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<br /> . (INrNn"Trustor"►:u�d IInien 8 - - -
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<br /> - v,L�Ranle 6 Ttust Co ef ;'rard Taland '
<br />= (h�rNo"Trustas'1:and .
<br />- � whass msilinQ aeAressts 200$ W Qebb Rnad Gran{� 7q.,.,��Ao�:1IP 6880� (huein"B�n�Nciuy"�.
<br /> , FORVALUABLECONSI�ERA710N,T�ustorirrevacabtygrants,tranafers,conveysandassiynstoTrustes.tNTRUST.WITHPOWEROF3Atc� ,
<br /> =�! fortht6�netitat�dtecurityot_B¢nsllciary.underandaubJeeltolhetermsandconEitionsotthisT�uttOeed.thefoltowinp0ascrib�dnslprop�ro�.
<br /> "?;. IoCattd in HSll COUntf►.f�Nbnstci:
<br />_ • College Mdition to West Lawa, Hlock Eighteea (18), Lot Five�f5) arid Seven ('j) � ;
<br /> in tha �ity of Gsand Island, Rall County, Nebrasica -.
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<br /> TOOETHERWITMaItolthstotta�r-3,whethernbwownedorhereafle�acquired:rents.profits,royaities.ineomeandofherbenstltsderivedtron�?
<br /> �: ths nal property:a161eaaea or subteases covaring the real propeAy or any portion thereol;at1 interesta,estate or other cfaims.bOth in taw and inT
<br /> �Qviry in the rea►araperty;atl homeatead axenations which are hereby reteaseA and waived:atl easements,righta-of-way,tensmertts:� `�0
<br /> � . _,: hareditamsnfa:anoifandga��Ightsandprofits.wa:errtghtsallrlght.tltteandinterestofTrustor.inandtoanylandtylnpwlthlnthsrlgbt•of-wayct
<br /> . �'� any stre�t or highway aEjmning the�eat property:any and all buildings,tlxture�,imyravements,and appurtenances now or hereattsr ereat�0
<br /> th�non or 6ttonginp the�efo,(he�ein retened to as"lmprovemenY'o�"Improvements"{;and any and�il swarQs m�de forths taking by eminent
<br /> � domsin,or by any prooeeding ar purehaae In Iteu thereof,at the whole or any pait of the reat property.Ail 01 the fo�egoiny estate,propsrty an0
<br /> . • intu�st convsyed to Tru�tee heroin collectivety rotarred to a�the"Property".
<br /> . . (a)Th!paym�M of indebtedneaa eviaenced by Trustor's note or guaiantee�"Note")dated . APnl �• �9- 92
<br /> ��'�°' ''�-' irtihsOrincipalsumol S3x Thousand Pive Hundred Thirtq Ei�ht Do`liars �, 43/100 * * � � � �nouars
<br /> ��f.'!L"t�f:. ` ` `
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<br /> , •T.,,�.�,�,. . �S 6,538.43 _ _ ►.togetherwnn�nterestaHheiateo�ratesprovidedtherein.andtheprincipaland�ntereatonany
<br /> � • '� ''°'�� futurs advanees evlQeneed by piomissory rtotes or guaranteas staHrtg they are sedured hereby,and any an0 att renewals,maditications and
<br /> .. � �xNnslonllh�reol.botbprfnolpaland�ntereattieingpayablelnaccorAaneewithlhetermase2tonhtheretn.whicbbylhiaretereneelamaQeap�H
<br /> . :_:.. .._� •_�� heroof. .
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<br /> . "�''� � �b)1he pertarmance of eaCh�agreement anA eovenant of Truatm here�n contatned:and
<br /> ���-.��..
<br /> ---- -,'y ..•: .;�f s ° }c}'ffis�yr�bnf�f�inysunUrsumsisfsnaa�ywlsicl�maytratsa:aattarpaidcr8dvance4bylttfs9eneUC��yeuiQeriti$teem�etthistrustfleed. .
<br /> • ��;F:�.^�:;} to�ether with�ntereat thereon at the rate provided in the"Note". ,
<br /> : :�_. L y�n. •1�'• . .
<br />' - ,�'.�'t _.... . _ _. . . _ � . .. _ __ . . .. _ _ . _ .. ._ .
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