'- '— -- ? '^L'` - - - - - � _- - '- . -?-- = _
<br /> - <- T - -�~' - :. - . . < < ;. `��
<br /> „ . �..,i�yi�wr._
<br /> _ .. _ .. . . _ .l. . �L ' � . ' _.�
<br /> _ ' . , l`` '{ �. y . . ,. � � � .. . ' � " . � �• .
<br /> -- �..-: ,.�._-- i . �. � � �. , .� � �� ---. .. - � � . . .- ',.� -' .� � � � 9aI-- :,��,�� .,`,-, --
<br /> - .. - 'j�iE �pddL 511�11:bC`IiC�iII�i �Stitlltiqll MtbOd�E�dOpOSits'itE ibSUiEd byf a fC�01�1 a$p1Cy. �1�YY�E1�l�y•a`C�I� •
<br /> � os
<br /> . , (inciuding l�der•.if Le�der is sucit an iastitutiaa)oK in wy Fodua!Home lmn Banic.Irender st�i�?P4tY thc.Fuads io_pay tbe ,
<br /> �mw Items.Leader may�not cl�ge Sut�ower for�hoid"mB��Y�B the Fands.amr�lly anatynng the escnnw xxoan.or .
<br /> --ire►i .:�-�srt+ats�te�:agi��Lrnder-�i;ays�_w�snreercf.c�►_�Fir�xls�ad�IAw__��ts L.eo�er to n�_such__�_.. ,
<br /> a ch�azg�e.However.l.onder may reQuire Borrower ta p�y a ono-ume charge for an in�epenaeni�ra:e�w�ropo g .
<br /> � vsed by I.ender in bonaection vvid� this toan, uatess appllc�ble 1aw provides otherwise. Uatess ah agraem� is mRde or
<br /> appi'�cable faw raluires i�t to be paid,ixndrr st�ali net be requind to�ay Bonower u�y intenst br eamin�s on the��Id.s.
<br /> .. Borrower aad imder atay agroe+n w�iting,however.that intertSt shall be ptid-on tt�e Fut�s.Lendec sh�il give to fiortuwer.
<br /> wiihput chaiSe,an annuat aoowuuin8.of th�Fuuds.�s6owing crod'sts sod d�6its to the Funds aad the purpose tor whkh adt
<br /> - - , debit ta the Faa�s'yras made.TheFwfds ar��Pted&ed as additianal securiry for al!sum4 secnzed 6y this Soettriey I�ttnmen�.
<br /> If ihe Ftuids hetd by I.euder excced the auxwnts permittod ta be held by�pplipbie law,Leudtr sh�tt aooaant to BoRawver - -
<br /> foc the excess�unds i»axocdance with the requircmeats ofiapplicable taw.If the amount of c6e Fauds held by�t•eoda at�nY .
<br /> � dme is not suffici�m to pay the Escrow Iteau w1�en due,Lender may so swtify Barmwer in writing:and,in such ca�a Bocrowa . -_
<br /> - - - s6a11 PaY to Ixnder tRe amount necessary to malce up the defraency.Borrower st�ll inake up tbc elef�cicn�.y in no o�oce d�n
<br /> - twelve�nonthly P�Yments,at I.endei s sok discreuo�.
<br />' - UP�PaYma�t i�full.of all sume.seatttd by this 5avrily Inmument, I.eader sbail prompti�r��or�d
<br />���' Fands hdd by I�eMec.t€,under paragraph 21,Lender sdall acqoire a sell the Property.I.enaer,prior,
<br />,� , of the Pmperty,shall.�plY anY Funds hetd by I�rndetat the time of acquisitiort or safe ag a credit agunst tde sur�secwod by
<br /> � this Security Instn�meuc. � _ .
