- �'� , ,:y;s• r l,,i ..-, :._......,........�'�.s��a........ �.� � ry �` .u.,.....:.��'_.:. . L-. ic �s�'.:.' �•�'�iiG`.�.s..�;,,�1t� u
<br /> ,, .,?,.:...:..<,. _l'�. -�...�...���.�. �..�_ •-c�x..:_. . � t PQQE$OR�S s` _
<br /> �'��� � ' I1it�tl�■Of��bY����F�T � e Y! � ,_.,.
<br /> �-'''a�...
<br /> Lfl�B�wt?t�'i'�:!�safe snQ�+u�re r���1rS}nv ar Yav�t��eR s1:i18�[tali�3 t��y a��a�r�naitns ec:er ita�UbEItED 0'fi�T<l,'(T�Swu B�srA ta �°
<br /> EI ED
<br /> mc at�e ttaa!si tas��tb��3�t�titi'�,�t�t�b 2nd re��t^s�a:�f1��,.t►a�s�:J e3(s t�z3 d aQ ai�or ri�11s cr 2�^�123,at La ct t�e�tif;t a�ta�p7i�tta8 �_`�.�
<br /> ��Y�p��G1q PftOACCSS IS�K�'!6L',�FEE�II�Ai�S3 CGi:�1Fi15�Ttdltt..L2u"i�dE fQfl�lii�iA aR FAQ3L PBaDUCi3 i1l�AOF C'dAikA3iTE5C ESdilE57 CCA.RQSQi�6JC �' -
<br /> �__.
<br /> � i:It�':ERSF CLI�AiiC t'�It!CA3.
<br /> �.... Af(ifR.[t�9 t8E S�ARI�"1,l911hD NAfl9�f"�ili 6R FT 1 SEPJI�tiE II1fREl1 i�"TaUYEKi�8TIW1H6 S91Elr�ii f[Af[IIfF�CM�ED P69EL'6�Q�1LF 9�.CfS�iA�UC�9UAA�'saEi �
<br /> AIY!➢�(G+i"l�IttiED iNlR91M1fF'H�IS BEEM�EINER€D TB EAE,�RFS78CIIYE 8DtE4 iM C9�i�f6110A 16IiB T813 SAlE iliF FQ:�ES��:S FcU�i�f:��'cE."°�Lr4 E�1ii�IQ�.4tliitJ LD F.i�tt
<br /> � l�F�!A�.:�E146. .
<br />'•` ` F�t9ar.Tre Face:�tffit C�rE�at;��H6 RfPHE�IitG�C91'.�38,�.°�'?'Cf�tiT�D G��iTfl�E fiRA�S�'EYER. EtP6EbS QR�LiE.�i1�#F�i tD 1�EII�t6f �.-�=�.
<br /> 9 1
<br /> 51:;�51�iQ Q��Y RCNgU'f B�U�E 0�T�E RRODEI+�tiS?1 s�Asrsi�l fE�i ae�e�r�l sa+rf�1 csn�tatc�t,6cger�aat�►a m�9u bt S'�s.ix1 ' M a4 ���:��
<br /> I'U.iY�!ta t38 t7ye.4�aUfi r�Qu'itg a!tamtiiian In�;��partu.�uiu st�sd.9 s(�e at�C�.tEa tF:�ot�na�*�at cc�ti�a1 mg lr�.af W��.�� "
<br /> . tt3fe,Q B e�r a!a�e r.��s 6��.ry�e. C�J�'�'��t cf L'��.�t set'S�s ciia.�5c c�:.fans c�d!-c�tion ai m1 tcsn.rW0 eren tLe t�ai e�rp.c�s[8 tor �-":;
<br /> ' 11xi[l���ir emelstia��ot�tses. �
<br /> rr•
<br /> - PREPe�Y1�l�0'�A:'V7DAL�CRUAL OF'Fk�E�dl�.��E C!lAP�E:Even�".ne�A[do cot have to pay more ttan ttst reguYar scl�xdn!ed mantnJY Wyment.t hare tEe rigts
<br /> �_
<br /> m prepay the w�o'e ass�:at owing to�ou i2 ful aR a�y cime or in�art fmm ti�e co tise.i rmdrrstand that tl'.e ft�cirsrce ticte�t)u cflmy�used dtily.l lm.a�m}
<br /> - fimaue ch9?Se a�1T te(�ss ii I me.ke an ea�iy�s?��eaL ar.d ii wiL 6e hightt if i ay tsta:t aso reco�ize t�at any ascessary adrs�t ro r6y tasal[fa9nceci'1�e.il1 ,�',
<br /> a 9 "� Re 2 far thehe F7a�ixe C�arge.'focil af P�zneres.ar.d�e TotaJ Sie Pnce a.-e estimstes Cascd on
<br /> • be ret[eiYYed t�my @a�l EiII:i also l•auw that tFe axa�ar.t�sA.ow n on pao }
<br /> t[
<br /> th.e assuu�Qtaa tLat�nu wilt�eceice eaeh oF ti:e paya.eats ezacfly an sts d�date:aad I lmb cS:t ttxce wiII tre eo cefund iP!Fre�y 6ea-�t�z is aotRing so refvnd.
