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t�s--z�-i�ss l��EL1 OF TRIJST Page 5 <br /> l..oan No 1��6 (Car+tin���d) '��'"' �.�o�]i�j:� <br /> T � (d) With �ospec�i to afl or any pt►rt�!the PersLnal Prape�ty.Lende�shali havE ait the rig9�t5 snd remediAS ot a�aCU;ad party under tF:e <br /> tdebraska�l,lnite�rm Cammercia!Code. , . <br /> Foreclostare Dy Pptiv�e of Sale. If Lencier eh�cts to fore.:lose by exercise of the Ppeler o`Sale herein cOntminBd,Lsnder shall notify TruSfee and <br /> shatt deposi}with"�e this L7eed o!lrrust i��d thn Nots and such recaip��nd evidence ot 9�enddures made B�nd seCUred by this pe�d ot <br /> 7rust as'frustee ma��require. <br /> (a) Upon receipt oi s�ch r,oticE�f�om Lender,7rusfea shai!cavse to be recar�.�sd,pubiished and delivered tq Trustqr s,�ch Notice of pefaul! <br /> and Notice oF�,a�3 as then requireG by l9w gnd by this peet9 o)Trust. Trustt+e shstt,without d�mend en Trustor,after such time as may <br /> than Ca require�d by iaw an�after recordallon at such Notk:e o(Defauft and after Notice ol Seia having been gir�n es requtred by law,seh <br /> the Pr�erTy at tha time end piace of sale fixed by tt in such Notice of Sale,e:ttr.x as g whnia, or in separate Ipts or pa►eels or items as <br /> Trlste��shal!dpam expedi&nt,&nd in 5uch order as it r�'.sy determine,at�ub'�:.sucfion to!he highest biddar for cash in Iawtut moru3y af <br /> the Uniled States payah,lp at the time����. T:.�stee shaM dsfrv8r tp such p�+t��ssar or ourchrasers thereci its�ood and Suff�cient decd ar <br /> dea�!�.cpnveyinq ltie pr�e:ty so sofd,�ut without any crnrenunt w warranty,�r!cpress or lmpPsd. Tha r�itals in such deed ot any mstte�s <br /> or fac� shap ba co�dusl��e prout of tt�e truth!ulness thereqi. Arsy person, irxi;��rng wtthout pmitatlon Trustor,7rustea, or Lender, rnay <br /> purChssa at 5u�h 5&le. . <br /> (b) �s may b�pnfmiited by law,efter dEductir�g�tl costs,Fees and experr�aa �f Trustee and p(this Tr�,t,Including costs af evidance af <br /> tiHs ln cannectlon with sale,Trustee shall s�pty the proceec's o��^:�i��::ynx�nt of Q)all sums ez�anded und�r the tarms M th�s Deed ai <br /> Trust or;;r,��;tho torms nf tha Note nat lhen rep�id,iriciudi��►�•';,;;:::;..;�,to&axued!.^.!°!9S!9nd l�l�Chflrq05� (►I}atl othsr sums then <br /> secured hersby,end (iil);he rem&Inder,H�ny,tp tha person or pp,a�,�,iegatty entldad lhereto. <br /> (c) TruStQe may In tl�e manner prpvided by law postpone sale ot all or any partipn pf the Property. <br /> Rem�dies Not�xClus7ve. �rustea nnd Lender,and aaCh ot them,shali ba erstltled to eniorce payment and aerSvrrr�nce af eny indebtadness <br /> or obligations secured by this Ceed ot Trusl and to tixercise all rights And ppw�rs under lhks Deed o�Trust, under the Note, undor any nf the <br /> Related bocumsnts, ar under any ather ayreement or any Iaws naw on c�33reaft�r fn i�; notwllhslanding,soms or eli ot such Indebttadness <br /> and ob�igatlans securad hy this Daed of Trust may npw or hereaRs:bn o!he.�wtse securod,whether by morlgsge, daed of trust, pled�e, lien, <br /> asstgnmenf or niherwisA. �1e!}her the acceptanca Qt thts Dcad ot 1'ru,t nar Its entorcement,whethar 5y ca�rt acdon or pursuant to t�e qawpr at <br /> sxxie ar other powars contalnod In this Deed o(Trust, shail preJUdice or !n any manner BffeCt"frusfea's or Lenders right to realize upan or <br /> enforca any other security now or hereafter heid by 7ruste�e pr Lender, it heing agreed that Trvstc�s and Len9er, and euch of them, shal� ba <br /> entitle�to eniorca thts D�d ai Trust and any other s�cur!ty now or herealter Lender or Trustae in such order and manner as they a <br /> either of them may in thelr absalute discre6on det9rmin9. No remedy Cpnferred t�on or raserved to 1"rustee or l.ender, is int�ndad to he <br /> exctusive o.'any othe�remedy fn this Deed ai Trust or by law�rovic�ad or permitted,but each shal!ba cumulative and shall be In 8d9ition ta <br /> every t�thsr remedy given in th'rs C.