. � -�#.` ---=,"s . r . i . , ... . . .. . .. .;t 4. c '��':?fp:
<br /> _ 4 . . . ��.r� .
<br /> '�� _' - ��° ���$�� �,�"��-
<br /> • � � �_>' .i:.
<br /> . :l°.
<br /> NN@ eveni ot a sotal tatdng of tha Properhl.tha pfac�eds sk�f be a plied to tRs s�uns seaired D chis Deed of Tnust. `:.: ���``
<br /> witb the excess,i!er,Y.Dedd to Bottoa e tied to tM sums s�iret0��y�iiis Ueed ni Tt�w^t s�ttr.h 0 oAn�tt�i og the preeesda _---
<br /> otne�vris9 e.grea in avrrit�9.there att�!!be pA " �
<br /> 't 9
<br /> es ts eq�;�1 to tie�t prapar�lon�vhich tf►�emc�unt of�me��p���ha Qa4e of taYing,yvith t?�s DatanCO o4 tP�e prne80s '..:,:��
<br /> EekinB De�rs to the tar ma�icet va�o o!tt+e Oro�fir ;�=�
<br /> ^19
<br /> paid to Bcsto+�ter. �?,:
<br /> (��pm�e�y is eDartdoned by Barra6an��r�faits to es�O�to Lendergwi�tYiin 30 d�s 8�ter tRS dete sueci�i ant ca�ia �,;;.
<br /> en�werd w s�e4t(o e cEa�m f�r damages. ` .�x
<br /> at Lende�s option,eithet to resto�t�tion or repe'si ot tha
<br /> �' meites.Lender ts au�hari�ed to cctlett and�pIV tRe proceeds. �.
<br /> Prope ur to tha mt�►s secures3�V thie OseA ot Tnast. . p� . :
<br /> �. ��ss Lendpr an0 Berrowet athetv�rise a9reo in wriuRg.eny such ap0�1�artd 2 her e°4o tehang ihe ahmnur�i't n�uch ;�
<br /> ,n�;�ntrrts reterred to in patagraR • ___
<br /> cr postpane tha duo datr�of the rttnn2hdY� :>,-
<br /> i����ntg' Extgnsion o4 the time for payment or ma�tication af amonization ot the sums sscuroi �, .
<br /> 90. Bara+k�t�,3't P-��- r ir►interesi o4 Bcrroroer sfla8 rwt a��rat�to reis�s9.in ar►Y mannar. _,.j.
<br /> pq ttiis QBeO oi Tnut grertted�1►l�nQer coer►y� -�;
<br /> the tiebit�ty of Me odg�na� Bortrower end eflnov+er's successors int,&rest. Leader shali not Ea raquirod to cammense }f
<br /> praceedfngs agains�t such succe�or ot refuse to exce�e Cy�ortYinal Baaow r ere�Bo owers su���cesso►s in nt� ' .�
<br /> securgd ttiisl]e�d ot Tcust Cy reasQn o!arc1P Qema�sd a d ht or remeGll hereun4�r,er ;�
<br /> ��.�pp��se�a by Lsndu!'tct a Y1tdv�. Any fortiearance bY LendBr in exertisirtg anV S
<br /> o3f�.arvlise aftorQed bY eAAtica6te tava.sQfll��tSCor other ieens�or oha gr�e.sdby�ieRder shau i oi De a waiver o rlen�e�s a t , `�.
<br /> p reeucgrt�ert ot innasncs oi ttse p a y m E r R :'
<br /> ta accetzrato tP�e m a t+u i t Y o f t t+,e�n d�fl t e d n�s e c u r e 0 b y t h i s D ead of Tnist.
<br /> 1� ��9usv�ativw Atl temediss Pro�ided in th[s Deed ot Ttust Ete d.stinCt e�ctsmu l e ti v e t o e t t y o t h e t R g h t �� �
<br /> or r e m c t d Y u�d4r this Deed of tr�ust er aftarded Dy tew or equity,a�m�y ae exerc�sed corECUrrent�w in�eR's�demtV a�
<br /> �c�ess�vaN' Jairtt and Ssvatat W6HitY:CePtIar's. The covenan t s en�agr a e m e a t s h s r o i n :�: -
<br /> 13. Stic�xsscr$�Asslgas�aund: Wd ° •�`;
<br /> cantained shag 6ind.end 13ta n9h3s hereunder aha11 irW re to.t�e respective successars and assigns ot Leads�and Bonowet. �.., •t� ;
<br /> 17 hereot. AU cavesanLS and agfeemerus of Bonowet shaii Ce�ojnt an�seVeral. Tho . ,;��.