<br /> arP.m f am n'1a�-xd oa a daiZy 6:isis.I(snuw ttu�t u`aU�e6ate�.refimds�:d cre&ts ro wIl:ch I miqht 6e eariQed mE trss thv�or�dolfar tSi.�O).co ceFund vrtllbri q�ads:T. r �:•
<br /> e or in at m �m:.If t ma3ce a stiaj� ymen�.I must a;ntinue tn m3Be m [L�ll19f p?.}RICOi&Uf1�II T I18VC ��'
<br /> cn�y�a.untuily pte�. tte�caaat[oue�•�u.in fi�ll part. y p F� r
<br /> paid aJS amouan o»�1 kcow ti�a!if 1 Pre�aY the��hole�o�t.ym r�+p cuIIoct oz cetam froa�s n minimum charge rsot gtt'er thaa tO.Ofl.
<br />:-"•;:+%:., . SYEC�Ai�OBDffi GOaDS:l i�caw tL-�t y�au t�ave a�..�my�ease ond.ils oµra�s rxi that}rou can maYr tEe Pindusts to 5t m pr.rliculnt hausc and.t�c.ttte g<n�s. , -�=`,J`
<br /> ;.,;' a62y w�ll r.at 6a any atb�r do:ises.so t(cnow tb.it l re�urcam�ei this rnAiract at any brs�uftet th.-perind of time gi�-en m me hYy tave la,wlricif in r�ncd:.i�f.irstltct �ys.r.,
<br />-` fr, �t penQd af a�.(Biunv�hat 1 Aace d:e�Dligatinn m p�y.You.in!iill.U�e amount mcc� � L�' -
<br /> � C�1l119Er10E.ifENT OE T.ifE F'i1riA.'�CE CHABGE:Tite Cnancr chargn(inte+�t)is ea�imated�o start withiu 3Q days of the dmrof tbis c�mtmst.exoept in ttee'�eni � ,
<br /> �.?'f.��' tt�.t yau.rnmpTeae thc ins�allaaion of ti�e goods aad secvices on anmher date.tfic-n tbe firtance cha�gc(in�cv�t)will 0.^pn tn tun ort thc date Umt E siga tttc Completion i636�'�
<br /> � C���te.ThcamavntoffimancednrSe�inte:espmaybemonorlessthantheamwitdisdoaad•±:�R�ingantheamoumslP�YY�andmytimeli»cs4inm:kwgpay�e¢is. ��-•
<br /> .=�;r�;`.
<br /> .�i.,';":. QI�A4JLT:1 will he in default ixnder this oon�rt if:1.I don't makc a pakunr•.s�t.w�.cs dn�af Z I U�a.k any Qmtm�e,I mZde tn ya�ia this usnlrxq:or 3:$a�tii�etse
<br /> m de
<br /> ;•, B�xi rts whic�causes yaa tahdie�e m gaod faitR th:t I do nnt in�irts�ay��it�'�p�:ot4:E defauU an any oSLgzunns for w6ich i sm issL�g tny tsa n 2srall�tai; ����3'i;
<br /> ��",f�y' 8t S SO¢p.'thin�hdpp�" Ov.my ho¢se wttch tluer.lms yalu'tsghlS�;�'2ay.�lt:t . �r5�v
<br />:.�,t�z.. -"�C4LL�CtlL1Pi COS'[��if I;a.m in defau[t of�tris mmrac�.audty.r�u des�nd fiuil payrn�nt�.J:uriil�ts�rnd that you havetCe riJ�t m fas�.'mse fae maetgage I�^s�givea m •�;:;
<br /> , �;.%+,jc�p s�t;ta irar,e my hunce;«�kl�ca:rep�y cuy ama�.uus E owe;yryaa:�etoie raK ftousc�rs�7d..p�rsti:�v7�kdQ all tI�zt t�s!aw cegaccts. emdr�stand dus ifyuu 5ire a�•ai:niz�y ..���,;-
<br /> = ,•wass�ycwi�rti��cfo�ecr.�nt�otyaurri�Jsrs.in�[ud�a�tfs�e�la! myt�2t�r.a�asu'v:x R'ta•payYwfvsccrsomb._ s'faeaam3farorh�cetatedexpenses ,��`�`..