<br /> 3..Appf'rafiM ot Payimeots.llatess appti�Iaw proviJes otHerwis�aN paytaccus-�ceited ----
<br />`��'� �-�a�a st�all be a�pued:fi�t.to an9 r�Y��&�S dae aAaer tl�e rrate;s000aa,to�s pxyaMc uaad�°r�apapb 2:
<br /> third,to interrst'dae•f�,to principat due:and last,co any late chazges due under the Note. -
<br /> 4.Cliargecc;l.ieas.Borrower shall pay all taxes.a�essments,cha*Ses,:fines and impositious atan'6uwble to the P[opaty .
<br /> ig i
<br /> '- ' which may attain priority over this Security Insuumen�and teasehold paymeats or grouad rems,if aay. Horrower s1W1 pY
<br />:=c`''� � ttKSe obligatians in We mvu�er pcnvidod in paRagrapb 2.or if noi ptid in tt�at maiuyer.Bormwer siwll pay tb�em on time dinctiY
<br />� to t1�e Person owed paymcn�Botmwer shal!promptty fivaish to Ltnder alI notices of amamts to be p�id under dvs pv�nPit• .
<br /> If Borrower makes these payments dinectiy:Bortower shaH pmmptty fumish to Let�der�eoeipts avid�fcin8�PnY�• .
<br /> - ;. Borrowcr shali prompHY discharSe at►Jf,Iien which has priority over[bis Socority I�t untess Bocrower:(a)a�eet�itf ,
<br />��.�:;; ' wridAg tathe payment of the obtigatiat secuted by.t}ie lien in a n�armer aceeptable t�L�ender.4h)contests in gaod Itith t6e lien
<br /> "" by, ur defends against enforcement of the liert in, tegat proceeding�whish in the Lader's opinian operate tQ prcwenc tl�e
<br /> � �
<br /> < <. enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an 2gc�ent satisfactory ta I.ender subordinanag the lien_to
<br /> r`- • t[us Secuciry Instramenc.If.I:eadei detemunes thaE anY Part of the ProP?��Y.is subject to a lien a�hidt may auain priority.wer _
<br /> �� this Securiry Instruu�ent,l.ender maY 8ive Borrower a riotice identifying the iien.Bnrrower sirail sat�sfy�the lien or taice one or
<br />. , . "` ,� mn�e of thC actions set fortts above withi�10 days of the givusg of nadce. �
<br /> ' -�r_�-�' ' sr, �a.y��y ��. Bomnwer shalf fceep the improvements�ow existing or hereatier erected ot�ttte
<br /> ' �� � ''�Y.' ffi�u�ued against loss hy fire.hazards included within the term"extended c�erage"and any other ha7ards.incI�td'mg :
<br /> ' �``'`a ,f''�. tl or flooding.for which Lendec requires insurance.T h i s insurance s f f a U U e m v n t a i n e d i n t h e a m o u n t s and for tha p e r iads
<br /> . `��-'. r�:�' .;: �
<br /> that Leiider r e quines.Thc insurance carrier providing the insuranoe shall be chasen 6y Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br /> � ;.: ;��k�' which shaU not be unreasanably arithheld. lf Borrower faits to maintain coverage descrihed above, I,eiWer may,at I.ender's
<br /> ,f1:- - option.obtain ooverage to pratect Lender's rights in the Property in accardance with paraSraPh�- .
<br /> y �� All.insurance policies and.renewals shali be acce�ta6le to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. l.ender
<br /> ac
<br /> ; �.•.�,,,.�: ���,..� ' shall have the right ro hold the potic�es and renewais.If Lender requires,Borrower sbali promptiy give to l.ender a!1 receipts af
<br /> -- �-�� - d r e m i u m s a n d re n e w a l n o t i c e s.I n t h e c v e n t o f t o s s.B o rr a w e r s h a p g iv e prom pt notice w the insurancc carrier and i.ender.
