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<br />� � �LDT SEUENTEEN (t?j, BLf)�i( fOUR (4) IN THE R�Pf:AT D� RNERSIDE ACRfS A�F
<br /> . ' _ . =ADDITION 7Q TtiE C�'[Y,[l� 6RAlVE) ISLAND, NEBFiASKA, ACCURQING Td THE,RECtIR0E0 _- __
<br /> , _ PLA�.THEREU�. � ' � , =
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<br />'f. . s. � _, . .
<br /> f; .s�.* ',�``�':.,. � '' snd alt�n�nt�ta►.a11 t6e tttb deeds suanL�.�t�aid:e�l art�te. :.,
<br /> yc. ) �":i. ', .'P����0��iM'!��El+E�O�r OC!'��R_�s� t�'i;
<br /> � _, t�, ��,^ ''�r '���.�.ldl��114t�i���1K�R�'�!f��1��i���`�� �,`'�_;
<br /> .y_�V, Y�E 'tr..:r :i0�R��iR�E tT10����-t�T�:7�����' F°-�,'1
<br /> '.�'�'r�"''�y.r.�;:'-�`��'•'� D�rL�tLs time�is.modia�e3sia:th[eatLe.moe�'�'�'�' � Ietl�d
<br />,, . ,��"+�a'�,`%�?;: , FYrit, To pq�tazes and�peeial,=�s s�d�s�.�'�aII�f���a�eeb
<br /> Ie�led�'
<br /> ' _'�_�:,���: :.�i`,�4,;t: , ��modt�,or•ffie debt a�d:��.�� .: ia so�e edm to b�
<br /> ; .�`, :, t1us�ia� ap�las b��re,�nR��° 52 OpQ.t10 � ap
<br /> ';;';�"<:�j�.;.:�::', , 8abaa. To teep..#'ll-6� ,
<br /> ',�,._...,. ,,�<pr;::.. • .., � ,
<br /> '�'.%�e�=:'`._:�Yx'_•::. � D�*�d�t�s�id Hame Fed�l Savi�+�s ic 7.oan 71�rocfstion o!lirand Ll�nd in the mai oi .toe
<br /> �';a�:4-,;��.,,�: tbe 6ea�t at the aW Asoclation,and�s sacceaa�s or a�dt�; and to deD�t a!d D�a wilh sdd Awoelstloa.ud i�lt aet .
<br /> , ,'��:-e:. i:, eomm[t ae�aK�e nq'wLte ao tdd D��.���ll P� �1�D�+ld ral eRste buitdiop asd i�pe+o��s ia/Na
<br /> . � • �-' � ' o[der.
<br /> ,.-,.:,-• . TWrd. To D�7 ae esn�t to be D�to tbe Homs�'ede�ral Snlai��c Laao/Ra�odWao oI Graad IsLaQ.its_weeareea oe
<br /> ' ' . �y��at� Fift Two Thousand�and 00/00 -----------------------�~-----" ��►�r
<br /> ; • . ' y�ble�s folta�: '
<br /> . . � ' � A sinqle payment due Octob�r 2Q, 1992
<br /> ' � 1 . . —..y-.
<br /> � � � wHh interert tbereoa�yab2e,acwrdiaB to the teaar and eitect oi tbe oae cee�t�in i1riL mort�e aote ai �id moet�to�s� _•,i
<br /> _+� �� 6arlai even date w1W tbqe D�nw. Aitte tnaturit9 s�id band drAVra interest st ttie s�te o�nine yes ceu!Des �naam. ��*-;:
<br /> ': ;�.;. `. , • I!�id t�sa and a�er�me�ue nd yaid whea dne.ar ii the baildin�e on said premi�es are aot iasared a above�ra €€�� ;�_ ,.
<br /> s .-
<br /> - � vtaea,or it,�n.v ot�a m�,s�.�oe n�a R�ase,tDen said whole debt eball be�ame due immcrWtely,at ffie oytion ot tbe � .
