� - ,.I��.- .. .'�' . , f:•fCt .. u . _ . . , v..
<br /> . .:F«• . _ � . a . , ..� - �i?T�-
<br />. . , �d`, �` f�c�,,' `n - . � . f` ` ( f�, < _ /: � . _ - ' { .Ct`�j4f .
<br /> q� .i• '�It. �'E, . - �.<E c. � ' 4 �3� :r`�- t .�• '
<br /> �-i L _._.cL..."� t` _ — — c 6 f �' . -. __..
<br /> � —_._—
<br /> :� g6- i0���� �s
<br /> :� P3Ya¢enu maf no lon3er t�e r�quired.at the opiian of.��er.if mortgage insucance coverage(in the�nouut and fot the periad `.:
<br /> #` th�t Ixnc�r re�qulre;)praviderl6y en entztrar apFroved by Lcnd�ugain�econaes�va[labte and is obt�ined.Eorrotiver st�l!pay �,':'�:
<br /> s the piemivms res�uirerD to mainiain mo�t�sge insutance in effe�t.or to provide v toss resenc.until the r�uirement for mortgare �.iz TM.
<br />;� insurncce ends ia accord:nce.with any wfitten a�reenieat tseriveea fiormwcr and i�end:r ar r�gplicable law. Lenler shall ve �`=.`-�.
<br /> � 9 it�p�clY�. 1�er or iis ngent map mn�o re�onable ea�uies upun and i�spxtions of the Prmperty. E�
<br /> t s�
<br /> : Borrovrer�tiss et the dme of ar prior to an in..�p�.tion specifyin�reasonable caus�for t�ie insRection.
<br /> ..;` 10. �ttd�3�aa. The pmczeds of uny award or claim for damages. direcl or consequential,ir� cannection witt►any
<br /> .i �;�d�tu�a�'t�n 6r oi6�talciing of any psrt af the FmgPxay,or for conveyanse in li:u of condemstation.are hereby assi�s:ed an& �
<br /> t <<,�•�:`.
<br /> •,t shal!be paid to Lercdez. •'```:
<br /> ; !n the event of a toiai ta�sing of the Fmperty,the praoeeds shall be applied to she sums secared by this Security Inswment. 'z�,.u,..
<br /> `� wh.,thcr or nat tY�n du�,with any eacess p�id to Hore�ocv.r=. I n t h=event o f a p�t i e!t a 4 i n 8 o f t h e P ro P e rt}' in w1�ch the fazr ,�r�''"
<br /> a�><<';.�
<br />�:,y marf�ct valus of the Pmgerty immedisuety hefine the tat:�ng is eqna!to ar geatee than the am�ounc of the snms secured by this .,�,.'
<br /> , { Security Instr�meas imm�diately 6efaro tha tnL7ng,untess Barcower and LeadQr ot�+erwiae a�ree in wrifing,the snms secured by �=4�"F5t_
<br /> this SecusitY Instium�shall b�teduc� bg tde atnaamt of th�proceeds multi�ilied by ths foitovring frast6on:(a) the Wtal &:"_,,:
<br /> ...q_ �:.`:f:'.
<br />';t: am�unt of tht sams s�ured imme:itsuely bafnre tita 4��• diuided by(b)tbo fair mari:et vatw of �he Fmperty.innmediately �%-:�
<br /> . ::..�,,.—__�..