<br /> it
<br /> ' such as quurt casrs.tit:e sex+ches aad nmt�r.y y,aa exgec.c.'td ta�rtst�t¢t,c•fmqau;. ya'�C�rr�l u;�sr�S to rnIIect svch�[ry faw. .
<br />-,f'�' �C:. :;.,..,.._.
<br /> 07'IiER RIGSTS:You can choose a�Ia enf4lrc any of the rir.bes��s11ii4�catras.�.t•.ts�r�s you asat�ui�hout Iasir+3 the.m.Or.yvu aur dcltgg�xtfarcing aay of tLe ".;.:�...,.
<br /> 1:�•��::. ris6ts a�ithout iasia�them.Yw can aSs�i usrahy,rishts now rr;i�the iuna�gi.vcil,l�.tu�qy,,l(nv. � , • •, • -
<br /> ' is � ID�AY5:1 imow ehat you cv�11 use yrnutre�t efTo:te to m:is1t'?i1;►�t.�rc�urc;i��iu¢3>;an` t�p�ouse.b-�..s I al:o umde:stand that ia same si�ruirEt�yanmap wcacncs ����1��i,
<br /> . : det�ys thri�e cansed by stn�es.ne�ha cendiCOns.d2laySyt�t 1�aee in oUtumngltu :u�4i,��1'q(�s atl�t tetsmis�hat s[�lztyartd yous ca�o1.i wiII tsnt hald yCU 1iaA4� �.
<br /> :::c,`.i, ' fo�sOChdelays. -. .- .. , ,_.., . -. ::);:.„;: . , '.. ,� - : . :��;
<br /> [tEQUE..ST FUA FULL PAYR1El�i i':If"C�in�iqzlefault undCr this coniF�.3'�P can deri.,,µe ckf Glat!owe qndhl9lti:,.toyIIae�p�ya5ie at anc�_1 ague to pay ao inteir�t
<br /> U ........�
<br /> an th3t amotint at thc maximum toauadua�.t'ti1�i�lloued Esg L�w�til t�e att�uiFliti Sm+e you.is paid.l aIsu[a�o�r�h7.Y yon ran faeciose tiie�*@ge 16a�t vea to yott. ��.-_-=--_,-
<br /> � ARBTTRA7T�v:ff t h�ve a msputx W tNd :�F�Yog cacrsmiaS�4�N�Y'�§��}'°r Pert'ormana of t�e Prociucts.l uvdeisiand th,tmy df; . may bs submitte3, ,�'-_--:_-_
<br /> c --
<br /> � to and�ttted ac�ard'.r.�ti�ri�.a me3t�ed... Ym�ivn pm�u tfiat may Aace C�'�;veld in my communily:!afsufaow ihat any decislon mad�by,��s(s)aaa3tl ho' ., ----.--
<br /> � zate�r.dintheco�2h:vip�i��s�am}mea�Srpazedyou. ' �; _ . ; '' _ _
<br /> � . SAl.VAGE�l'ALL'$:[�(i�icwai)�t thc��.�"%�s.woadwot�.siding.6rick��fics rn�3iitB{fl8timve ro be m�vedby yan for t�is insWlBt�on��'e�I�sdide�(��3�.. , ,rs ;�
<br />. J''�tx w�yODtCIIt6YY.�S2ID.::f+71?��i•9�iii.�lTYt�7rw113ICY'�IQIIIp052y"6OWAli�: '. , ';(- ��.�,, . . ''� . •- � �'�;•:�7�:�r�'• , t ,.sxawa
<br /> ' Y �P'ECIA?."lSTYYJA'i'�T0�5:tDie to the urs,����e+�ss of some of th�Phrdoct4lG�t:�n11 Gr��„F.!�ftHsu�nd tIIat In s. situatians yoar Regiontd'Off�C�d�1j�q� �ky��IJK(�`�!��'�t " _
<br /> �' arniappr��-e 1i,Si a..:u-a�t.I afso wn�.st�,;s Y:'�t i3sss stte crru�in ar•hr.m:e�:«•���vm�-�mr!•1�siay not hnve f�A nll the c�rrect infomutiat impt�Efitnl:tLl��isitnl'a�llan -
<br /> ;' at o fm�ert�1 give gou my co�enl tn cmrect any obvions ermts t�at mty fmvi!t�iri�Tl.tbl�t�e blants in this aontract aerecamylet�i: . ,;�.... • �,r,r.:., _ _
<br /> • LWAI.I�PBO�"iS3a.tiS:If�.�ypro vaior�ofihis contract�ioL+•��s Qr iaw tt*ed,i:�lt�'mx,'rt�trtt,:tf�et�st of the caasnct ariD 6e vaG�If any gan of 3Aisson�r�rsices �,�,
