<br /> os-2a-�996 [�EED OF TF�USI' ����ti Page 2
<br /> Loen No 1466 (Cont�nued) g6~1
<br /> togsther with atl renewals,extanslons,modiflcadorts,refinancirtgs,and subsdluSlarr�1pr the Nole.
<br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal PropertY mean att•�quipmenl, fnctures, and alt�r ar11c1es qt person�l prpperty now or hereaRar �
<br /> owned by Trustor, and now or hsreafter attachec7 or aHh��� to the F3�a1 Froper4y; together wtth aN eccessions, parts, end addidorn to, all
<br /> replacemants ot, and nit �ubstitutlons Ix, any of such property; and topalher with ap prp�ed� (indud+� without Ilmltatlon an Insurance
<br /> proct�ads and retunds of premiums)hom any sat�or ather d}spositlon of the Propvrty.
<br /> Properfy. T'F1e wprd"Prope+iy"means coitecHvely the Real Proparfy and the F'ersanal F'roperty.
<br /> Reai Property. 7he words'Real Property'me��r the property,Inlertssls and righls described above In the"Cornreyance and Grent"secHon.
<br /> Reiated Docummts. 7he words 'fieiated Dpcuments" mean and !nclude wi:ho�:! :'.;^�l:,!ior. a" p;o^'�issory nptes, �rtrdit egreernants, Iqan
<br /> ag�aements.environmental agreemen�,guaranties,se�curity apreem�nts,mortgagas,deeds o4 hntst.and ap ather Instruments,agreements and
<br /> documents,wh�ther nqw or heraaRer exfsting,axecuted in connection with f7�Indfrbtedness.
<br /> Rents. Thg word'Rents"maar�a�presant ar.d future rents,rev�enues,lncome,issues,royalties, proftRs,end other bene815 darivgd hom tt,e
<br /> F�roperty_
<br /> 7rusleC. TF�e word"Trustae'means First NaGonal 8ank and Trust Comparry ot Columbus and any substltule ar sucCessor trustees.
<br /> Trustor. The word'Trustor'mear�s erry an�;���,:,ns and Antlties axecutlng this beed o(Trust.lr�durlinq'without tlmltadnn aq Trustors namrd
<br /> Abova.
<br /> �AYMQrf AND F'ERFpRirlAkC�, Except as otherwFse provided In this Deed oi Trust,Trustor shaA pay to Lender ail amounls secured by this peed
<br /> vf Trust as they become due,and sh_all strictly and In a Hmaly manner perfarm sti of Trustors obliqallons under tha Npte,this peed of Trust,end tha
<br /> Aelgted Dacuments.
<br /> ?OSSESSIqN AHp lWAIHTENl,NC�0�TH�PROPERTY. Trustor egrees that Trustors possesslpn and use of fhe Property sh81t be governed by
<br /> tt�e fotiouring provislorts:
<br /> Possesslon�nd Use. Unti!thA occurrer�ce o!an Event n}�etault,7rus�or may (a)remaln in possesslon and contrd ot the Proparty, (b)usa,
<br /> operale or manag�the Property,and (c)collect eny F1ent5 hom tr�e Property.
<br /> Duty fa MolnSain. Trustvr shall malntaln the"roperty In fen�ntable condidon end prqmptly peHorm atl repalrs,replacements,end malntenancc
<br /> nece�s�ary to preserve its vatue.
<br /> ;iazarduua Substances. The terms"hazardous wasle,""hazardous substance,""disposel,""reH�aso,"end"Ihreat�ned releaso,"as used In thl�
<br /> Dead ot Trust, sha►t hav�the same meanings ss sc+t farth In the Comprehensive Environmental Resporrse,Cpmperssallon,end LigbUlty Act pt
<br /> t980, ns amendad, a2 U.S.C. SecNon 9601, et seq. �CERC�P,'�, the Superfund Amendments end Reaulhorizatlal Act of 1988, i'ub. L. No.