<br /> :r; 6efo+r„e, t1�e t�ldntg�y.,,.4ny�,-ataase�aII•G�paid m tfiv�er.. Iu tha eveat of a p�ial caking of the�no�t;�in vrhich ths fair —;___
<br /> II�I6N V�UC Of W4��'.�• tiRTPPfK?�P . _
<br /> ' ,��;�����be�aast tlse"t:�..k�fn�i�:i�stf�n thv amownt of ti�e�secuFed'---�---. ly hcCm:the �:_----
<br /> '•�" talring,anless Bosowet aad LQnsi�s�v�e�.�w.tHiu�!'ss:ttv�ess aPAUcs4�le!aw at�t�xr�se�ovi�es,the pma�ds�..��al! —_�___,
<br /> . . i]dlfiOB_
<br /> '��i be s►gplied to the su�ss secured by this Sec�rity Ir.�rrsr�w '.�t��SS not the�a�tT��: i=___
<br /> :;� If the Pmperty is ah�adoued by Borao�ver,u�.i�:'a�et riu��3+Lender 6i�.13i'.tr�a�ru 4,�tJ�e ca�de�a�uff�s ta make an �_�
<br /> award or settte a ctaim for damages,Bor.rotver f�tss zesp�nc��i.ender aslltr�ii."si�day�iil3i:r the d�e ti�e r.otice is given, _
<br />.: j r I,emdr�'is �a.:4hflrized w callect and apply the praceeds,at ifu aptiii i k�.�i t her t o�e s t o i a ri a r s-�n:i r�t�s af t�e P r o p e rt y oi ta tit��rs ��`
<br /> ' securc�hg s�iis Secusity Instirrumens,wh..*ther or unt tTnea duc. •. • .
<br /> .�;': U��.�ndcr a�sd Borrawer atheraise agree in writing, aaY aAp�icarioa af p�s to pri4�cipal sf�al! not exeax3 or �.�rs:��.;_
<br /> �.� ,' postgo�ci3:d�e dare of ti�mnnthly payments refer,ned w in paragraphs 1 and Z��change the anonun4 of sucb pay�enss•
<br /> �':;:�:;�s'°:
<br /> ' �. ,__
<br /> LL�.td'r,�nv`ea NaY Rete�sed;ForBe�ause By F ender Not a Waiver.Ext�sion of the time for payment ar�odifirarinn ;�':;���`.:�n,�..
<br /> ;:;`. af amrost�tion of tfle smms secared by this Seauary Insrrsinicnt grac�ted by I.eader w auy succe.ssor ine interest of Borru�ver shnll•;.:,:.�:�'':;:��.�.—__.�
<br /> , . .;,..��1,.�::
<br /> not operare to retea5e the lia6ility of th�origiaAl Bormtver or Borrower's suoccsso�s in inte�st: Leuder sbniZ noi 0a t�qui�sd ta :.:;,,�;,:._�,,r;:
<br /> •;`,.���`s commence praceedings against any saccessor in interest or re;Fuse ta extend ti�ua gor payu:�nt or athetvrise e�odify amartl�tian:•,��;;`�.;;:....Y__
<br /> '! af the snms secured by this Secutity Insuum:r,t by reason of aay damand•mdde by the originai Bc�rrower or Bortmve�'�:.'�;;;.:�';::,—
<br /> ';�J' , su�cesson in iateres�Aay farhEarnncc by Ls�,�in exencisin�any right or ro�aedy shall not be a wa�ver of or greclade th��`:,;:i;�,."
<br /> .,;,,.-.,,
<br /> .;j �•,• � eaCrcise of any righ2 or rc�edy. . •
<br /> . � ' 1�. Successnrs and Ass3� �£r�iu�:9oiat and �.wers�i L3s�L"Ity, Casj�;aeis�. The covenants and agreement�:ar�3�s ---
<br />`'::�,,�. ':. Secuanj in9uurileu3 st�bin3 aad`�fit d�.succesQ�s aad a�signs of Lt�ndes ancl Bon�mwer.subject W ths provisioas o�' _
<br /> :::�.;. paYagrag� 17. Borrawer's coveaants and agr�ments shafl be joint and sava[al.Any Bnrrt.�rer who co-signs thfis Security 4 .
<br /> . •,.,: dnshvmeni bat dacs n�t execate the Nate:(a)is co-signing this Ser,urity Fn�xnj�m only to mart�age, gr3ne and oonvey that ��.�___.-;:
<br /> •'�4 ' �Borrower's interast ia the Praperty widsr the tem�s of this Security Lisi�.�ent;f b)is not persc�aali'r obtdgated to pay the snms
<br /> "` �� seaited by thii SecuritY Ins¢nimeni;and tc)aPzes thsu iruder and any other Boreoaer may ag�s:e to ext�d.mpdify.far6�r ar M.