<br /> , •A^�;,�. PaYR'�nt oP mnre is���i�Iatv pe�raiu.lhen yao ar',�l or�3y dsY tte rt�t:t�.�;��if�s=mis tfie amoant of int�cst whicA ttc taw alibvcsyou w coQect. __-
<br /> ...,�'.Ff;.}' £O�I.Ef@�ESS��7�,TIS COV"�AACPs This coauacz ezi oaty 6e cl��ri��ot��+a�.zm1 f agee ia vni8n3. J...'
<br /> �,.',,,., ih1�A;�lwE.. " �l�"s
<br /> � '`" ' 6�[��l.�E�l OF Tddl.s C9NSU�.9�C�ED3T�O;T�Tl�i��",4�S3J8JE4"T TO A�IL��.f']t�A.^����1�1�F:�a V9HIC�fl.7ptE ::+�{;,��r
<br /> :;`.. �9E�'lA���L�1D1.3�A£+�E�9'AGAIl�IST THH SELLER OF '"6R S��'+Jt��O�if�llti�►PItPtSSt�1�I±�9���Tt��{�iY6�_
<br /> 3 t
<br />"�r%!��'� •.:' 'fH� ��t��`�b3E�Fl��F.RE+CAVEFlY HEAEl9NDF.�i `�5��t;�*��,fOA 5HR�l.f�DY�(�BED wMVUWP�6�'39��Y'�WE .��.-
<br /> 'iv�T%�st�' ' DEgT�AH�eii�i11m1E�. <� .: •
<br /> "',•�;r��?"' C+(SURA1tCE CAhC�11:SJ'Jilp?is U I hamerequested insurance in chis parch3u.1 cn��;tan?t3�scch ezqa�fa i�smunae for aay ce�soo within fiReen(15I daya from • ..�.
<br /> ,:'�r::� the date of�i.a cantract by�a )nu or che dolderof thi�courrnct in writing.!I�ow�t�-;qte�noetTatce of rey covetage will bc a�rrngd witb t�e insunt�ptsiu(a).
<br /> - • and a fitll refund of my pretni¢ta{s�aget,!es aith appiicable tinas�oe ctirtge w-,3}be credited�this contrut 'i .
<br /> .. E�I�A5E11nR'8:lP t baverequesteG�in this�hase.l witl ceoeive�r�Cen�ny(30)4alrs aeertifr,cnt�c£insu►ance moee f�y describ3ngt?xins�wverage. �..
<br /> 16naw that if titere is any coaitici w Ne Cocerege or the lan�uags:of the certi.�icate of ins�Jrazsce and the folioai�{e Natioe of Proposedlnsarnnce thaz I am cmered mily tn „�
<br /> �;': � Qx euent stated in the follawing riatice of Proposed Insurrnce.!also lmaar t7�at 1 have in��.,-ieaoe wverqse onYy if I tuve been char�ad f�ii. • ..,
<br /> .:�.f.�%• .. 6�O7i�E OF PAOPOSEDt.d�SU�4�C�
<br /> , •,,,;„; I saLe mutia�hat e;�ar Gedi�Life or Credic Accidenc aad Keal�h Insursnce.or 6o�h,w9fl be applicable to tLis[ast�ltment Sa1a Contratt only if i[�ava c�rtas�m st by
<br /> �••� si�;+�o�.��tetluest€or such incurance.'IRis insaraaca afi[�cufy.co�'er tht.person bl�iog the reqvest at the cust fo:ouht�e af ins�anoe shown.Subject ta - --
<br /> .,:;:;s:F,c. Ml�iw ta:r�tance compvry.the iasurance�v►ll be effe:►i.e aYOYlafsy and wi11 connnae onty far tbc u�ber af moattl�ss nRer the eE'tecdve date eQual co tfle�n r of
<br /> - mcq!s,tq g�a��reats.i unGecstv:d that this particular iasur3nce may nat�&cv�:de covera,ge for my East few,paymmta.sed t�dvrin Uut . of time t cvill not have any
<br />'.:.�St�:��I'hi' IC'",x�se ea1�'r,se.AU be�fits and pcoc�edsof the insur.uKe wd{be pa18 ta yai ar m�fi�ancial iastctuuon if it p�rchases the�aual�t�Siles Canttact to the eateat :'.,��•�:.
