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<br /> � 9� ���r�t��
<br /> �•� TA�iE17�W6'l't�all the icnpro�er�tsats uow c��'-�reaftcr ereste9 an the pmiserty.uad IIll eusernents.aPPvt4euances.and =
<br /> �, � fixtures etow or hema�ter m p�rt of th� pmgtary. AU replm�nents luxl addidoas sh.aJl si!!so be covEred by th€s 3esueity --
<br />= - frsuums�.AII of the f�rgoing is rr€��srcd to in this�cuaty Instrurnznt as tis$"Praperty° !�
<br /> 5��.�tOW�C(?VEN�4N1'S tPs�t�orrow�r ia Mwti�Ily seiscd of the esuue herebg wneeyed and�hss the rigGt to�ran.t ead ��_
<br /> •camey the Fmp�rty and thai ths FropetfY is�utettcumQen�xi.exs�pt €or encttm6ruuces of Fecami. Borrawer warraats and will
<br /> � dstend genemlly b6c titte to�he Pcopraty u�tinst nU ciaims and demuz►�s.sutsjert to any en�mbmaces of record. —
<br /> .`� TNIS 5�Ci3PJTx iNS'Y'R1.jMBNT oombincs unifonn covenants fov nationa!use and noa�uniForre�wveaants arith limited --
<br /> , `j vtuiatioas by juresdiction ta oonstitute s anifarm st�cuairy inst�meut sovering real pr�perty -�-
<br /> � UMFORb�!COVENANfS.Borrawer und Lender covenant�d ug�e as follows: vihen due the
<br /> 1. i�y�ua�R at I�siis�iF:�1 and Pa�rt� PrepaYmeni �ud Late CP��s. Sarrower shall promP�Y Fay h �
<br /> u
<br /> : pr�ttripal of apd�irttarzsi an the�ebt evedanosd by ttte 1'�oie arrd anY P�Y�'-���e����due under the Note. -
<br />", :� Z.�tFa 8�r T�es aad�st�anc2.Subjaci w BPPUc�Ie IS"'ot to a written waiver by Lender.Haaocver sl2uit pay to
<br /> S I.ender oa thti ds�monthlY WYm..°ais a�due urtdor tlae Note.uniii th�e Not�is paid in fWl,a sum f°Funds")for.(a)Yearly taxes
<br /> .:� aad asse.amp S wi2ich cnay attain priarity aver thta Sscu�3`,t In�ament us p lien on the Progerty:(b1 Y�y��oid paymteats
<br /> �nsusance premiama:td)9ear1Y flaod'ursurauce premiwns,
<br /> :, � or grr►and rents oa the PrBpe�ty.if any:(c)Yearty ht�or P�P�Y�
<br /> 8
<br /> if ar►y;(e?YrutY�aTt�age'"�*"++`�preauum.s,if any:and(�eaY Sums PAYuble by Burro�ver to Lender,iu ecoordance
<br /> �� ' � the proviEions of paragrap6 8,in{iai o'f the paym�tt of mmt$t��lasuracttoe premiums.These items aze called"Escrow Items."
<br /> �,; i,ender rnay,at any time.cniteCt aad isfltd Funds in an a�aouui nat to exo�d th$inaxim�tn amaunt a leader for a federafly .
<br /> .....�5 cetated mortgage loaa may requir�for Bomower's�sc�w aooauni und�r t6e federal Real Fstute Settlemeat Prooeduies Aa af �.
<br /> 1�14 as amended f�om tiace to wae. 12 II.S.C.Set�ion 2601 et seq. ("RESFA°).unless another!aw that agplies to the Funds _
<br /> stts a tesser am�unt. if so. Leader may.at aq}+time,oollect nnd Qoid F�mds in an amount nnt w exceed the lesser emount. _
<br /> Lendes may esamate tlic amouat of Fands due on the basis of cvrrent dnta an�rea..wnsb2e estimates af expe�ditures of future ,--.
<br /> � P'r.r,cmw It�ms o:otherwise in�ccordattae with spplic�ble law. �
<br /> :'.,;i� T�e Funds sUall 6e hetd in an iu�itution�S�uee de�osits are insured by a federa! agency, inatrumetuaiitY, or etttlty
<br /> .'.'i;s�cIudip8l,ender.if I.gndez is svc1�an i�tation)csr 3n any Federa!Home Loun Basdc.L�nder shall apply the 1Funds to pay the : -
<br /> Fscmw Items.i.ender�ay not ekarge Borrower for ho2diag anti appl}r3nb t'nc F�wds.annualty analyrtin�dte c�ccow aoeou�t,oi
<br />.. verifying Ehe Escrow Items.auiess Lender pays Socrower inter�st on the Funds an0 applicable law permits i.�der to mn',.��'�ch =.
<br /> r•�'s a charSe.giowever.L.ender may requise Borrawer to pay a on�time ctiar8e far an indepead�ent real estate tax repa�tin6�xice
<br /> • .` a�i 6y Len�ter m conneMion witb this toan, unless applicable law provides atheaavise. Unless an agre�ent Is� ar . _
<br /> •� �; Botrow�any interest or�unings on the Funds.
