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<br /> - _-.—i -_--_ - ` ° Lot Thirty-One (3/1. R�9��Y By tix Creen Subdivision tn the City of • . --
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<br /> � . � . �nu that tbe Ikn crated hereby is a thst�G peioe�on tbe hop�rty.except�msy othe�la be�t forc��s'e:ein. �
<br /> O TAe hoperiy b subject to s 1Nortp�e whe�ia �, �� . �
<br /> �'.�, . � � i�t�I�to�Rptre.eecorQed at Book__.IIise.__.._ot et��[ortpje Recor�of County. r .:
<br /> .. .. 1Wpt�1u�whicb�tort�e is a lien�lar to the lien oeeated bereby. . i
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<br /> ' �a tioon wsltten de�und by bottp�ce•to�dd to the pYfaen4 riquind and�r the Note ucu�ed h�nby.s�ch a:���nt as ;•, •
<br /> • �ry b�wfaeknt to e�ueie W��tort{Ke�W qy tueh taua.�e�tmenu or otl�er cb�es ar t6�y b�come Que. �
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<br /> � �. Ii�a. To l�p�imyro�mtnu eow a btratt�r lo��ud an tA�ra1 Ktat�deses4b�d 6�re1n insur�d �
<br /> a�ied A�eniL�bY�a'�ea weA othrr�Sardr a�1fo�tpp��Y r�quln.io amoua4�ed witA oomp�niy ace�Dtabl�to ih� .
<br /> �y�,�d����y�k {o�Ypry�ee. 1e ew o!lo�under wch�ollcle�tM I�lortp�i�auWoriz.d to
<br /> •• i�ju�t��dket Md eo�tamw,fa Its d�ee�rtbn,aU d�tm�the�tmdet at itr�oN opllon.�uthorktdto�ltMrapDi�th�
<br /> �peKdr to fie rKtantlon ot tb�lropertY ar�oo th�iad�bte�xsur�d An+�bq.b�t pYmeAt�h�reunder�d�il con• .
<br /> tlau��uetii th�wmt uasr�0 Mtet►y a�pid ia!tal. �
<br /> � � j, p Fiero�,F�Ta�h�eA 1npt�uee, Notw3tlut�nd�n�anythla�eantaintd in�npaphs 8�nd�h�reof to t6�
<br /> � � �ppq�ry,ltort�or��il p�y to tM lYtortppe�t tM Uaa�ot p�yie�th�montAty lustallment�af prinaipal and int�rest.
<br /> _ � dtrt�dtt8 ot Ibe y�uiy tau�.�rweenb.A�rard ia�ur�nM p�rmlums.and pow►d r�ab(i!tnY1 whicA fi�y tttain a .
<br /> � � �elaelt�►ewt tLi��lortp�.�11�i tnsoet6ly atlnuted itom fim�bllmt by t6�Ho�e.7!N�mounu so w1d s6a11 Ep : .
<br /> �ta by tl�yortp�wlWout ieeemt�nd�plied to 1M}�l+m�n!ot t1�e it�sr ia My�ct to rbkh weA�mow�U w�rv . . •
<br /> . _� �tOaitea.�e sraa�pid to ltoilptee ht�rueQ�t��k�ea r additloe�l�erueity tas the ind�Dtedneat seeured by thls
<br /> . ysttp�e,xortp�ot�h81 pry to Yort��tr 1M reount of�r►y d�flcimcy Q�twem tht�ctu�!ta�ces,�ttes�me�ts.insursnce
<br /> . �mivaM aad p�aue0�nt�anf th�A�Daltt�eaunAa�rltbU]0 Qry�af'tfr Ntn�nQb m�d�upoe 1dort�oi r�questin= ,
<br /> �I�at tLtROl. �
<br /> � ' ' � i. R�ir.lWe�n�eee aad U�r To yratn�tiy�p�ir.t�stoer or rebuUd aay�riildinP or lmpiov�ment�no�or
<br /> � ' Menfter oe tbe lhopety:to tteP We hap�rtY U lood eonditioe�nd ttair,�9thout rn�tt.aed tr�r ftom m�ehaelc'�or •
<br /> � : �.,� .
<br /> �_:.-:_,.�. `...._:� :__:�_ . _ . olba!!rm a�mtp�eal�t taboedinated ta 1br 11�n Merof:not to m�kt.sutla or�etmtt u►Y auiaece to t�st.aor to d1m1n• .
<br /> i�b ot imp�sr t�e r,iw ot eb�lYop�rey by any�ct,or.amluion to rct:�ae to com�ty.lth su a4uirfnsreti 6r uw�trien - - __ _-: - -- --- ---
<br /> . , tesyeet to t�e hooerty. . . . �
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