<br /> � sftd A�od�tlon.and sh�ll thee+e�ites draw lateiest�t t6e nte oi nlne ner cent D�'annum. �
<br /> Tbe moetB�Bar hee�ebY a�d8�- t°saLd mortSagee all reats and income aslsln8 a! anY and all tlmee irom aaid �� .
<br /> • . properqr and bereby authorue s�3d mott8a6ee as its a�evt.at.its onlion� stpon defi�uIl,to t�te chu�e o!�id �ropeet! and
<br /> • . ¢cllect�l1 renb and ineome thereirom and apDSy the sune to We D�ymea! oi inten�l, ysiaciPal. laans�ace yremium�,tasa, � :
<br /> • ' � • wwmenb,ny�ire os improvements neeea�to keep eaid ysoDertY in tenaatab2e oonditioa, or to othes c�ar8a ar D�Y• #
<br /> e
<br /> • - -- --- - - meutr qrmrlded far 6enfa or in t he note here hy searse d.T h 1 s r e n! a s s i 8 a m e a t e L a 1 1 c a n t i a u e 1 n t o r c e�n t i l t h e u n p a l d b a l� �
<br /> � aace ot WQ aate i�luUy prid. TLe taldng oi Dasseasion benuader ehall in no maaner yreveat or retud eaid morfg�gee fn �� ;
<br /> ' � the colleedon o!a�1d aume by forecloaure os ot6ervlso. � ,
<br /> � Wbetl�er said deM become�due by lapse oi Ume, or bp seaaoa o!the fallure ot tbe Darty oi the tirat pas!to eomyl� fr
<br /> with a� condltion henla,We said 8ame Federal Savinge dc Loan Aasoclation ot GrAad Ialand, tAe suceessors and ud�ns. � •
<br /> • � ' sh�11 h�ve the slgbt to be81a the torccloeure o!thla mottgaSe at oace on ttto whole debt hareby secured, and to 9nclude � 1
<br /> .. • • • tbee+ein all tua.a�ntenle.ias�u�nee Dremiums and costs�paid Dy it or them; or sald Aasoclatton. its suocessard os .
<br /> ,. � " . - wit,ot,m� i o r e c lore o n l y as to t he a u a� p a e t d u e,,w l t h o u!1 n i u r Y t o t h i s m o rt g a g e, ar tho dls placement or im p�irmeat
<br /> • o!the llen thereot.
<br /> • . AaA the aaid litst party and the malcetn oi said nate,especlally agree and 8eelare tlut the aepar�te eatste ot each and
<br /> ' . � erer�one o!them,inclndln� both tbat now owned aad 4h�t here9iter acqulred, �S D1e�eA and baund for the naqment ot ,
<br /> �• � .. ihe deDt berebr�ecund.
<br /> • • Aittr ffie eommancemeat oi aW� mit in foreclosure ffie Plaintift tberein ahall be entitled to the immedlate P��an o! � :
<br /> � . �ia�remtses an8 the appointme�o!a receiver lherefor,notwlt�t�a8lag 1heY msy be the homeatcad ot We oo¢uPmt aad
<br /> � - . - - n o t�q t�s t a n y n g t h a y�r�e s 1 i a b l e!o s t h e d e h t r..a 3 c b e s o l v e a t,a n 8 t h e i i r e t p a n y I�a e b y c o a a e n t e t m t.�e a p p ointment ot a _ _
<br /> . • Beeetrer upon tba productian o!tLL inQeatnre, svithou!otd�er ev3dence.
<br /> Beee
<br /> TLe ta�oln� eoadit�on�an8 agKemeni+, a]3 u►d sta�ular.be1n8 tul1Y P��M.ttils eonveYsace aL�ll be volA,other-
<br /> � � � � wLe to be�remtia in tall fae+x aad ettcc�
<br /> . - ' • �y��r.�. 14th d�y oL�_ ' April .iy., � � .
<br /> �. .;,; �.
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