<br />' ,`��'_'�;`.:.: P� P
<br /> �- •'-- Lender may make proof of loss if not made prompdy by Barrower. , �:
<br /> .��"•:���_�"`:='- lJnless Lender and Borrower otherwise agreE in writing,insurance procecds shaU be apptied to restoration ar repair of che ;a=;.-;,��
<br /> .. , .•. . .� r-:-�..
<br /> "'`'-��:�,; :. �•� � Fraperty damaged.if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lesseneA.lf the restoration or +��•..•_:„..
<br /> ' t f:^ : .Y i
<br /> ' - ,.• . • - repair�s not economically fc�sible or I.ender's security would be lessened.the iacurance proceeds shall be applied ta the sums .
<br /> � �:.,,���,.,..,,a• secured by this Securiry Instrument. whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the �'_�-
<br /> -'`:}=_•,7:�: Properry. or does not answer within 30 days a notice fram Lendcr that the insurance carrier has offered to settte a�laim,then __-
<br /> ',:;,;:•�:�':�: I.ender may callect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to re�eir or restore the Praperty.or to pay sums , . =v__
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or not then due.The 34day periad w�ll begin when the notice is grven. ,
<br /> •�j f , ,. tJniess Lender and Borrower oiherwise agree in writing. any application of praceeds to principai sha11 not extend or _
<br /> °�•�••1- � . po�spone the due date of the monthly payment�referred to is�paragraphs i and 2 or changc the amount of the payments. If i�.;. �__
<br /> ,.,...,:,�
<br /> • under pacagraph 21 the Property is acqmred by Lender. Bocrower's nght to any insur�ce policies and proceeds rzsulting from _
<br /> • ''�:''�r,'.'�_. • damage to the Property prioc ta the acqu�sn�on shalf pass to Lender to the extent of ihe tiums secured by this Securiry Instrumenc . �r_ ,'
<br /> ,`•T.' : immediately priar ta the acquisition. ����. • _ _
<br /> � _,�:,:..:� .',,_ 6,pccupancy,Preservation,Maintenance and Protection af the Property;Banower's Loan Apptication; ; r:�-
<br /> ._,: �...-. ,. . Borrower shaU occupy.establish,and use the Property as Bacrawer's principal resrdence within sixty days after�he execution of , �
<br /> . this Security Jnstrument a�d shall continue to aecupy the Property as Barrawer's principal residenee for at least one year after -�.--,�.---
<br /> ' " the date af occugen��y.unless l.ender otherwisc agrecs in wriung, which consen�hha11 not bc unrcaumably withheld,ar unless r" : ''•'=`?� � -.
<br /> ••� extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrawer's cantroi..Borrower shall nat destroy, damage or impair the { „
<br />' � ' t - Property. allow the Praperty to deietiorate,or rommit wastc on the Property. &�ru�wer shall bc in defautt �f any forfeiture ( . �
<br /> , actian or procecding.whether civil or criminal.is bcgun thai in Lender�goal faith judgment could result in forfeiturc of the .
