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r . <br />�oiu��sss <br />�:�r� <br />A tract af land camprising a part af the Nor�hwest Quarter (NW1/A�� and a part af the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW114), of 5ectian 1'hirty Five (35), Township Twefve (12) North, Range Twelv� �12) West of the 5th <br />P.M., HaU County, Nebraska, and more particularly descrihed as fqllows: <br />Beginning ak the sauthwest corner af said IVorthwest Quarter (NW114); thence running northerly, along <br />and upon the wesf line of said Northwest Quarter (NW9l4), a distance af One "Thousand Four Hundred <br />5ev�nty and Seventy One HundredtF�s {1,47Q.7'!) feet; then�e deflecting right 9�°Q�'S9" and running <br />easterly, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty Two and Eighty Seven Hundredths (322.87) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 89°46'56" and running southerly, a distance af Two 7hdusand Six Hundred 5eventy 5ix <br />ancf Twenty One Hundredths (2,fi76.2'I ) feet; thence deflecting right 9a°'14'0�" and running westerly, a <br />distance of Thr�e Hundred Tweniy Eight �32$.0) feet to a point an the west line of said Southwest Quarter <br />(SW 9I�4); thence deflecting right 89°52'00" and running nprtherly, alang and upan the west line of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW 1/�!), a distance af On� Thous�nd Two Hundred Five and Forty Nine F�undredths <br />(�,205.49) fee# ta the paint of beginning. <br />File No. GI�7854 <br />