<br /> 99--499("SARA�,the Haz�rdous Mpterials 7re�portaqon Act,.49 U.�.C.5ectton i8p1,et seq.,the fiesource Conserveflon and Recovary Act,
<br /> 42 U.S.C. Sectian 6901,el s��.,cx ofher appllcable state pr Federpl laws,rules,or regulatlons adopted pur5uant to any of the for9gqing. The
<br /> ferms"haza:dous waste"end'hazardous substance"shall also inctude,�vithout IlmHatlon,petroleum and peholeum by-prpducts pr any fraction
<br /> fhereof end asbesfcrs. Trustor repres�nts and warcants to Lender that: (a)During the period of trusto�s ownershlp ot th9 Preperty,there hits
<br /> been no use,Qeneration,manufactura,staege,:reatment,disposaf,relaasa or threatnned rele8se of any hazardous NaStA or substance by eny
<br /> person on, under,nbout cr hom lhe Propprty; �b)Trusla has no knowiedge oi,or reason tb bellav9lh�t there has be9n,gxcept ss previUU�,ly
<br /> disr_!�:.�ia and acknowladged by Lender in wrlUng, (i)any use,generadon,manutacture,storage,treafmant,disposal,reieese,Or fhrgatan�xf
<br /> rafeas�ot any hazardaus waste or substance on,under,about cx hom the Property by nny prior owrx�rs or occupents of the Property or (il)�ny
<br /> actunl pr threatoned Ilttgadon qr clalms af any klnd by flny persan r�ladng fo such mafters; end (c)�xcept es prevlously dlsclosed to end
<br /> ecknpwledg�d by Londer In wriNng, (i) neithar 7rustor nor�ny t�nant, Cpntractor, egent or othar authorized user ol the F'roperty shall usa,
<br /> penerete,manuf�cfure,storp,treal,�ispose pf,or release a�y hazmrdous wasfe ar substance on,under,eboui or hom fhe Prc�perty ond (H)eny
<br /> such acttvity shap be Conducled In cOmpllan;,•e with all eppl�able federel,state,and Iccal laws,roguledons and ordinances,Including without
<br /> Amltaqcn those laws, regulatfons, gnd ordinances dMcs!!+ed ebovo. Trustor authorizes Lendar p�nd its agenls fa �ntar upon the Property fo
<br /> make such inspectlons and test�, af Trustor's e�cpertse, es Lender may deem appropriete to determina Compliance of the Prpperty wHh thls
<br /> sec��on of thv�eed of Trust. Any Inspactions or tesls made by Lender shall be lor Lenders purposes only and shall not be construed to craata
<br /> any responsibiiity or Ilebilfty on the part of Len�er to TruStor Dr fo any other person, The represenfaNvns and wa�ranNes contained hereln er�
<br /> bssed on 7'rusfor's due diligesnce In InvesUya:!ng the Froperty tor hazardouS wssfe and hazardpus substances. Trustor hereby (e)releases And
<br /> waiv�s any tuture clalm;aga`rtsf Lender lur IndemMty or conMbutlOn In lhe event 7rustpr becomes Ilable for Cle�nup or other cOSts under any
<br /> such laws, and (b) egreas tv Indemnify and hold 9�arml�ss Lender a�alrtst any and alt clalms, IoSSe3, Ilabllitles, damegas, penattles, end
<br /> expenses whlch Lender may dlrectly or Indirecpy sustaln or suHer resulflnq hqm a brnach of thls s�cdon of the Deed of Trus: or as e
<br /> cvnsequenco of nny u�ta, pqneratlon, manufecture, storag9, dispc�sal, re�ea,e or thraafened release ocCUrrinp prior fo Trlrslpr'S ownership or
<br /> Interest in tha Fraperfy,whether or not the same was or should heve been known la Truslpr. The provfslons of thM secflon of the Deed of Trust,
<br /> Including 1he ablipatlon fo Indemnify,Shall survive!he payment of tha Indebtednass end tha satis�acdon'end reconveyance oi fhe lian of this
<br /> Deod of Trust end shap not be aHe�cted by Londer'a ecqulsitlon of any Inferest In fhe Praperty,whethar by}oraclosure or oth�rwise.
<br /> HuiaAnce,Weste. Tn,�stpr shnll nof cause,conducl pr permH any nufsanco na commH,permit,or suffer any sfripping af qr waste on or lo ihe
<br /> Propttrty or any portlon di the Property. Without Ilmitlr�the peneralify of fhe furegolr�,Trustar will not remove,or qrant fo any other party Ihe
<br /> ri�ht to remova,eny timbt►r,minerels(Ir�cludinq oil and q8s),sal,Qrevel or rock producls wNhout the prla wrltten consent of Lander,
<br /> Removcl oT improvemenls. Trustor shall nof dempllsh or remove any ImprovBments hom!he Real PrOperty wilhout tha p�lor wrlften consenl
<br /> of lender. ns a canditfvn to the removai of any Imprpvprt►ants, Lender mey require Trustor to make ursnpements sntlsfacfory b LAnder tp
<br /> replace such Improvemenis wllh Improvoments oi nt teest equel vslue. _
<br /> Lender's RIpM lo Enter. Lander end Its aqenls and reprpsentaHv�s may enf� upon Ihe Real Property at all reasonabte Ilmes to stlend to
<br /> LP�Qer's Interestg and to Irtspect Ihe Prvpsrty for purposes of 7rustor'a compNanCa with fhe lerms end conditlon9 of thls b�ad of Trust,
<br /> Compllance with Govemmental Requlrementa. 7ruxtnr shall prompdy comply wlth nli laws,ordlnancer,end requlnNvrn, npw a hareaftar In
<br /> eMect, of ep governmer,tnl atrlhattles eppt�nble to 9he Use or occupancy vl fhe Pro�ty, InclUdir�y wlthouf Ilmifatlon, fhe Am��ns Wtlh
<br /> qisablti!ias Act. Trustor may�onl�st In pood faHh arry Such law, ordlrnr�ce, pr r�puleiNon and wilh:;old compllsnce duriny eny proCeedinp,
<br /> Includinq epproprlate appeah,'so tonp a� 7rustor has notlfled Lender In writlnp prlor to dolnq so end so lonp as, In Lender'� sole ppinlqn,
<br /> Lendm's Intprosls In tho Pruperty ern no! �e0perdized. Lander may reGuire Tr►nfor lo posl MdMqwts necurlfy pr r awely bond, r►�sanebty
<br /> sat�slactc,ry Io Lender,to protecl L�nder's Intarest.