^e�+ot Trust or now or hereafter exisdr.g at taw o�in equity cx by 5t&tUte. EvE�ry pCwer pr rgrnedy given by ihe <br /> Note or any of the Reiated Documenis to Trustee or l.ender or to which �ither of tt►em may be othenn�isv enlitled, may be ezercis�d, <br /> concurrently or indspendantty, irvm Nme to dme an4 as often as mey be deemed �xpedient by Trustee ar Lender, and either of them may <br /> p�arsue lnc�nsistent �emed!es. Noihing in t�is [)eed oi 7rust shall be co�strued as prohibltin� Lender frtim saeking a daiicloncy)udgment <br /> agalnst the Trustor to the exterst such action fs permitted by taw. <br /> Reques!For Piotice. Trustqr,on behat�ni Tn,slpr and Lender,hereby requesGs that a copy o(any Wotw^e of betault and a co�y af any Notice <br /> qf 5aie under this Deed o�Trust be mailed to them at 4he addr'esses set forth in the first paragraph of fhis Deed uf Trust. <br /> Walver, Elcctlon ol Remec3ies. A waivc� by any�arty of a breach af a provision ot this Deed of Trust shall no► constitute a waiver of or <br /> prejudice the party's rights ottrarwise t7 demand shict comptiance with that provislon or any other provisiqn. Elecdon by Lender to pursue any <br /> remedy pr�vided in this Deed ot Trus�,tha Note,In any Related pocument, vr provided by�aw shall not exclude pursuit o(any other remedy, <br /> and an election to make expenditures or tp take xicfion to perform sn o411gaUon of'frusior under this peed of Trust aRer failure of Trustar to <br /> perform shal!nat aHect Lenders righ:to declare s datault and to ex�e any o�fts remedies. <br /> Ftlq�49 ot Trustee. 7rustee shall ha�re eA of tha rlghts and dutkas ot Lender es set forth in th!s section. <br /> POWERS A1��OBLIGIlTIOt�S�F 7AlJSTEE.. The follawinq provislons ra►atlng to the powars and obligatio��s oi Trusta�aro part ot this Deed of <br /> Tnnt. � . <br /> Powars oi�rustee. In add�tiori to aM pow�rs ci 7rustee arlsing�s a mafter a!Isw,Trust�e shali have the powe�to:ake the(ottowi;ig actior�s <br /> with respec�to the prpperty upon the writtan rQquest pf Lender snd Trustor. (a)jan in preparing and filing a map or p!at o�the Rs_!Property, <br /> irr�ludir:g iha dedicatlon of streets cK other righTs to the public; (b)join in flranting any aasement or creating any restriction oi�the Reat Property; <br /> and (c)jdin,lo any.s�bordinatior�oC,ott�r�9roement af`�ting ihls Dead of 7rttst or tt�s interest of Lender under this Deec�ot Trus!. <br /> ., � ��::.Z <br /> TruStsC. Tcu�tee sha+i me�t;g(I qusli�icatipns re�uired for Trustea under applicable Iaw. In addition to tha rights and remedles sE�t forth abova, <br /> with respect to att rn any p�art ot fhQ pr�pe�iy�iha irustetl shall have the righl to foreclose by notfce and sa�e,and�ender Shail have the rlgh!to <br /> ioreciose by Judi�iPl for�dest�ro,Jn eitt�et case iri accardarxs with and to the full extent provided by appllcxb�taw. <br /> SUCC�S9or TruStp�. Lend3r.&t Lsnder's opKcn,may from tlme fo time s�odnt e St�.*SSOr Trusteg to any Truste�appdnted heteunder by an <br /> Instrument axecuted a*�d acknowledged by Lander and recorded in the otfica ot the recorder of Hall Cot�nty, Nebraske. The inshumenf shali <br /> �ontain, in sddition ta all vther mattezs required by state law.!he names ot the cxigfnai Lender,TruSle6,flnd Tru;tor, the baqk 8nd page(pr <br /> cornputer sysiem referenr.e)whE�re this Deed ai Trus!is recorded,�rtd tha nsnte end e�ddress of the s�ssnr trustee,and th�Inshument shall <br /> be oxecu!ed end acknow!edped by alf the bene�iciaries under the i)eed ot Trust or their suc�sors in interest. The s�sor trustee,without <br /> r.onveyance of the Property,sh�il suCCeed ta�fl ihe 6tle,power,ar�d��uties conte�red upon the Trustee in this Oeod of Trust end by appii�able <br /> Iaw. This proc�dure tor substitution of