.
<br /> if aa►y:{c�.yet,�iy�ortgriga in..�urar�e premiums,if aay;an�(fj anY sams grayable by Bmron+er to LQ�deQ. im acc�rda�x wiYh
<br /> �. tlu;grm•Sai�:�of�pazagraph S,in li�of the pay�t af a�rtgage iasut�aca gmminms.These ite��ca�.ta1.°Esrmcv.Items."
<br /> °�,�;,"� l.�aa c��..an�airy tim�,wIIect�hs�t3�m�s�ra a.�a��t aot to e��the m���:.���unt�.�lead�'.f�r a fe3erully
<br /> re6aEed m�ztg�toan m��y ceqn�e£oz�orrower's escrow�x�t urr'..�r s'as federa!R�3 F.state 5.,.�t`arn�i Pfv�lutas A�et af
<br /> m t
<br /> . 19T4 ag a�ri:�ad from 6mr to time, 12 U.S.C. Settion ��ID�r�s�. t'3�cSPA°).nntess aaother taa��r.��t app�ias ta ths Fvnds
<br /> m�
<br />'.:;:�� sets a te�sc�awrnu..�t.if sa, Leadez m�y,at eny time,m`.?:��d 1�'��m�s in an amount not to e��tY��:tet�am�uni.
<br /> `:,�. [.e�a ar�y escittu'.e tt[z amount of F:�ads dae on�te bas:s�''r cc�cr��t.���d reasonable estimates of exp�ntit�r�s af futurs ..
<br />:::�; Bs�rov�3t�.�as otherwiFe in arcurdance wit6 applica6le!a-�sl:::: . ;. _ .• _
<br />;? ; :'�7tr�f'trn� shrJl ha hetd �an institution whase d��1cs,�re �.�r°..,:YY a 'et�e�ii ageacy, instr�m�'Cvt��:,.ci eaiity
<br /> ;�,�: ('�sxIbi�3$�t,I.eca$�r,if Leudet is s�r:b institation)or in���ICr�ral Hott�z�a E�:-P�det shall aPPlp tha F�i�((s�paty the
<br /> :J:; • �sccros..fte��:�.ender m�not c�;..'�Borro�ser f.n tto!ding.aad applyiz�9�ue�,'�ds,am�aally anaIyz�g tb�escsout':�a�i;ount,ar.
<br />..d'�. ��' , v.�ifying ito��scrmv-Itc�s,un:��.°r R.-S°s i��awer imerest on ttie L��£s and applicable laiv p��is Le�'aa sEi��¢iak:such
<br /> •�(r: . . ..
<br />;.�;;:��� .. .a��Tcr�tiver,Lwder ma�r r.v�e Ea�'lr�to pay a on�time c��'or an indepersdent reat es:ste tax,rega�se�g servue �
<br /> �' r.'r, u.ita�;.�f:,l.et��4� in wnu�rie��i�z ti�s �::�. �l1�ss a�:;`�ble law provides oth�rise. Untess sn ugrtt2aiim°t r�made or
<br /> �r3) l,�• � . �tic�r.��4�larr�r�uces iater�."..�.�a f���id.f�i�z s�all nt�1b�-equired t��ay�Burmwer any intere��r.�aramg��m�k(l.�:,Funds.
<br /> �`Ft..`�i#. � BYsirmsrr�a�n'l'Ler�ir.��y.a�:ifl.�iri'ag:��urar.ua-,ttrat�•`��est s�i�tn�:�aid on tbe Funds. I.�e:rs�'�1(�i'f�+=dS�?F��IW\.EV•�.. .._
<br /> 'l?', '
<br /> ,,�,�� � �iC�;F;st ct�ttr�e, �i rs�ssx�:�'.'•�of ths�^.�s, shovr�3 z�3is��,dic-�si�to the Fuads a�d thw pt,:npp�;�:ftrs',vl,i��e2cli• '
<br /> .:,,„• � .
<br /> -- , . .� �d�it t�n flto�l�unds was m�de.�.�unds are ptedged as ad;�i�a sec�rity far aU sna��a�ued by this Sea¢�ity�'�ttt.�
<br />_=-i:;';'.�`y.�. �� .