<br /> Duty to ProteCl. Trusfor�provs r�elthmr lo ebandpn na Mllv�UnaNsnd�d the Proporty. Trustor 4ha4 do IIN alhsr�ct�,In addltlon to fhoss�ct�
<br /> sat Iorth abavo In ihl�egctlon,whbh hom fhe char.clor end use o11he Properyr�rp raaaonMbly necssa�ry lo prolocl�nd praserro Iho f�roperty.
<br /> DIJ��N $AL�-CONSEN7 BY LENDER. Londer may,nl II�opHon,doClrr�Imrtxrd►aloly due pnd p�y�61a pll sum�aocurnd by Ihh D�c• �if Trusl
<br /> upon tha aele or frqn�ler,wlfr�out fho Landcx'r prlW wrlN�n camenf, ol rtl Or qny pert ol lhn Repl PrCporty, or�ny Intpra�l In tMo Fiepl Prtp,7fy, A
<br /> "duul�a Irans�o�'rr�earm Iho convoy�nce ol ROSJ Prnperty or rny rlphf,tIN�or Inlwrrt thsroln;whNlhw Wp�t,ben�llalrl or�rqultablo;whrthpr v�:untpry
<br /> or Invdunlery;whpthor by nutrlph:eaFs,d�ed,Indl�llmsnl daln oontrrcf,I.nd conl►ecl,Conhrct Ior dead,le�sehold Inlsr�t wlth a lorm prc,�ler th�n
<br /> Ihroe (3)yoan, ws»er�Qption conlrrcl, or by saN, �selqnmqnt, or trar»ler of�ny ben�0clal Inlerql In or to�ny Iqnd f►ust hddlnp flfle lo Ihp {1�a1
<br /> Property,a by sny plhpr mplhod of npnveyenca pf Rsd Proporty Inta0sl. II eny T►tnlo►la q vprpa�llon,pe►Inplahlp or Ilmltsd Ile,blllry compeny,
<br /> Iranylm alao Includs� nny charrgtl In owner8hlp o1 morp Ih�n fwpnly-flvd parpnl(2b%)pl th0 votlny etock,pllrinsrshlp Inlpr�h a Ilmifad Il4bltlfy
<br /> compar,y Interest�,�a tha ceao mwy ba,ol 7rusfa, Hpwswr,IhM optlpn�hrA nol br axercbed by Lsnda N ruch exerclts b prnhlbltad;�y fcder�l
<br /> Iew or by NobrA�ke Iaw,
<br /> TAX�S AND LIlH9. Ther IoMowlnp provhlone r�latlnq!q Ih�lucss end Nen�on Iha Property ue�p�rl of Ihh Desd o►Trusf.
<br /> Peyment. Truslor shan pey whon due(and In sp wents qrlor to dellnquency)RII taucs9,specl�t laxes,�sssssments,charpes (Includlnq wofer
<br /> tlnd Suwer), An9s end Impoalqons I�vled spelnAl or on account qf Iha Proparty, snd eluitl pey whpn due pll cl�alrnt! for work donb qn or fa
<br /> senAc,�rendered or meife�tel furnbhod to Ihs Prop�erty, Trustor alu�ll r►udntaln ths Propsrty heq pl sll Ilens lu►Nnp pri�rity av�r or equel lo the
<br /> , inlerBS1 0l Lender undar fhh�Deed ol tnrsl,exCept Ipr ths Ilen of taura�nd�ase�srtwnta nol du��nd�xbspl Ne ofharwtse provlded In thla Deed
<br /> ol Trusl.
<br /> Right To Contest. Tru5lor may wllhhdd payment of Any fax,ess�slmpnt,or clslm In connocdon with�qopd fallh dispute over Ihe vblipetlon
<br /> to pey,so lo+�g es Lenders fntere5t In tha Properly h3 nof�ppprdized, If a llen arlses or Is Ilbd 4�e reaulf of nonpayrt►�nt,Trusfcx shap wifhln
<br /> flft0en(15)days ntt�r the B6n arlsex Or,II e Iien b fl{�d,wNhin flftsen(1b)dayl After Trusfor hlts nOtice o�tha MNnq,secura(h6 dlsCharpp of fhe
<br />