.. ., ,,
<br /> ��
<br /> _ __ __ .
<br /> �� �ri�`'�n.1 -rL' . --- � - �- . <��`,L� _� --
<br /> . :l� . ' - - �- . .c
<br /> _`��4E.`. � `t�.'��. - �t . � - -- . ___." . . •. . _ c . (' _' :_ ' '_—_—.+—.._._.�. _ .c `.._..�., _ ..__. _" ..,�. �.. . �. r-�." _ . ''. ."'
<br /> �i}e�rz-��.�.. �' . . - . _ ._ � . ._. " .. _ _ .. --. .. . .�� _-___
<br /> � . � . � . . . . . _ . " ' __ • . " � ' ' C ' < l r
<br /> -,--� � ' `�Dae�nl�er irl prorpUY pve.I�de[MI�teO�ioo���p�as• i'lirafdOf�SabmooF a'�3�I�► � � -
<br /> p�t .........,.� ..,�.. .,ald
<br /> �. <�����y��if Uaa�ra'larea.or�s nootfied by aap��ova�e�a�'�°�'��'•tYt
<br /> �neoesc�ay�ediat actioos ia�i000Rlinoa whH Eaviioomerwt Gta�. � • " . . - .
<br /> As u�ed.ul thls�ap�ph Z4,.'Ha��do�s�anoe�'ue dwse anb�s defiiied�s toxic or lalaedaia�� ` . .
<br /> • �.� Env�tal iaai and t6e follt�wing suf�Ataoces: $�wCne• kemse�, at1�a fla�Dle ur tosic pettdann pendu�s.
<br /> �� pptkida�d habicid�s,votatik`solv�ts.naterials conninipg u 6�or i o n m W d�Y d e,`aid radia�ive nntaii�ls.A��d ia
<br /> this p�raph Z0. 'Fmi�onmmud iaw" maits fode�allaws anil tiws af the jurisdiction whene the Pmpert�is lotyi�d drt. :
<br /> ` - - �da1e Eo 6qdtL,safety or eavic�n�l�xas�.- - - - — _' ---�
<br /> x
<br /> ` -NON-UNiFORl�4 COVENANTS.Bor�ovaeer aod lt.nder further covaomt�nd ag�ee as fdloxsi - -- _ �
<br /> � Q 21.Aeodeeado�:�-Lender�1t Sive�etkt to Eareuwer P�to aooelaatiort s�dee p�taps� 1T�fe� � `
<br /> ! a[aq oo�ea��t ar�r�anae�t u tLk SavkY Lstrm�� f�� �� (b)He aetiN te+qi+�i to c�+e tie iela�ll:. �
<br /> � ` a�iieaiia bw.�lewriies atl�eewlre).T�e aatloe stidt spa3f�: (a]tie defaolh, .
<br /> � (e?a�aEe,�t ir�s!Ma 3!d�p has tie dde tMe rotiae b=irs to Boaowa�,by wiiet tl�e defa�it�t le e�e��i
<br /> � ti)tlMt tairee t�e�re We det��lt a�oc Oe[ae t�e d�e spcci�ed h tit�otiae w�J ss�M it aoaia�tlM ot Irt�ww. '
<br /> �ee�+ea t�We searit9 I�ir�e�.a.a ak d ti�e renpQey:�t'Ye�atta ai.t t�tber l.roes s.n+�w+er et aie itd�t ti
<br /> , �. �ei�lt�te a1�ec s o o d e r�R i�a a�i tie r i j i i t to lKi�i a co�rt settor to swert tlie�q�-e�eaoe�f w idradt K��IMee :
<br /> - �`��e[e�e ot E�rowes ta ao�mA.sai�_I[ttie detsak is mt aw�ed oa or bdoee Wt date_speeitfe�i�tl�e�otke,: ,
<br /> �`� Le�der,at ifs o�.a�req�iK i��e�iat�P�►3'!��t�ut sl!s�us s���s e�a�y I�a��'��—_. .
<br /> � : hctiet aea�a�a s.a�n r�rote tre pa�►er a a�le aaa ae9 ofi�ranedks pa'sitced 67�p�ficaile�.w.I.a�ler,r.�6e ..
<br /> - ` aRlfied to oeYeet slt ez�i�nsd ia pms�iog tbe remedks p�or�ded in thts p�ra�aplE 21.i�d�►b�t!�t I�ted . .
<br /> t�r�arorMe a�a�eyx'�ea a�d aoas ot titk erldeace. �::.. _• �
<br /> tt t�e po�ea d s�tt i�L4rok�d,Tsu�tee sl�dl reaonl a aitict#ddait�u ach camty js wiip�?W'�tt.ef tMe
<br /> . '.;�:�'tvpertr ii Uc�l#iR�t�W e�e�d�i aotke if tie�:1��1�y s!lik�bie I�.��wa awl to
<br /> . ...: ire of�er pa�s Pe:e�id b�r sll�ieaMie Itw.Atta tl�e tiee te�qsittd i!v"a�l�abk la�',Trasta.si��'�P��-
<br /> bt�ale�tlrt���ii ia tie�wer l�ribed b!'�PP��w.Tr�te�witMo�t�o���+�euw�+�H sdt
<br /> � :�tye pno�e:i�at�iiic ai�i�s�a!ticl�e�t bidde��t tl�e tb�ea�d pi�ee and Mder t�e tec�iis�jp�cd io t�e Mtjoe oi
<br /> - . .. sde L o�e or�oee wicalc ar�.i arryr ot�des Trasta detera�es:�7'raKct natq po�ondsite of aH ar auy p�ea1 ot t�e
<br /> � � �y M w1����w��a pisoe or soy prevtously sc�ea�lea a�t.esaee ae ks aai�e�.r
<br />`''�:- �
<br /> p�ee�ttie PropertF:�ta�e�sala ,
<br />-- ' IJpaa-ieoeipt ot p�mt et tUe�peioe�. Tn�stee siWL ddiva to tbe p�mrLa�a� Tca�ta�'s iked t��� — �
<br /> • Yi�operty.Tbe raftab io tbe Ttvstee's deed s6�U be prlm�tack evtdeace o(the t�ptb ot tLe�mts madt tLcadn. .
