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<br /> '�.r� ��' ,c.. . � ' � .. .. � . � ,: _�__-.
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<br /> 1:i.� - `j . . .. _... . � , . , .. . . , . - .
<br /> _---..'���: ---_ �� � . . . . � . . ; � :' . . . . , �„ . . " - . •_ . . - -, ---�— -. ,.
<br /> . ._ , . . .c . : . ..'` , "- '. - - .- T�—��� .
<br /> . .T�����i�{tbE�y�ppW lX dC['�Ct CICC�Od�[I UfC Q[�Q�y.��fe�,llEd. `b1►1�IIS$CCII[1ly_ `�
<br /> --- — _ � _—==-�---- - -- • _ —_ - ,-
<br /> ., ` -�t Al!of the focs�ip8 is refased to in this Securiry,L�savmert a�the"Ropeny" ` . _ • .
<br /> ' �BORRUWE[�COVENAI�t'i`S that Bortower is}awfuBg stisad of the est�te he�eby oonveyed and t�s.the rigdt ta grant
<br /> ��vty tbe p�aputy and ti�u tLe Pmperty is uaea�nmbe�ed.except foc encum6ranccs of reFocd. Bcxtower wurants�uid ,
<br /> w�71 defard ga�aratiY tlx titk to tde Yroperty agav►st aii daims and�,�nuN.s.subject ta any encum6ra�ses of ncad.
<br /> ,. TtQS SEC�3R[tY.iNS'i�tl�MEi�f'['co�uaifa�m caveaants f�oation�l. use and no��nifartn cavrnanu.with �
<br /> , . limite�va�iadoes E►Y Ju�isdic��to caatiptute a unifurm securiry iestrum�°t covaiag reai p�opetg►- .
<br /> 1,i1�T�FORM Cp{IENAI4TS. Bamwer aed Lrnder eoven�nt ard agroe su foitoB�wer.ehal! when duc the
<br /> �
<br /> — 1. `A���t d Yri�clpsl a�d I�tereat:Prep���nt aMd l.�te CMar�a. Pi��Y P,Y
<br /> ,' pcincipal of s�d'nuerest on d�e debt evidencad bY the Nds�nd anY P��Y�?�Iate charges due`under ttie Nde` .
<br /> � F����y��i�ieG SuDJoct to spplic�Me taw or to a wntten waiver by Lender.�w��it p�y to .
<br /> Lendrr on thc dsy nwMh1Y P�Y�n��duc u�er tt�e Nntc.until the Nae is paid in ful1.a sum t"Fundo"}lar:(a)ye�r1Y _
<br />�_._ wies xd usessme�s whicA msy attain priotity over this SecutitY Instrument�s a lien on the Ptop�lums:�(1[`���Y ftund
<br />,:;: � ments ar gcound rmts on dr_�Y�if�ny; tc) Yearty h�ztird ar,PropcAY insaran�c prc
<br />_ �Y�ee Premi�s, i f�y: te)yeu ly m�►r t�r g e i n s u c�n c e p rcmium�.if an y:ad(fl any sums pay�bM by enrrawer to � ---
<br /> 8 in Rcu oi the yment af ma�tg�8e�n.uriutcc pcenttuttts. T t e ese •
<br /> �_: � :l.enaer.in acccx�e�ri1h the grovisians ot para�+ph . �
<br /> _� �- items ace calkd"Ese�aw Items.' L.ender maY. time.caUect an�f ho d F1end.4 in mt amuunt not to ea�ceetl.�hc rt�mum
<br /> amaiM a knder for a federaliy retated matgaga laan m�y�N�fOr�*ower�s escrow acciwat wides the tederal Resl _
<br /> �siate Sep�ement pooccduns Act of 1974 as wmendeA irom dm�w tirhe.l2 US.C.�2601 e�uq.l"EtESPA").unlcss another '
<br /> !aw that appties m the Funds sets a ksser amounl. if so.E..ender may.at any time.collert and hofd Fw�ds In aa amaur►t nut to _
<br /> � ,exceed the tesser aawunt Lcnder may estimate tt�amouat af Punds due�applkabte tavr cument data and nasonabk
<br /> ;: � estimues of eapenditures of firture Fsecaw(tems or othecwise'����a fodecal agency.insuumentatiry..as entity —
<br />;�>::_ ` 71�e Funds shall be Ixld in an institutian wtwsc dePos� Home Lvan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fiu�ds to pay --
<br /> - rnciuding l.ender.if l.ender is such an instilution)a in any Federal � . �����ually analYunB tlfe escrow ---
<br /> ttx Escrow Items. Lender may not cUarge Barmwer fur hotding and app Y1nS — _
<br /> ' ` accoun�or verifying the Escmw Items. untess L�ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and apPiicable Iaw petmits �-----
<br /> � ` - L a x l e�r t o m�i c e such a c h�r g e. However.lxnder may require Borrower w pay a one-time charge fot an independent real �_—.__-
<br /> • �� � estate ta�c mport�n8 service used by Lender in eonneetion wi t h t h i s T o a n.u n l e s s a p P U e a h t e t a a►p m v i d e s,o t t�wise. Unlesc an �.�=,:•�`�-
<br /> '�G i +'���i,s--�
<br /> � i agcement is made or applicable law reyuires interest to be paid,l.ender s1�ai�no�be re9°1�1°Pay�OROWer any interest or �:•
<br /> i ; • e�ar�tings oa the Funds. Borrnwer and l.ender may agrec in writing.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender . 5•=��_� .
