- r__ ___ -- - ' —,_-' -. _._ _ . ___ - _ ' .' ' ' __ _
<br /> r. ._
<br /> � _"�= "[ :t.° .?QY. . . . _
<br /> `t_."_ _ . � ..._ . . ... . . _. _ _ _
<br /> _ ';y_l'.' _�,- �• .5;.�;' �
<br /> -_ _` - i • ' _ '�f.�t�i �i`c - _. .— _ . ' � _. . . .'_. .. -"?f�J/t:�'e_��—
<br /> -_ ��—..�t�_�` ` ` •_ . . _ .` .. ` ' _ ' �O�—��__— — '�� ..
<br /> - `�_r'_ . �Y���.�tg�ge�°°e�vlxa�e i�uoc avalf�bteR Hotruwa st�a1l pry ea�Ei month.i sum ---
<br /> a�a��wdAh aF t(�e ya�diy'mat�t ic�w�P��►��;P�.bY Borrower wh�tha it�oa�coveqg�I�ps�d orczase�.�o�
<br /> ya � a toss`tiesave in Gw of mortg�ge imvrnnca Loss•r�vo .
<br /> ` be ie eff�ct=l�a�viU a�aept.u�e and iwin thest p�►ymaMs,
<br /> � m���.�q�ue�,t�t the optioa of Lendet.if t�wttg�ge eavtraooe cover�ge(in ttie amaur� ot �paia� ,
<br /> • ��Y-- -z . ' • �-�y�.t 1w 1 sn�ks_a;aai� 8o[tOwC�s�1 p�Y . .
<br /> _ — ,____—..�_ ._. _'_. ..__ls,�-i.. . . . .
<br /> i11�l.CO1� �ucs/lnwaww v�°�iii�Sii �----r—o-- '---- ----
<br /> the prmu�capdrod oo m�ieraia mortgage�*�in effoct.or to pcnv#Ae a loss aeserve. . . . .
<br /> �� �aoe ends in aa;o��oe with aay w�uen agtee�nMR lxtween Bomnwer and j,ender ur appGnEle 1�v�r. .
<br /> " . !,L�peedos.L�oder or its agent may m�ice rr�sonabte envies upan a�d inspoMions of tli�Propaty-1�nder s6all Sive
<br /> gocm�ver nut�at tbe aima of os prior to an i�on specifying reasonable cause for the iaspdetion.
<br /> � 10.Co�.The proc+eeds of airy awu+a or claim t'or damages.direct or ootuoquemial, in ca�cxion with any .
<br /> -- coad�u�n or at6tr sakinS of ang pu�of t�e Pm�erty,or fqi r�nveyanoe in Geu of coad�emnation,are 6enby assigned ud � -
<br /> � si�tl6t paid to I�ender. �'j��plied to the so�s savnad by tbis SavcitY tn�a�t• . .
<br /> � � In the evau of a total taldng of the Pmpe�ty.the prnooeds m wt�iCh tt�e f�r
<br /> whedier ar aot then dae.adth any dcass paid to 8ormwer. In the�event of a partial talring of tht Pmperty.
<br /> m�rkd value of tt�e PrapatY immodiately befare the taidng is eqnal ta or greaceY tLan the amo�c�of the sums secured by titis
<br /> �T � Spcurity Iast�umau ia�ediate[Y before thc talting,nnt�s Bortower aad L.eader oti�erwise agnx in wri6ng,the sams savto�by: ,
<br /> this Seauity Ira�amenc shall 6e nduced by t6e�monnt of.tbe pmceads multiplied by the foRowing fractiaa: fa3���. .
<br /> �'� amoant of the sims secured immodiauly before t4e taldng,divided by(b)the fair mulmt valoe of tbe Properey iromodi�lY. ,
<br /> " � before tbe t�ting.My barJJanoe shail be paid ta Borrower.In the evag of a partia!CJcing of t6e Pmpetty in wdid�the fair
<br /> - � -marlcet valne nf�tte Prope�ty immod'ately 6efore the taking is tess thaa the amount of the s�uns sxated"ntmoediatetY.befote tLe
<br /> s�1i-- -__.---
<br /> � tatcin8.nntesc Borrower and Lendec oWetwi�e agree in writing oe unless ap�cable daw othenvise pm�id�s.�t�p�d•
<br /> - be appl�ed w the sams savnd by this Security Instrument wf�ether or not the soms are tlx�due.