<br /> s
<br /> suD'lect to tt�a ptovi.ions af paragrasDA : ._;,..
<br /> capiians and head'�rtgs of the para9raD�s og t�s Deed of Taust ers for conventert�e aniY end ete nat ta be usad tn u►YerArcrtt 4.,.'y;;,.
<br /> �`, or define the prnvisions herenf. IicaCle!aw to be g'sven in enothsr mannsr,Ip)enV nouCe to �,�,,;�
<br />;=� � 14. Natic�. Except� tor eTry notice requUed unQei spp , !';' ,
<br /> Burrov�er pmvided tar in triis Oaed af Teust shaii Qa g�ven Oy maiting such notice by cert�f��'�����BQnO�t61 :
<br /> � it;o{=rupeny Address or at such aMer eddr�ss as Banawer may designate Ey notice to Ler�er as Oro�ided herain. ;.,� ;
<br /> �y�to Lender st�ait ba given by eertifted maif,retum receipt reQuested,to lend$r's addtess stateA herein ar ta suc0 ;`���
<br /> other eddress es l e n der m a 1►d e s i 9nete b y natis�to�oROwer as pro�ided hereln. An11���P�vlded tor in ttis Deed nf K:;,4_
<br /> �'�.� 7�ust shaft be deerrte d to h av e Deen given to Borravrer or Les�der when given in the manner des igna ta d h e s e in. s�..� .
<br /> •14.1'Reque.�^t tar Notice. Tw�the Pm�n�s he ea g O�e sent to t�e Tn�storyan0 Bt�t'icia+y et tflai r respective 8mi+'il dig ��".•�
<br /> ar exe�uted bY d�e Ynutee pursuam
<br /> addresses set torth ebove.' � .,�;:
<br /> 15. Uniiorm Qaed a�Ti�t:fiovernk�Law:Ssvrab�eTO. The tarm of deed of tnest com�ines un"sfnrm covenania tor $.=^'T .
<br /> ., natinnal use and rta�runifomn 4ayenareis wzM timited variador�s by t'urisdiction to eonstitute e unifum►seearity�!nsi�en�t
<br /> . �Y�� This Or�ssi!of Tnut shaii he govemed by the lav,of the iurisdsctifln in which the Pc�perQS► �::-.
<br /> tn t�O e�nt t��pmvisEon or ctause af Ehis Qeed af Tmst ar tite Note confficts wich appticabte Iaw.such eonftici stw11
<br /> not aNect ott►erpmv istnns af th'ss Reed of Trust or the Note whteb can he given effeet wrtha�t th9 conflicting Provi�ans. �
<br /> � an�to 4itis end tne Orovtsiarts at the Deed of?nist artd tt�e Note are dscdared to be ssverabie. �::.�
<br /> l@. ga�wl�s�y. �c�tlsvrr�er shail be fumished a coniortne0 coaY of the Nate and of Mis Oead of T�ust at tPts tims _�
<br /> � of eneatwn orafter recardat���e�BO+• �T
<br /> 17. TQa�stv o7 t�a F7a�aci�9'�Assu��P�. If afi ar R�y part uf tRa propertY or an irrtarest the�ein is so3d ar tc�nsi�ertod
<br /> •�.,, •:r py Berruwer wid�out Lende s d►�tivritten cunsent,er.d�uit�3 le)the creation of a lisn or oncumbrance subordlnatn to B�io .:
<br />`'":�:-� Des d o f T n e s t.{b)t A e c r e a t i o n d r f e P u��s=a�o R�'��=��ntetest fqi AotuenaW 6pDGances. (a1 a tTOn�te�tiv 8ovims --
<br /> ;'`�'i'" d cla� e sums,securad tiy tFu�Desd af Tauu2
<br /> �: Qescem ar tiy aperaY�nn oi law upan the d�tir•at a ' ,.Gi�am or�B}i hs r8.►.O! n}�l s�e h�6 d t r�3 e►e s t o t.r a e y o a r o o r
<br /> ..:��;�, tess csot ca�inlep an apt�on w e.L�xilrx:rmz'��.W' s apuun. e re:81L� � ;;,
<br /> to be immediatety�e ead DaY te. Lendet�tmi6 has�r�ar�ir�sauch aptIon to aCce�e,�ats if.ptinr ta tfie sate or teons4ur,Land�r
<br /> end thaperr,an to whom ihe Froperty is to�e�4'�`d or t r�t r�u r x e d r e a c h a g r e s m e m in vurttfin g that the cred'st af sur.h Po�an
<br /> is setisfaccory to Leader and that the interest payabie on 1les sums secured by thIs Oeed af Twst shall bo et such►r�ts ea
<br /> Lender sAaO re�uest. If Lender has wafved the optian to acceterate provid$d in th�paregreph 17,ar►d if Bnmauvnr's _--
<br /> �,-.;, suecessar in interest has executed a written assumpLion agreement accepted in writing by Lendar,LenCer st�afi�ateoss
<br /> � gbnpwer{rpm q{I ohligations undev this YJog4 of Trust and the Noto.