<br /> ot��s in�resu:u�.d nay BnJsaca wiB 6e payah4:to me.Thc ie[dn1 amunni of Ccedie�.iPe ���he amowu�ircd to rep�y 4�e Tot�l ot P�ynmen�s;t�q8�.1t�
<br /> 11.iP
<br /> ; �,,rt`, in;ur,sncc dccc:a,es b�Ge s.r.eunt of eacA rr!cnthTy paymeat an a scheduled 30 do basis.TGi Uyn.iointly obli on tfle Installmrent&alesCon9nct aith a Co-Buyer.and
<br /> '%:``•�'.�•: '' y �
<br />,�;,7��:°::.`•. we hsve bath aigne�t.e... s[f�r Cndit Lite lasurance.Qeath benefits ai11 ba payable ahty g��lti respect tn the first one of us to Qie.Sn6Jeci wexclnsians.e�t�l+tuioas �
<br /> �•� or waiting perind st�ted c�c*e i.�surance poltcy os cerafcans.Credit dtecident and FIe�lth 3,r�drs9nc�e is fes t1re beneft emoant of 1/30tb of esch moa4�'s p�yment tat each
<br /> r l�`:� day that[um totilty disaC[�.•d'di:e to an inlury ar sicicness while I uw•c any pa�ne�a tn'�o�tdwevcr.7 unde�stand thv 1 hava to be p�eventod ffim worY[ng _dise to 5�tch �
<br /> �tutal disaUil'ty far ma�thaa fcurtcen f ti►ca:seceuse days before the insnranc:�eneFt is paid back ta the fitst day of my_rotal disabiiity.I�o Imow tett Q cannot
<br /> ctC�an��ance trara.}aa 19[am over 65�sus od�etoAa.anrJ i atso Ica�w t�rt tLe�rance wver�e proritieo tu ae map a�mio a maximen�mo�l ����
<br /> •� ' a,q¢�;ret��+hicg�vill aar pup in some c�ses,the entlre�t1wt l owo;�on.Auc ta tl+e maaimum amount of wvera�e uatc�tt�tba irisamnoe poEcy.I tmow tbat
<br /> ma
<br /> .� ,�' atiy unpaid artrowt in excess aF the uuu�ance coven�e will sdl[have m be�said if d�e iasr�llmem Sates Coetrace uprepyd'sn fldl pdor to�ho tast Faymeat due.�ny �.,::-
<br /> �:;r'� orsar�ed�nsr.rr�cepreuuur:awiltbemfundedtomein�hemnnnerprcscri6cd6y�w.�V:thn���tyt�ld�YS.lwillreten�•etlmcertilt�tnofinswancomorefultydescribing
<br />. .•,;,�;y my insurauce rnveraoc.Ci d!�c ias�nnec is eso[aocepted by We iiuwance company,i w�I r.Tpive a retwtd of the inswance pmml►uns I Nnve pud.
<br /> •�.•r`��, __.
<br /> '',�: . 1039 S1L103•KE-ti�lE DAGHQ
<br /> : - - . ��rt;:<<
<br /> , _ ��kett`;.
<br /> .....,r--".*�'c/�1�(. u i a+� ... j.� . �+ r ' � I�.�� � ,../ t�
<br /> 5 4 y}�n���t," � • , _?��f�Iiil,- .. �.�i I�� '�.',', t.� �'�f'�.(i`'� � .d- ,`� ,{r�sf���n � � ��. r 4tyi Y. � .
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<br /> i���E��:��?' � '� � .•k! - ..1 � . f °tt •,t A. . . . ' , .:b -1
<br /> tRh .`��'f;i �1 � f � . - - - . • • � � . .� . ., , •
<br /> � �.,�{ti�;f;,, ,r, ;; _; � . . �. .
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