<br /> {�� If the Pmperty is abandoaed by Borrower.or if,after notioe hy i.ender ta Botro�verthat the condemnar offers w m�lce pio
<br /> � p awsid or satle a claim for damages.Homnwer fails to respoM to L,ender within 30 days after tbe date We rotice is givrn,
<br /> - � I.,e�der is authorizat to callect t+nd apply t6e pmceeds.at its aptlon,tither w cestoration or repair of tbe Prope�ty or w tLe saae
<br /> seasted bp this Savrity Tnsttut�xn�afiet6er ar not ttKn due. • • ��ot extad ar
<br />- Unless Lender and.Bormwer other�vise agr�in wriqng. anY application af procads w P'�P�
<br /> _ p�4pone the due date of the monthlY P�Y�?�referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amocu�t af such payments;
<br /> " =�.ll.Hocmaa Nat Reld�ed;Fabeuance By t.ende�Nd A Waiver.F-��o�af tite Utne fas payment ar modific�tion
<br /> :-s:� ' ..:�'amortization of the sums savred by this Security InSannuant giantod by l.ender to any successor it�inte�est of Bormwa sb�U .
<br /> 'n�it opeiate ta r��ase the lia6ility af the orig"wa1 Borrower ar Borrower's saccessozs in inter�t. f.ender s�ll not be t�9��tO
<br /> '���:;`�� c�mti�ence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse w excend time for payment or oth$rwise modify amattir�tia�°
<br /> t . �:�•����ed.by this Secarlty Insuumeat by season of_any demand made by the original Boaower.or Borrowa's
<br /> ��� _' si:ccessors ia i� �� A���'arbearance by i.ender in exe*cising arry right or remedy shall not be a'waiver of or preetude the
<br />' ' .;. � .1.`�:=' exerciseofany ri�to,r�_reJmady. p,����,� ( ��j ������j p�� The covemants and a$reements of this
<br />. . .1' �:" iT��.-e�Jt IZI�w^T.�"'��71LY..� 1�f dO�t 7lW�� L�V�1�b..��..�
<br /> - "'��C�=�.r..:T •. Security.Instrament shall bind and benefit the saccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the prdvisions of ,
<br /> ' ;'��-.'":'�_';�.;.� .P�S�Pb 17. Bnrrower's covenan�5 and a�s sS�aU be jai�and several. Any Barrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> ' I�suument but does not exerute the Note:{a)is,oa-sigriing this Security Insmime�►t only tQ mortgage.grant a�sd convry that
<br /> . .�W""�� Barcawer's imecest in the Property under the terms oYtirr;s Security Insuvment;(b)is not peno�iy obtigated Esz pay the sams -
<br /> -� ' G= �� sea�red 6y this Securiry]nstrumeat:and(c)a�rees thai Lznder and a�►Y ather Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbear or
<br /> ,- .L�-?�,,.1 i:. ° make any aceommodatiqns with regard to che terms of this Securiry Insaumenc or the Nate without that Borrawer's wnsent�
<br /> �3.I,oan LfiAeges.If the laan securad by this Securiry Insuument is subject to a 1aw which sets mvcimum loan charges.