<br /> ',.,;y�''.' I. Lender exercises such option to acr,dszrate,lender shafl mail8oerower notice o!aCCefereiion in accatdaar,e w'rttt
<br /> 14�reo9. Saeh notice sha��Df°Yfi�j�e period of aot fess tha�30 days irom the dsite thQ natice ia mpilad wittiin
<br /> �yajytegtje�0y�et tnay pay tha StimS deCt2PGd tl►io. It Borrower faits to paY suct�sums prtor to the exp"�mdas ot suoh poriaQ:. ��
<br /> ' d �
<br /> .,:.{�� Ler►der m0y,witAaut furtD�er•�laz or detn�n0 on Borravier.invoke any remed'ins pamittad bV Paragroph 18 hereoF. — _
<br /> Y F� t NO�Ili11iFCCP�i COVElV61l9T$. BatTQVl�i+'t�Land�ni�ther covinant vW e���toaawa� . •.,,.�.� _
<br /> { � . . rt�of.amr aavnns�n��ar. -_
<br /> .,�; �g.qopt�pN��n,,;Re��aa, Exc t�(►ravided In paragraph 17 haTeof,upan Barro�ve�'s Glts+t.
<br /> :'c`�: agreement of BittmuK°r in this DeeQ of�rtir.a� irs�luding tho covenama tn pa}r whpn due erty svms tsttr,ttred bV ibilt Dr�a �of
<br /> j��r�p��!$rat�n shay ma��.�iba to BorrowEr es providad in porapreph 14 horoof���nudiij�np:t'1�tho S►rctuch: � :
<br /> `•��� � (2)t h e a c u o n r e a u i ted ta czua=s�'+breach-!�e date not ltr•.,�than 30 dav�trom tho dn2o ti�o notiae ls mpdoQ tu Btutmver. _
<br /> �' ' by which uch breactr c�r�s�z�,�te��se d;��s�G 4)t h a t t ai t u r e t o c u r e s u c b h r e a a h o n o r 6 o f o m t fi a d a t fl�p uai�i�a tn th A notice
<br /> may r e s�A t m a c c e t e r a t i a n u?;5���5 x c ro s s e C c r r�b Y�Oeed of Ttust and saiU o�tha Proport;r_ Yt�fl notina&��il:furtlWn inform
<br /> Borrawer of the rlght to re3��$tate efter ax�rCeration and the rtght to bdnD fl court octian.w a t�s r t t h p n o m t��3 n C 8 o f a
<br /> �y � �e�a�A t a e n y a t h a r de{ensg qY 8ottower to ac�eteration an0 sata. If Ihe braflu?�fr nut cured on t�b��d mm udl�tf�i y dus end �
<br /> ���qp�����Leruq�spr�cption may d�ciare aU o!the sums se c s i r r r.t b1 t h i a Q a e d o f T r u s
<br /> Rayabte withaut turther d�m�n�v�end maY invoke the power pf sate ond rrrt�aihflr�r.medies P�tt'�edie�p avitdedtin the �
<br /> l.e n C e r a h a l l b e e r rt i t i e 0 t a�S S Ni:c t ali reasonabie cosea nnd e enses+ncurrod��n,pw�ln�7 ts —
<br /> .. ; pa�gtapb 78,incNdirtg 6ut cirll:i�miteQ to,reasonab�uttom$y�a fees. � ���,,,,prape��.;��;e paK --.__
<br /> 'It the powa o!sale�s hzv�f'�r:�.;runee�.'sYUsecord�r�l�e of deiault in each aourriU i1s.o�tt. �-._
<br /> .:;,�' r�.,er�t is bcatpA and st�atl m�7 capies pf aar�a.rr�tice in tt�rnamer presafbed by appHCaY►4�taw[o Qar.r�xer�nd tr.�ti;�¢other
<br /> ��p�,��py�ppi',ca�{e ta,N, A6t�r if���apse of such time as may ba requUed by epy'!ccls+r ticwr.Trustee���give :
<br /> � • �yr�tc o�otioo cC,��ir�to the Re►snrt�and in�ia,�rnanner pQesc�ibed by appticaCte taw. Trusiee,w;�t�u��u-��mQ e�4 e in the �-
<br /> �nYtiE se11 tAe��srtY at QutriS�auction to the highest 6iQder et the time end piace and unQer d.r���:fcns asi � =-•
<br /> is:,tSCe'af aafeinone�or murts�a�arEt�and in such order es�NStee may Qetertnine. Tn�2�e may�r:cCAOne sata o�341 or any �
<br /> � ���n}�he properEy�y�.�A�Iiw�nnnauncement at the time and ptace of arry proutau�sy�cr.t�eduled sato. L.ender cr t,2nders �,r
<br /> ' desi�nee rttay pu.'C."tws tls�I�r,r:{gerhl et�1I sale. ''�'=`'_
<br /> � Upon�ec�+pt csf pr,�,;:�r.nf.fl��tho price bid,Trustee sheil detiver to tho purchesec Tr��s'S doe4 cnnveying tAe FropaRy
<br /> �•.