<br /> Frcperry ar othecwise materiaUy impair thc licn creatal by thiti Security lnstrumenl or Lender'�tecurity interest. Borrower may � �
<br /> � cure such a defautt and reintitate.a�pravided in paragraph I$,by cautiis�g the u�tion ur ptocecdin�ta t+e dismissed witha ruling ' ; ,
<br /> • "` �`'! � that. in Lcndcr's gaod fai�b detcrmination, prcrludcs farfeiture oi thc Borcawcr's intcre:.t in thc PruperCy or ather muterial i . •
<br /> . � impairment of the lien rreated by this Security Instrumem��r L.ender's security interest. &�rrowcr shall als��be in default if � �
<br /> � ' , , Borrower.during the loan applicatinn pr��ces�,gavc materially false or inarcurate inform�rtion or stutcmcntti to Lcnder lor f�iled �
<br /> � • to pruvide Lemler with any material infurmatian��n cunnectivn with ci;e!van evidenceJ by ihe Ni�te.inclading,bu►nut limited � : � : `
<br /> • . to,representadons cnncem�ng Burrowcr'ti uccupancy of ihc Pruperty as a prinrip;�residence.IP thic 5ecurity Imtrumrnl is on a
<br /> . leasehald, Bnnower sh�ll comply wiih aU the pravi�ions of the le�sse. (f Borrower acyuires tce tiUc h► the Praperty. the E � �
<br /> . � � . leasehotd arxi Ihe fce tidc shall nni mcrg�unlc��Lcnder agreeti t�►the merger in writing. . �
<br /> � • 7.ProtecHon ot lknder's Ri�;hts in thr Proprrly.IP Hurruwcr fail�.w perforn�the rovenant!.and.�greements cc�nwine�i in � •
<br /> • this Sccurity lnsirumcnt.zir Ihcrr iv a legal�r�xccding ihat may signifiaunly.ifiect l.cudrr'!�rights in thc f�ruperly I�uch as a ;
<br /> , . , proceeding in b:utkruptcy, prohate. for c�ndenmalian ar Iurfciiur�ur tn enfnrcc laws or rcgulativa�l, the��I,ender may da und ; '
<br /> � � pay fot wh:uever is necevvary t��pn�tect the v�lue��f thc Psapeny anJ lkndcr's righis i»�he 1'n�pcny. l.endcr'�actiom muy i
<br /> ' • � . � �ncludc paying uny �ums securcJ by .� lien whieh h:is prionry ��ver thi. Se�urity In�lrumrnt, appeuting in cuurl, paying
<br /> .. � ..'. rr.zwn•rble attumcys' fecs und cntcrinb un the i'ropeny tc�m.ikc repairs. AUhnugh l.endrr nt�y take cirti��n ander thiv parugraph ; .
<br /> ' ' ?.Lender dc�es n��t havc ta Jo so. `
<br /> - - -- - � - Any �momits disbuncJ by t.�nder undcr thit paraFraph 7 shull hccun�e :tll(IIftIN1FiI t1E'�!!ti� 131s�i(�t4CF �CCUFCIS Fty {It1y • �-
<br /> � � ". Security lnstrununt. Unlcss 8ono�ver and Lcndcr�grca t��other termti��f p:rymrnt.these mnoum�.hall bcar iutcrcst Gan�thc . , .
<br /> •. ' � date of�iisbur�ement at the Note r�tc anJ til�:dl be payable. with intcrc�t, up��u uutice t'run� Lrnd�r tu gurruwer requcsting.
<br /> payment.
<br /> . ' 8.Moet�;e fnsurvncp.if Leader rcyuircd mongagr insuwanre av u cnndition��f nuilcing thc laau.ccund hy thi,r Security ,
<br /> ' � , . � Inslrumeul. &m��wer 5ha11 pay thc premiums rcyuitcd to maintain ihc mori��gc ivaur:u�cc�n cl`frct, if, fix any rcu.u�n, thc
<br /> • ' mnrtgage insumnc�coticr�ge n�yuire,�1 by Lender lapscs or rc�cs to bc in ct'frct. ��rnnvcr+hall pay thc premiums rcquircd tu . .
<br /> °=-_-. - - - a�Gtai�r�vv�ubc�uln4u�►1is�{y et(uiv�lenf icst�tc m�srt�gr ins�ersfux preuiosi.+E}:eueEfecLsiiar�stsl!+stantlaliy.CqttiV:t1c111_to ihe _�._._—____--- .
<br /> _ �
<br /> - �. '. cust tu�srrower nf the mortgagc insurartcc prcvivusly in effect. frum.ut:iltrmatc mon�+��gc in�urer.�ppr��v�vl hy Lendcr. lf
<br /> �. , . , _ _ . _. _, - - ves�•r�r a - -- -- . - fortn 3028 9l90 � _ ,,
<br /> , . , ' : • . . ' ; . ' '�- .
<br />