<br /> _ ���'k��,.'�'.si 3". . and tbat law is finally lnterpreted so that�he interest or other loan cha*ges eollected or to be coitected in connection with ttie �
<br /> �":'` �. '• loan excecd the permitted limics,then: (a>any such toan charge shal{ba reduced by�he amount necessary to redu¢e the charge
<br /> , • '''``�` . _ to the pemutted limit;and(b�anY sums already coliected from Bonower which ex��pemutted limits wiQ be refuudeJ to
<br /> - =- - Borrower. Le�Wec may chaose ta make this refursd by reducing the principal owr..�under the Note or by making a direei ��
<br /> � � payme�t to Borrower. If a refund reduces priacip�ai. the reduction w�U be treated as a partial prepayment withaut any ,'}'�:���,
<br /> ' :�� . prepayment charge under the Nate. -�
<br /> , ,='.�x`'�:�.;�' :,�� 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borrower providcd for in ihis Security Instrumcnt shali be give�e b�r delivcsing it ot by mailing . : - . __�Y
<br /> ' :::�;,,,;•�, :•,?•,:: .;' it by first dass mail unless applicable law requires nse of another method.The natice shalt be direded tn the Propeny Address i_ _ __
<br /> -�£ ;�., ar.any other address Horrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta L en der s h a l l b e given by f irst class mail to
<br /> ��r"�' . ,, Lendet's addtess stated herein or any ather address Ler.der designates by natice to Borrower. Any natice provided for in this _
<br /> - �'•• � . ` Security Instn:ment shall be deemed to have becn given tc�Borrower or Lender whcn given ar prov�h�In this para�raph. �� _
<br /> . , '�',:;,: � �:-�'`r
<br /> ' • "`'''•''� 15.Covezaiag l.aw; Sevenbilitv. '�'his Security lnstrument shall be govemcd by federai !aw and the taw af the : , .. �.,;.;
<br /> � �. _. . jurisdiction in�'hich the Property is located. In the event that uny proeisian ar clause af this S�uriry In.ctrument ot ttte I�t�cz, f ,. .••�•,::._.
<br /> :-...: ;. . , r.•-
<br /> � ��'4; cPnflicts with applicabte law,such conflict s ha l l not a f fect ot her rov�sions o f i his S..:i:t i i I n st r�m e nt ar the:�ete whicf:�.�re t�
<br /> P Y ','. .�,u.'•�
<br /> '•;?�-#;;����-.:.=�-'�.�� siven eifect without the�3�ting provisian.Ta this cnd thc provisians oP this Se:::�ity lnstrument and the�a:are dec;a;ed � , :_��L
<br /> �•. ' ' ccs be severable. . . . ��"•
<br /> . ,,�.��.-"�v�-'; •.�:':;..;' 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall he given ane wnf�rmed capy nf the Nate and of thi�Security Instrument. ; , • �-;.�-,+�.--
<br /> .. 17.Trsinsfer of the Properiy or�Beneticial Interest in Boerawer,lf all or any pare of th�Property or any intcrest in it � -. <;` :: ::•`:�::rt;�,;��
<br /> '��. . - � � is sold or transferrcd(ar if p beneficiat;.r.�.�rest in Bonower is sold or tr�n�fened und Borruwer 1�r.���a natura!person)without F . � �°�
<br /> � ' .,; � .;' , . ..
<br /> = i.ender's prior wriuen consem, l.crid��rk+y. at its upti��n. requirc immcdiatc payment in fu:� �:�ai1 sums secured by this �.
<br /> � ! y� t . ,' ' Security Instrument.Ha�vevcr.this apt:�j�shall not hc cxcrciscJ by Lcnder if exercisc iti prahibited by federal law ati of the datc , _ • . .
<br /> � of this Security lnsttumcnt. �
<br /> ' ' 1P Lender excrcises this dption.L;.ti4.r�hall givc Borr�nver nntice of acceler:�tiun.'Che n��tia;tihall provide a periad of noi ;
<br /> ' � ` ` less than 30 days from the date tke r�ticse ic dclivered or mailcd wiihin which Burrower must pay s1!sun�.s�ecured by thir � _ _