<br /> sold, Tho rea4du+�i!��'�'-e�e Qeed sF�al!be prima facie evidence of tP�e truth of tNQ�a.t:�nenr.J a�aQe tharein. Tnrstee �.��_
<br /> ' shall appty the pscceeQ�aE ti"$sate in the foltowing or0er. (a1 to all reasonebte coats�cTrt.�:z:37�"•�.s a!the sate.inctuCing. ,�,,,:.
<br /> trut not Ilmited to.Trustea�f'c-es of not more than %ot the gross sa�e Pric�,r.�anabfr amomeYs tees artd tasts ��,_.
<br /> nP 6tte evidence;iA1 to a(1 su�*s seCUred by this Deed ot Tr�st;and(cl the exces,.�•t-�^b.Eo tre�ersan ar persons tegalty �,v;,
<br /> • r•.�c�tled tnereto. ■'=�-,�
<br /> 19,Bwruwofs Fii�t to Relnatatm. Notwithstanding Gendars acceteration ot the a�ms sewred by tnia Oood ot Tcust. � ;_.
<br /> Borrower shaA have the nght to have prcceedings 6egun bV��er to er►9orce the Deed of Trust discontinued et aay time �
<br /> � pr l o r t o t h e earTier to occur of pl the f�CiV bn�t,o g r e�etEh d o f T n u ti f•8 a1�B o n o w e r p a yst L e n d a r e l l s u m s whicfi woutA be then
<br /> ' Deed o!Trust Gi)enW of 8 Ndgm�nt n8 � .-
<br /> � due under this Deed pt Trust,the Note enA notes securing Future Advances. �f any,had no aceoieration aecuaed: (bl _
<br /> Barrow e r a u e s a l i d r e a c h e s of an y other covenants or agreemanis of Bor�ower contt�ined in td►i�Deed of Trust:Ic)Borrower �-_-•
<br /> ' Qays ail reasonabte expenses ina�rred bV I.ende�end Trustee eniorcing tha covenenta und agreements o}B a n o w e r c o n t e i n e d
<br /> a,
<br /> in this[�ed o1 Tnist end in enforcing Lendefs and Tnistea's remedies as provided in paragrepn t S hereof,inctuding.but not ____
<br /> 1'united to,reasona6te attorney's tees•and(d)Bonower takes suct�actio�os Lender mey reasonabfy require to assure that _
<br /> the Iien of this Deed of Trust.Lender's interest in the Property end 9mrowefs obtigation to pay the sums secureA by this
<br /> Deed al Tn�st sha11 comirxio unimpaired. Upon such paymen4 and cure by Bonov�er,this Oeed of Trust and the obiigations � `
<br />� � secured hereby s�ail remaln in tull fosce end eNect as it no aceeteration had occunet�Q�i&UttlCti SECUAIri IHTERESt
<br /> ��._�-
<br /> iFi. Agere�rM scw en oblEOUton wt:ieb tM Tc�aton e-•,.-
<br /> . 3 Odrar me�fer tt� pevp�sc o1 rt+akiep ienpro�b
<br /> CC 1083I81&51 . on tR� Rsd EstsN in �rlikh ftH Conslrudkn Seaaftv
<br /> Inr�tus'! if piv�c. ' .�
<br /> . #,
<br /> . . , � .�.. �
<br /> . . . .. �t .
<br /> :.:. .. -.
<br /> ' ' .�. �• ,. • ' ' ' , .. ' . , ' .
<br />