<br /> . .,� mage any a000mnt�naatioas with iegard to the tesns of this Secarity Insunment or tLe Note without ttiat F3arrower's wnsent. �,
<br /> '.: ;:5 : 13.I�ooa Ch�r�.If the taam secuied by thi�Sacwity tnsburnent i�svbjerr,t to a[uw which seis anaximu�n toan charges. ,_�,
<br /> �:_.-
<br /> •,�'F`` � and that tuw is Snakl.y�_i7�Eeipreted so ti�t tba inseres4 or other laan chuigcs col[ected or to be collectea in ooaneciion�ritTn th� �-..
<br /> �'� . ' lcian exceed the petmiita�t limits:t]�.�:(a)any such toas�ct��a sUn116e ttx[uce�by the amaunt aoe�ess3ry to rcduee tt�e cLarge ---
<br /> _ .. . a t
<br /> :� t to thQ;�caai�aitted limit;�nd(b)au�:��1ns alseadY collectcd from Hanoorer arhich exoceded parn�tted ii�its will be rafunded e� _�
<br />' .:��.�' ; � .. :
<br /> • • ••,.�• Borcct'vi4,c.•Lender may c�oase ta.t�r3ce this refiu�d by raducing the printtipal owed undet d1e Ticte or by maL-tn� a diiect -
<br /> .� i`.•.?:.'•` t to Bomawa. U a refurn9 reduces princip�l. tha roduction wii! be ueated as a panial pr�p�yraeut withait any :�.,'
<br /> ���`':?';.,;: PaY!� --
<br />',;�:..;;,,,:,� P�►Y�nt cti�rge underthe No�e. �
<br /> ��'.' 1a.Nottccs.Auy natfca to 8nravwer pruvided for in this Secut�ty Insunraent si�all be given by deliveting it or•by mnilitt�
<br /> ' ''�' � it by Y�t class m:iil unless aPP�it�iilt:-law mquin�s use of nna,Ilr�i methad.74�e nutice sl�qli be dire�ed to the�ttvPatY Itiddr�ess __�..�.�r
<br /> ���'•> or any o4her address BarmaeX�fit�distiates hy notice to 1:t'itrf�r. Ar+y�notice to Lcndor:shatt be given by first clsss maol to �µrs;-"
<br /> g at
<br /> �::�;;;r;�,... �`��':::
<br /> ...;q�:;,s, I.ender's address st�tr�1,:I�ereia�ar'uzcq other add�ss.Lenderd�s�gnatos,vy��ni�.ae to Bar�wes. Any aoti�prov�dec!for in tt�is ��..:_..
<br /> ��•,''�i�'.• ' Saurity Instru�ens elltl9�be d��,to hnva bxt{.�}ti�cn to Sorrower or L�in�:r tvhen given as pmvideG i�tt�is garagcaph. �y
<br /> .•1'•�.�;'
<br /> . .�,; 15.Cove�ning Law; 5ecorii�sisity. '[7iis°t".,i�curiti,� In�Mtment sli�ll.;i1� sovemed by federal taw and t��e !�w of tlia
<br /> ����:;;� . jur�sdiction in whicb the Property.�is located. 1n the evisni�tifal:'arry paovjsfbn or clause of this Seciarity Inst�nment�ol'�ti�e Note
<br /> .: ,i,;.
<br /> ca uyik� rovistons o�'tbis Ser�riry Instru�em or the Note wliich can ba , '.,�`°°?;
<br /> ..�;, conflicts wiW applicabte It�w.such conflict s�sill not P .
<br /> �`�'���'��'' given effocl arithout the conflicting provi�;iao.'��s.t�is eml the pmvuions��t;.is Sea.mty I�stnrmem e�d tt+e Note are deciarc�• . ,'
<br /> �l;"''�`��'• to be severable. ' '• '
<br /> ` i��s;�t` ,
<br /> +:���'r•,��� 16.Burrower's.Copy.Bormwes shfill h��;:ven onn cnnfamied wpy of the YVote and of[tnis S�auisy Tnst�ument.
<br /> �� . �'
<br /> � , Fartn 367,f3 8t90
<br /> ji . .. PaQO�of A .
<br /> r: ,.
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