<br /> Te�tee�11 ap�pi9 tthe pnca�at t6e s�te ta the fdbw�inE orde�:(�l to p!!oosts siad e:p�e>0�5vt Or' �
<br /> s�aod tbe siie.Indat�g.tbe PaYmeM oftbe TraRta's ites wYwUy incarnd,not to eaasd
<br /> : ot tLe principld�n�uast�f tLe note aR the tlme o[tbe ded�cation ot dd�t�„aad reaiso�bk Attorne}�fas as pennitt�d
<br /> ''�` by a�v;ro�to all s�a�+ea by c6ts securie,,I�un�;aaa c��+�'��o ue pa�san or ra ses��9«��lea to
<br /> �' � •
<br />= • ZZ. Baonveya�oa UPon PaYment of a11 sums secured by this.Saurity Instrument;.l.er�der sUall request Trustee to
<br /> {• m�nnvey the Properiy an�1 shalt surren�ler this Security Instrnmwmt and all ryotes�vfdencin�.debt socunod hy this Sowrity
<br /> Instnwuat to Tcustee.Tt�.ctee shall t�canvey the Prope�ty witbout ivariaaty aud.ot�ithaut charge to tttaperson or persons legalfy
<br />- entitted ta ia Sucb person or persans shall pay any recordat�on cos[s.
<br /> Z3.Sul�etitote Tr�tet.Lender.at its option, tpay from time to time rerrwve Ttustee and appoint a successor wstee w
<br /> '��: '• any Trusta appoimed herwadec by an instcument reeordod in the county in which this Security lastrument is recorded.Without
<br />- �< cvnveyance of the Pmperty.tLe snccessor uustee shall succeed to aU the title,power and duties conferred upon Tnsstee herein
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> � 24.Requat tac 11�Mices. Borrower requests thae coQ'�es of the notices of�efault and sate be sent ro Barrower's address
<br /> which is the property Addross• -
<br /> � 25,giders to tlrs Seenrlty Iastrpment.If one ar more riders are execate.¢by.&►rrower and recardod together with this
<br /> Sewrity Inutument,the�venants and a;reements of eacK sach rtdershait be�nootQcsrated into and shall amend and supplemettt
<br />_ the cavenutis aM a�of this Sec�rity Itutrurnent as if the rider(s)were a part of this Securiry Instrnment.
<br /> [Cheelc app�icnble 6ox(esa� ' � ,
<br /> _ ' �Adjustable Rat��tider [.�Condominium Rider []1-4 Family RiQ.r
<br /> _' . '�-- �araduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devetopment Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> Balfoon Rider �Rate lmprove�a�r,t Rider [�Second Home Rider
<br /> - [�V.A.Rider L�I ocher(s)(speciiy� Acknowledgement
<br />_- F .
<br /> � •? ' BY SIGNING BELOW.Bonnwer accepts and agrces to the terms and covenants contaitt�in this Security lnstrument and
<br /> � in any rider(s)execeitad by Borrower and recorded wi►h it. �
<br /> Witnesses: •
<br />, � �''. -
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> � `=� � P. Terr Mdn01 i d�9S, -sormwer
<br /> _-`"��,'• .
<br />_ . _{
<br /> , �. � O.Q-�� Tfl�il'L��� (5ea1)
<br /> • JO E�fi d Md110�1 d�S •Bormwcr
<br /> . .. .�_ -
<br /> 1. "`;�'�; , _(seall (Seal)
<br />- . _ .,. �
<br /> . -�rrawcr -Bnrmwcr
<br /> . . c� "�_:• _ , . . . . 4 . . .
<br /> . �: .
<br /> � . ^" � 5TATE OF NEBIiASKA, HAtl 13th ����
<br /> :� _ `�'. � The fnregaing i� wt«fged before me this day of Apri 1 • 1992 • ,
<br /> :_.�,_����.:��?� by vP��rr�► � �o Ell�ran�°Islas Husband�d '}�fe- C�unty, c atc aforesaid. ,
<br /> _— -_ �„; _ .. �� . . . ` �. -
<br /> __ `��:�r-�-��. • �
<br /> � �: ; �� My� � 4-6-94
<br /> w., �r:»^- • ,
<br /> � �:.,;-. � rra��vanu�
<br /> , � .
<br /> . ,. ,
<br /> , •,
<br /> . . . .. �-- ,... :�
<br /> •'.ii .a..�.�5i:�.
<br /> .�i�r�. �_�. .'_�_ • • ` " a�aoie fam302s 9190
<br /> �s • =3. . . . . • ., � .
<br /> •' . _
<br /> . . .....z.
<br /> , .. ,� .
<br />