trustee�hail gav�rn to the ezclvslon r'�tl othar pravisions for substitution. <br /> MOTIC�5 7D 7RUSTpR AHd bTHER PRFiTIwS. Any no4ice under this Deed o�' ust shafl be in writlnQ,may be be sent 6y tete(acs(milie,and shall <br /> be etfective when ectually deliversd,or when depasi9ed wiih a nationally rec�ogrr� +d ovemight courier,ar,if mailecf,shafl be deemed eHective when <br /> dsposited in tha United States mail flrst cittss,certEfted or registerad rtiail,posta� �prepaid,dir�cted to the�ddresz;es shown near the beginnir+� of <br /> this Qeed ot Trusf. Any party may charv�e fts ade�ress tor noHces under this peed o!7rust by giving lormal wnit�n noticce to ,he ather part+es, <br /> specify�ng that the purposs at th�notice is!o change the part�s address. llll cop�es af nolices of fqrecloc•��re hom fhe h�lder oi any iien wh�h has <br /> priority over this De�c� a►7rust shaEl be sent to Lenders address,as shown near!he beginning of th�s Deed��Trust. For notice purpases,Trustor <br /> agrPes tc keep Len�er and Trustae iniormed at ali Hm�s of Trustor's current ad�ress_ <br /> M15CF�.LR�d�0iJ5 PROVISlONS_�:F�e foticwing misceitan�ous provfs3ons are a parf ot Ihis peed of Trust: <br /> Amendm�nl5. This Deed af Trust,together wilh any Raiated Dorumenls,cons.s:utes the entira under5tanding and agrQement aF fhe parties as <br /> " to the matter5 set lorth!n this peed pf Trust. No alteia;ion ef c;amendment to this De$d of Trust shaU be affective un;ess given in writing and <br /> signed by the party or par�es sought tq be charged or bc�nd by the aReration or amendm�nt. <br /> Mn4nl Re�orts. fi the Properh/is used for pur�ose�a ofher than Trustor's resldence,Trustor shap furriisFt lo Lender, upon request,a cesti8ed <br /> statamgnt cf net operating (ncrme receivRd from thc� Property during Trusto�s prevlo� fiscal year in.such brm and datail &s Lender shall <br /> require. "Net operat(n{�lncorne'shall mean aH cash racefFts hom the Property Iess aN cash exFenditure5 made In connecqon with the operadnn <br /> ot ihe Prope�ty. <br /> Apnllcable LaNr. Th1a DeeC ot 7rust has bcen dellvered ta Lender end accapted by Lender In the Stete o1 Mabraska. Thts pecd of Tru�t <br /> shail be govemed by end construed!n accordence wflh th�laws ot the Stat�of Nebreska. <br /> Capllon Fieadings. CapHon headings In lhis Deed o4 Trust ere for convenience p:uposes only and�re not to be used to Interprat or define the <br /> provfslons ot thls 09ed ot 7rt15t. <br /> Merger. Thera shall be no merger of the Interest or esffite crc3ated 6y th[5 Oe3d of 1"rust with any ather tnterest or estete In the Property at any <br /> time held by w for tha benefit ol Lender In any capedty,wlth�ut the writtan cc�rtseM of Lender. <br /> Multlple Parlias. AII qbtigatio�s of Trustpr under this aeed of Trust shaA be Jdnt&nd several,and alt references fo Trustor sh,�l!rnean�ch and <br /> every Trusfor. This mear�s that aech a!iho 6orcvwers slgntng below is respo�le lrar etl,�bl�ga�ons In M�s peed ot Trusf. <br /> Severa611fiy. if a courf ot compe!en!jurisdictlon finds arry prpvisfon cf thls peed o(Trust to ba:rnstld,or uneMorcea6le as!a any person pr <br /> dreumstance,such flnding shall n�t render fh�t pro�fsion Imralid or urienicrceadte as to a�ryr other persqns or drCUmstances- If teastbte,erry <br /> such oHendirr�prnvlslon shan be deeme.�to 4e modffi�d td be wfchEn the NmRs of enbrceabNity a v8H�1y;however,if the afte�ding praviston <br /> Cannpt be 5o m�!led,it Sh6A�5t11dcen end afl Oft►�r(XOViSiOnS D!th15(�AAd Of Tre15t In aq other reSpBCtS ShsN remeln v8�d 6nd enforceebtg. <br /> 5uccessors end Assdyns. 5ubject to the Iimitetkarts s}ated in this Deed of'frust nn Ir�nsfer oi Tnrsto�s intere;t,thls Desd ot Trust sriall be <br /> binding upon and in�tra to the benefit pf the p6trtie5.tltigir suCCeSSOrs an�es5lgns. If ownership pf,lhe prpperty bocorr+es vgsygd Ir 8 person <br />