<br />_ 1�'tl�a�ands beld by Leade�eaoead the amounts per�+4�io be held bY aPPUcable taw,I.ender sI�a3lit�aaumrt;w.��13on+arnzr
<br /> fcu�chi�e.u�s Funds in a000rdanoe�itb the requ�emems of�pplicab9e law.If the araount of the Fund�h��ct�b�r I.�r�tr�at any
<br /> ti[ra is�xt,s��fCcient to pay the Escrcrx Items wtaen due,Lender may so nosify Surrosver in writing,an�,�in•su,s��C�sa Bmm�tit�er
<br /> . sha�1 pa��:aai Ixnder tho aawunt aeeessary to make up the defrciency. Borrowcr shall m�tce up th�defia�cr,�in:rto�moza than
<br /> ttccEiv ar�s(d�1y Faytacnts.at Ixnder's sote discretion.
<br /> IIpsm}paymant in full of all sums secured by tlais 5ecuriry Instmment, Y.ender ahall prompsly�mfun:l eo�Bamower any
<br /> Ruzrt3:�by[.ender.If.ander paragraph 21.Lender shal!acQuire ar sell the Praperty.Lender.prior w the aoqz�isiddn or salv
<br /> oF tfi�R Prr��.rty.sh�ll appiy any FuruSs h:ld by Leader at the time of¢cquisitson or sale as a crcdit against thb anms secured by
<br /> ttrte.S�c�i�,�Yns4rumcm.
<br /> 3::A��j�qti�4ion o�Fayment9.dJNess a,pplicable!aw provides oth��rwlse.all payments reccived by Les�d�r uad�r p�ctt$r�
<br /> 1 an�t 2 s�t�1.be appliad:first,to.s►y prepayment charges aue under tha Note;secand.ta eawunts pnya'ald untf,�r�amgmpb 2;
<br /> third,tu�irait�T,.st duo;fanrth,to priceipa!due:and f�st.to any la�a charges due under the Noto.
<br /> .� 4:Ct�i�;�;Lic�str.Borrower.sball pay all ta�ces.assessments.chazg�.fines and impositiom attr6huirGald tu�thb Prap�rty
<br /> wizbt{�a��.3 r�iuin prlority over th9s S�caiity Ic�.swwment, azM leasehold payments or ground rents.if.any�:•Botrov�L�r�hall pay
<br /> Qwseo�bli�,�.�i3Cas in ttia manat^r provici�in paragraph 2.or if noq pa'sd in that manner,Borra�r�er st�ll�p.��r th�n on�titn�direcalg
<br /> w it�e p�rAn�6(we�l pEyment.Bonoaer shall pro,�npiiy fum�sh to Lender aii n�tices of ammmts to bc p�d•i�ny�this p�pb.
<br /> f If HuFnrn��mn�;es tttese payments�irectly.Borrower shall pro.mplly fumisfi to Lender receipts evid�scan��thb p4�rmtnts.
<br /> Btr�rcr��+shall promptly diss�ge any tien wt�ich has priortry ovet ttus Securiry tnstrament tud�Ba►tmiv�:a:�(a)�grees in
<br /> , � Y/
<br /> Kri�ttr�u��,lon�1iym�u af the obliga:imn ucund by tne lien in a munn�r avr�;ptnble to Lendet;(b)c�tmts�in�gvo3 fauU�ths jie�
<br /> by. or de�'t�iia�inst enforcemeng of the lien in, lega!•proce�linSs vrbich in tha LQnd�r's opinion�ap�at�to �nsvens ihe
<br /> t ece±'c�ti�af3jthe licn;or(c).secures from the hotder af the lie�an agEeatent satisfaswry m Lender suL�rdihai�ar.a the lien to
<br /> i a a.
<br /> . :.�� tl�::�Sa�xri4y.��snim:nt. If Lende:drtermines that any part of the Fa�o�e�ty is su(s,pc�ce tt�a lIen wnic��m���z�t'tcu��4riry over
<br /> . f this Soee�iiy lftinrums�t.LenQer may give Borrower a notioe iden6fyin�the lien.Sa:���+:�.�shsll s�Wc.'�ihb Iism.Q•r r,�one or
<br /> ,;�� r�r�,�f tt�a ar,t3#u�sst forth abave within 10 daya of the giving af notiee. '
<br /> � � � �n�:AEB 8/90
<br /> c,��mo
<br /> � 1l .T-xu � r � —
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