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201007657 <br />Barrower shall prornptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Tnstrurnent unless <br />Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payrnent of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable <br />to Lender, but anly so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith <br />by, or defends against enforcernent of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to <br />prevent the enforcement of the lien while Chose pxoceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings <br />are concluded; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating <br />the lien to this Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien <br />which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lsnder may give Borrower a notice identifying the <br />lien. Within lp days af the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br />more af the actions set forth above in this Section 4. <br />I,ender may require Borrawer to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax verification and/or <br />reporting service used by Lender in connection with this Loan. <br />S. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the impravements now existing or hereafter erected on <br />the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage," and any <br />other hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. <br />This insurance shall be maintained in ths amounts (including deductible levels) and for the periods that <br />Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of <br />the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's <br />right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may <br />require Borarower to pay, in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a ane-time charge for flood zone <br />determination, certi�cation ar�d tracking services; or (b) a one-time charge for flaod zone determination <br />and certification services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which <br />reasonably rnight affect such determination or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible fnr the <br />payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the <br />review of any flood zone determination resulting from an objection by Borrower. <br />If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described abave, Lender may obtain insurance <br />coverage, at I.ender's option and Borrower's expense. I,ender is under nn obligation to purchase any <br />particulax type or amaunt of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might <br />not protect Barrower, Borrower's equity in the Froperty, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, <br />hazard or liability and might pravide greater or lesser coverage than was previausly in effect. Borrower <br />acknowledges that the cast of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of <br />insurance that Borrower could have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by I.,ender under this Section 5 shall <br />become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amaunts shall bear interest <br />at the Note rate from the date af disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from <br />Lender to Borrower requesting payrnent. <br />All insurance policies required by �,ender and renewals of such policies shall be subject to Lender's <br />right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as <br />mortgagee and/or as an additional loss paysa. Lender shall have the right to hold the palicies and rsnewal <br />certificates. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to I,ender all receipts of paid premiums and <br />renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any farm of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, <br />for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and <br />shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. <br />In the event af loss, Borrower shall give pronnpt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender <br />may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree <br />in writing, any insurance pxoceeds, whether ar not the underiying insurance was required by I,ender, shall <br />be applied to restoration or repair of the Praperty, if the restqration or repair is economically feasible and <br />Lender's security is nat lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to <br />hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the <br />�-61NE) 1oao�).oz <br />� <br />Page 8 of i5 <br />� . �;f<�� � <br />�d <br />�•F��•�I�kl-��Z I <br />Form 3028 1101 <br />
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