<br /> _ applicable Taw�gaires inte�st W be paid.L�der�ball not be re�nired to Pa1
<br /> � $oz►a�rer and I.eader may agee ia writing,6ow�ver.that interest sha116e paid an th�Fands.I.endu shalf givc to Borcower. • �
<br /> �,���'' withaut charge. an annu�l a000nnvng r��she Funds,s6owing credits and debisa tre the Funds and the purpase fos whicb ea�B =
<br /> --� debit w the Funds aas,made.Tiie Fur��xe pledged as additia�l s+�ss�isitY far all sum.c secur��y this Security Iaswme�s�"`
<br /> "-''," If the�+in�ds heId by Leaxier e�nov�:t'he amounts permittsd tiu��ld by applicable tave,X:�•-nder shail acca�nt to Bar�.°a�tt�r .!
<br /> -�;������. ;''=for the excess 1Funds m.aa�aa'�nce vit�tt�reqniremeAts of applicabls law.ff the amaant of the F�mds hetd 6y L�ader::��t�7► .
<br /> • ' � '�tcme is not sn�icient to Fsti��rhe Escrov�Items�vhen due.Lender enay so notify Borrower in weiting,aad,in such case�oaowet .
<br /> .�r .L ssi�ii pay to I�ni�;s�e ai-.�at r�te a�sks np ti�9 c1e��er.sy. Bor�wer shaU make up the def ciency in no mate than ,
<br /> _ = twelve�ontt►IY PaYments.at Lender's aa�'discr�tion. :� tl cefund to Sarro�rer an}r •
<br /> .`''� ITpop payment in full of aIl sums secnred by this Secaris;��nsuaaiem, lender shall pFomP Y
<br /> ''� Fuads beld hy lender.If,�nder Farag�ph 21.Lender s6a11 aoquire or sell the Prop.nty,t.ender.prlar to the nrquisition ar sale
<br /> • ••.''e of tt�e PropertY,st�ail appt�►aay Funds 6,etd by Leader ai the time of aoquisidon or sale as a credit a�;ain..�t eho sums secumd 6y
<br /> . , �' this Setvriry Instrumeent: � •` .
<br /> = � 3.Ap�licati4n of P�ymenls.Untess ePPlicable law providc-���cFlla�se,all payments re�xived by l.endeP nnder pa.;��'3�
<br /> �' 1 amd 2 shall!se applied:fust.to amt.�Qp�Payment charges dae u�e,1►�'i�.4,e Note:seoond,to amm�n¢s paysble under�r^ �,.���,
<br /> ` '� third.•w interest•Que;faca�;;�a princ���Tdue.and Iast,to any ta�tt���es due i�..der the I�tote: . ', ..v::�'
<br /> ; ..: d.C1�rges;Y3�:3�az:'ower shaJl gay aU taxes,asses�eats:�ha�ges.��nd i�sitinns atuibu�'��ab the�perty �.:,:.-
<br /> , � ? �;;`.�;�'�'which may attain prcority�ver this.S�curit�'Instnunen� and te2�r'.o�+td�aymeflts or gonund r�s. if u►Y:�,1�4o�.'Y►a+�r .,. �aY
<br /> . . ,tt�ese obiigations in the m�nnet prov:��l�t',5n par�graph 2,os ii��g�d���in that raanner,Borro�rer shall pmy the�►oa tunfi�td.�a��ly
<br /> :;.,��:'".'� . ����.. to the pe�tv�owed paY�ent.Borrar•��:��all�PmmAt�y fumish to�.�ixier a!1 aodaES of amnuats to A�paid aade.r jhis p�.�!!aph•
<br /> .�;�,. ,�•; � » Bomeua�shall ro fumish to l.ender receipts evidenting t�e payraents:.'.
<br /> :".;:'`'�g°Trc��.��'raicesth���>sYr�►tsdirccklly. P �Y. ,,
<br /> �ry�;�� tq.�,�ni�tt���y discharge any lien cu:��ida has priority over this Sea�riry Instnunent ualess Borrower: (a)agrees in .
<br /> � ..vrriting f�tlfu��?s�C:'��+s�`si�r obligapr�se�red 8�.�;:i�uz lien in a anannez uoc�mble to 4.eader.4b)contest��ifs+}�w�d faith thc lien • -
<br /> • by,�ar def�r.ds ag�i�.-c���aie2me�t'�:�'ahe licn in;legal pmet�rlftc�s which in the Lendcr's apinion op�r'ate.to P���
<br /> . . �enfaro�ment of the lit�x�(c)sc�;`4�vt%tcom ths fw4dRr of the t:�xr�ms a�reement satlsfadory ta l.ender subordinating t1�fi,en to ,
<br /> .. �s 5ec�riry Inscru�oi�,�'��•env'.,ei d�termines th4t.�,y part of the Praperty is subject ta a lien whic�a�ay attain priorf,i�+,7Yer
<br /> this Socuriry Insnunne��i�;;tu;..de�may give BorraNi�r a r�otice identifying the tien.Borrower shatl suisfy titg iien or taice aioe or
<br /> '` mot�of the actions set fi+,�ria 8t�ve w[dun 10�ys r�f't�}:giving af notice. . : . .
<br /> :}•� . .
<br /> . FoRn 3tut�p fD18d
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