<br /> ,���.'�� r� " ' Security Insttumcnt.if Bormwer fz:»rapay�he�c sum�pri��r to�hc cxpiridion ui'this peri�xl.Lcnder may invuke any remodies R ,, ,'. ,
<br /> ' j,;i';:., �; ';�� � '. permitted by this 5c.�;urity Intitr::::�r��c:::�aut furthcr n�sicc E�r dcmand un Borrnwcr. { •
<br /> 18. Borruwer's Rip,bE to Ri��ate. If $oit'c.a'�t rneet� ccrtain conditic►n�. Born�wcr �h�ll have the right to have � �
<br /> '' :'-' enforcement of this Sccurity tnstrur.:e:;c discontinucd�t�.n:ti r�:n prior to thc curiicr of: (a)5 days (or su�`�n!hcK peri�d s►s i •
<br /> � � �pplir.iblc !aw may �pccify f��r rciustatctncnt► bcfarc �:.:a ��f thc Property pur�u.m1 t��r�ny pnwcr �f�aic ac}arained in this � •
<br /> � � - Security Instrument:or(bl entry u!a jud�nient enGnciug this 5ecurity la�trumeut.�h��he cunditi��ns ure Ihat B��rruwer:�a1 pay+ •
<br /> ' • � � Lender al!sums which then wauld he duc under ihi�Secutity lnstrun�ent and Qic Nute ati if ra�ucccier,ttia»had o�xvrrul: Ib) • •
<br /> . , cutes any �Icfuull of.tny othcr ravc��ants��r ugrcen�ent�:Ic►pay�aU cxpcn�cs incurrc�l in cnfi�rcing this Sccutity Inti�rumem. , '
<br /> � incIuJing,but not limitc+l t��, rc�suuabtc att��mcyti fccti:anJ IJ)takc+�udi uctiun a�l.cndcr nu�y rc�wnably rcyuirc to:��surc ;
<br /> • � ' that the lien�>f this 5ecurity Instrument. L.cnder'y ris:htti iu�he Yr��perty tmd Hurr�nver's ohlig3tiun tv pay �hc�utm�ecurcJ by , • ,
<br /> . 16is 5ccurity l�utru�neni �hall caminuc unch:utgc�. Upun rein�tatcmcnt by Hurru�ver, ihiti 5ccur�ty lnstrununt and the � �
<br /> � . -. .. • ubligations secuted bereby ahall rcmain fully ctfcrtive as�t no.�cccler:uiun h:td��ccurrcd. Ho�vever. thi�right ta rrinstate�tu�li
<br /> ' not apply in thc r.iac��F acccler3tion widcr paragr�ph 17.
<br /> - - -:- . _._. . .- 19. Sale of tiote: Ciwnge of t.u�it ti�:rvtcer. Th� Natc nr a p-artia! intcre.t itt tt�e tiute{t��;ethcr wisM Ihi� Su:urity . ..
<br /> . . InslruwcnU may hc h��ld��nc ar nwre timcs wilh��m priur nuticc io gurru�vcv. �1�:alc may rc�uit in a ch:uigc in the cntity Iknuwn . •
<br /> � � .� av the"Lwr,:n 5ervicer")that c��llecty munthly p:►ymrnt�duc under the Note and this Security tn�trumcn�. There also may.he�mc
<br /> ��r tnore ch;uigc�:uf�he I.oan Srrvirer unmlatcd to a�c�le��f thr Nate.tl'therc i�u change��f'thc Lnan 5crvicer.Bunuwcr will br
<br /> • • ,, given written notice of thr chauge in uccordancc�vith par�};raqh id ab��ve and applicabie law.The�iatire��•ill�tate Ihe n:�n�c and
<br /> ' address nf tlte nc�v lei�u�5erviE�r unJ ihc uddress to whict�pay�nrnts �houW he m.idc. Thr nutice will ul.rv c��main any',�+ihet.
<br /> . ' , ,
<br /> • • ' • infornwtiun rcyuired by applirablc law. .
<br /> ===1-- - 20. iiazurduus 5ubnluttt�. �+rr�r�+er-�hall�tc�i cau.�c«r grtmet!hc pts.ti.�a�.etse__dLS�+osa!_smragc.rr n:lr.�.e uf:uiy..
<br /> - =.:==--- -------- - -= --
<br /> � . � Hatardous 5uhstmtc�K i+n ur in �he Prapcny. gurnt�vcr shall n�,t do. nur 7Ut/W StllytltlC CIti4 tl� do. .mything affccun� tl�c '
<br /> • Pn�petty ihat i.r in vi��lation uf:�ny �ncironmcnt�il I.aw. The prc�:c�ling t«•o scntcnccs�h;til nui apply to the presencr.u.r.ur ..
<br /> � � '. sturage un the�upctty uP sntatl yuanti�icy nf H�ardnus 5uhst:uurs O�at arc gcncr�lly r��crgnitcd to Ne apprnpri:�tc t��nurn�al.
<br /> . - residentiaf usrs antl t��nraintenance af ti�e E'r��pcsty< _ - .
<br /> .' ; ' ; r,.i,.3 i.�; form 3028 919� � '
<br /> . . ., � ....
<br />