<br /> 'r�:i�-
<br /> shall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accounting of fie Funds,showing credits and d e bits to the Funds and the - . � _
<br />•.=:>`;;.;. �'� � purpose fac��ieh eaefi debit to the Funds was made. The Fw�ds are pledgec!as additional secutiry for a11 sums seeured by �.--}�,'�:'�.-;=;
<br /> i�r'>.-;; � ttus Seciu� Lendcr st�all account to _�`�Y-
<br /> �. ���°�- l�cable law. `=='--
<br />`�`�s�'��� � If the�ands hetd by Lender eaceed the amounts permitted to be held by app' �_- _
<br />_ . � `a,G� � Bortower for the excess Funds in accordance with the recluirements of applicabie law. If the amount of the Funds held by �,.��
<br /> P Y so noti Bor�ower in wriqng,and.in ������=—
<br /> L e n d e t at aay t i m e i s n o t s t i�c i e n t t o a t h e E s c r ow Items wtten due.I.ender may fS► �,�-
<br /> '�:`,,;,..'� such case Bmrower s6all pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency: Bormwer s h a l l m a k e u p t h e �J{����L _
<br /> • � d�ciency in no'more than twetve monthlY PaYments.at l.endet�s role discretion. �� ,
<br /> - � _. � (7pon paynnent in fu11 of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shaD�depr�prior to the acq�s t on ar �LL f
<br /> �� '�. ' Funds held by I.ender. if,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property. :_..'_ :•,
<br /> .� sale of the Propecty shal!appty any Fitnds held by Lender at the time of acqaisition or sale as a credit against the sums "'� --
<br /> ��:' ;:� '•` . � ' secuted by this Securttv Gu-trumenl. `,,.�• -
<br /> l;� `� �
<br /> • - ,f;� 3. Applic�tfon d Ps�Ymenis- Unless applicabte law provides otherwis�,a:i payments received��y ble under =
<br /> `�,:;',;. � s I and 2 sha116e applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under d�e ti�-.second.tp amo , .
<br /> P. B�Pfi� .
<br /> pata�h z;third.to inserest due:fouAh.to principal due:and las�to any late c62�rs due under ihe Note.
<br /> • � ,.< � ! � qti p�eg�; �,ie�ca, Borrower ahall pay all taxes.assessmenis.ci�arges,fines and impositions attributabte to��
<br /> . � ppoperty whict�may a�ain priority over this Security Instrument.and Icasehoi�p�?��ments ar gound mnts.if any. BotroweF
<br /> 2's'� - �'�:�,�, � shall paSr shese obMgatians in the mannes provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid i�,that manner.Borrower shall pay them on ;. , ;
<br /> �';.
<br /> �•=�- ;�'Y3 . � time directty to the person�'ed Fayment. Banower shall prompqy fnmish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under . _
<br />�;;: �,�•� .i } � this paragraph. If Boaower makes '�.se payments directly.Horrower shall promptfy fumisb ta l.ender receipts evidencing _
<br /> r.. , I the payments. _
<br /> `.t * Bortower shall ysamptly discharge Any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> _ ., •• ; ist writing to the payment of the obligauan secured by the lien in a manner acce�cabte to L.ender:(b)contests im good faith the
<br /> - 4 � � iien by,ar defends againsl enfarcement ai the lien in.1ega1 proceedings whnt'�:.*.the Lendcrs opinion opeiate to prevent the � , �
<br /> ' � � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures frum thc holder of the hen an a�eemer.s satisfactory to l.cndcr subordinating the lien
<br /> � � �._ � to tftis SPCUrity lnsuumenG If Lender determines that any part of the Properay'ss subject to a lien which may attain prioriry . .
<br /> .�: ,? o- ' over this Security hrstrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identilying the lien. Bortower shatl satisfy the lien or take
<br /> '�'7�' - �=� ` vne or mo�z af the actions set forth above within 10 dayw of the giving of noti:.e. ; .
<br /> '."- x�. 5, Hazud or Property lnsurance. Borrowet shall keep the�mprovesn:nu naw existing or tiereafter erected on the ,
<br /> i_..
<br /> -- , `��;,'�.. .:, � pmperty insured a�ainst loss by fire.hazards included within the term"exten�:�coveragc"and any other hazards.induding �,.,
<br /> ., .�'�� •4�"` flaods aY tlooding.for which I..ender reyuires insuranee. 7'his inrurance tihsll be maintain°d in the amountc and for the ,
<br /> �� ,,.
<br /> .. , ' j ���,• . iiirm3028 9/90 fpaRe 2 nJ6 pugeal ,�
<br /> �.��,;_;� ( .
<br /> .1 � i
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